Streptocide ointment: instructions for use and reviews

Streptocide ointment is a drug that has an antimicrobial property. A wide spectrum of action, low cost and ease of use are the main reasons for the popularity of this medicine. However, do not forget: to get a good result, you should carefully study the instructions for streptocid ointment before use. What helps the tool, how to use it correctly, and are there any contraindications - following the recommendations will save the patient from complications.

Composition and form of release

Streptocide ointment is intended for external use. It has a dense dense texture and white opaque color.

They release ointment in aluminum tubes or cans made of plastic and glass.

streptocide ointment instruction

The main active ingredient of the drug is streptocide (another name is sulfanilamide).

Soft components are white paraffin.

pharmachologic effect

The active component of streptocid ointment (sulfonamide) is a substance from the group of sulfonamides and has a bacteriostatic effect. The principle of its work is the inhibition of the enzyme dihydroteroate synthetase and competitive antagonism with PABA. Such activity blocks the synthesis of acids such as dihydrofolic and tetrahydrofolic. The result is a violation of the production of nucleic acids.

The spectrum of exposure to streptocid ointment is wide enough. The following pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive to it:

  • cocci (gram-negative and gram-positive);
  • E. coli;
  • cholera vibrio;
  • Shigella
  • hemophilic sticks ( Pfeiffer stick );
  • cholera vibrio;
  • bacterium - the causative agent of anthrax;
  • clostridia;
  • corynebacteria causing diphtheria;
  • plague wand;
  • chlamydia
  • toxoplasma;
  • actinomycetes.
streptocide ointment reviews

What is streptocid ointment used for?

Doctors prescribe a drug for the local treatment of infectious diseases. It is important that the causative agent of the disease has a sensitivity to the drug. Sulfanilamide gives high efficiency in the following pathologies:

  • ulcerative lesions of the skin;
  • cracks in the skin and wounds;
  • burns of 1 and 2 degrees;
  • pyoderma;
  • boils;
  • jamming (in the corners of the lips);
  • rashes of herpes;
  • pressure sores;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin.
streptocid ointment from which helps

A wide range of effects allows the use of this ointment in pediatrics, gynecology, urology.


The instructions for the use of streptocid ointment contain information about contraindications for the use of this antibacterial agent. There are several of them:

  • liver pathology;
  • hypersensitivity to elements from the composition of the drug;
  • severe diseases of the circulatory system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age from 0 to 3 years.

Application method

Ointment is used for topical application. Wash hands thoroughly before use to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering the drug site. They also clean the ointment application area.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

The amount of agent used should be small, it should be applied in a thin layer. You do not need to rub the medicine.

streptocid ointment

Depending on the diagnosis, a bandage can be used, but this is not a necessary condition.

After the ointment is applied to the problem area, wash your hands thoroughly.

The frequency of application and the duration of the course of therapy depends on the diagnosis, the degree of development of the disease and the results of treatment. For each patient, the doctor chooses the optimal treatment regimen.

To achieve a good result, the doctor's recommendations should be strictly observed.

streptocid ointment instructions for use

Side effects

According to medical practice, patients tolerate the use of streptocid ointment. This feature acts as one of the main advantages of this drug.

The official instructions for use list only a few types of possible side effects. Among them, allergic reactions to the composition of the ointment. They can be expressed by redness, rash and itching. When such signs appear, the use of ointment should be discontinued.

No other possible side effects have been reported.

streptocid ointment for what is used


During clinical trials and many years of medical practice, no cases of overdose of streptocid ointment were detected. In other words, even with the active regular use of this local drug, there is no risk of harm to health.

special instructions

Before applying streptocid ointment, the instruction requires taking into account several important facts.

  1. In the case of prolonged treatment using sulfanilamide, the patient should be under the supervision of a physician. This is explained by the fact that prolonged use of this medication can affect the functioning of the kidneys, liver and circulatory system. To avoid this, consume a sufficient amount of fluid and monitor the condition.
  2. The appearance of an allergic reaction or impaired kidney and liver function requires the withdrawal of the drug.

Interaction with other medicines

Often streptocid ointment is used as an adjunct to complex treatment. In these cases, you need to make sure that other drugs can be used.

Do not combine ointment with medicines, which include the following elements:

  • metazone;
  • adrenaline hydrochloride;
  • digitoxin;
  • caffeine;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • phenobarbital.

Co-administration may decrease streptocide activity or cause an allergic reaction.

For the period of treatment, it is worth completely abandoning the use of alcoholic beverages.

Storage Features and Shelf Life

Aluminum tubes or banks with ointment must be placed in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate and the temperature is maintained no higher than +15 degrees. Subject to the above requirements, the shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

You can buy this medication for topical use without presenting a prescription.

Analogues of the drug

There are several analogues of this tool.

First of all, those medicines that contain an identical active substance should be called. On their list are streptocide in tablets and powder. These drugs are designed for internal use.

If you need a drug in the form of an ointment or cream, then you should pay attention to:

  • “Sulfargin” - gives high efficiency in the treatment of burns of varying degrees.
  • Cream “Argosulfan” - is often prescribed for open wounds, as it allows you to quickly stop pain and reliably protect tissues from infection.
  • “Dermazin” - accelerates healing during skin transplantation, protects bedsores, open wounds (including incised) from infection.
  • “Silvederma” - can be used for ulcers, has a pleasant lavender aroma.
streptocid ointment

It should be noted that each of the above drugs has its own indications for use, contraindications, method of application. To prevent the occurrence of side effects and complications, you should consult your doctor before use.


Most patients who have already been treated remain satisfied with the result and leave positive reviews for streptocid ointment. Among the advantages of this drug are the following features.

  1. Effectiveness in the treatment of pathologies associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Various cuts, burns, pressure sores, rashes, acne - streptocide helps to cope with this. The wounds heal faster, pain is eliminated.
  2. Ease of use. The absence of strict requirements for use greatly facilitates the treatment. Patients may use a bandage or neglect it. Some say that a patch is applied over the ointment.
  3. Low cost. This makes the drug available to every patient.

As a result, it is worth concluding: streptocid ointment - really effectively copes with many diseases. At the same time, do not forget that the independent use of the drug is highly not recommended. You should first visit a doctor.

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