Non-calculous cholecystitis - what is it? Chronic non-calculous cholecystitis is an inflammation that encompasses the gallbladder, occurs against a background of disruption in the biliary tract. In the lumen of the biliary tract, calculi are absent. In the process of developing the disease, the patient experiences severe discomfort in the right hypochondrium, dyspeptic disorder develops. During the progression of the pathology, body temperature may increase. In frequent cases, the disease occurs in the female half of humanity. Often, the ailment is diagnosed in girls during the period of bearing the baby, calculi are mainly not formed.
Pathology Features
Non-calculous cholecystitis - what is it? During the development of the disease, the gallbladder is deformed, and its structure changes. The walls of the organ thicken and atrophied tissue appears. Under such conditions, fibrous tissues form in the muscle membrane. In the process of development of pathology, adhesions may occur. The bile duct mates with the surrounding tissue and organs, microabscesses, pericholecystitis develop. The disease develops due to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms from the intestine or through the bloodstream. It can be:
- enterococci;
- staphylococci;
- E. coli and other pathogenic microorganisms.
There are several factors that provoke the appearance of an ailment, namely:
- bowel disease;
- colitis;
- enterocolitis;
- dysbiosis;
- advanced form of chronic pancreatitis;
- the development of periodontal disease, pyelitis, pneumonia;
- appendicitis.
Non-calculous cholecystitis - what is it and what are the causes of exacerbation of the disease? This type of cholecystitis is characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder, with no stones. The ailment aggravates against a background of an inactive lifestyle, systematic stress, malnutrition, and biliary sphincter dysfunction.
Symptoms of the disease
In the process of development of pathology, the patient experiences discomfort and discomfort. What are the signs of chronic cholecystitis? They appear in the form of:
- Periodic bouts of pain, which is localized in the right hypochondrium. Most often, discomfort occurs after eating or slight physical exertion.
- Nausea
- Bitter belching and heartburn.
- Vomiting
- Bowel disorders.
Pain may appear in the chest or abdomen. In some cases, patients confuse these symptoms with cardiopulmonary problems or lung diseases. Symptoms and treatment of non-calculous cholecystitis is a topic that should be discussed with a doctor.
Cholecystitis is an independent disease that appears as a result of a traumatic lesion or a serious illness. Surgical interventions that did not even concern the digestive system can provoke the appearance of signs of chronic cholecystitis. The disease is dangerous in that it can actively progress and move into more complex forms. Doctors recommend treating the disease in a timely manner, as this will help prevent the development of serious complications. At home, it is impossible to carry out a thorough diagnosis of diseases. It is important to visit a qualified doctor. Based on the results of the study, the attending physician will prescribe a treatment that will help overcome the disease.
Diagnostic process
According to ICD-10, cholecystitis includes several subtopics. Namely:
- K81.0 - Acute cholecystitis.
- K81.1 - Chronic cholecystitis.
- K81.8 - Other forms of cholecystitis.
- K81.9 - Cholecystitis, unspecified
Based on the results of the patient’s diagnosis, the doctor determines the form of the disease. In the process of examining a patient, it is important to carry out a biochemical blood test, ultrasound, cholecystography, bacterial culture of bile to identify pathogenic microorganisms. Without fail, the doctor examines the patient by palpation. Those people who have biliary tract disease or ulcerative colitis need to visit a doctor regularly and carry out thorough medical research - this will help prevent the development of other diseases. Signs of stoneless cholecystitis practically do not differ from other forms of pathology, so it is important to visit a doctor.
Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes complex therapy that will help overcome the disease.
The treatment process: eat right
In the process of therapy, it is important to follow a diet. It is recommended not to eat spicy and smoked foods. Alcohol and chocolate should be excluded. Only complex treatment requires non-calculous cholecystitis. Clinical recommendations include dieting. It is necessary to remove from the diet those products that provoke active biliary excretion. All products must be boiled or steamed. After the moment when the disease goes into remission, all ingredients must be baked. It is necessary to eat food fractionally, in small portions.
Drug therapy
To eliminate the pain, the doctor prescribes an anesthetic. With the help of "Platifillin" and "No-shp" stop cramps. In a state of remission, chronic non-calculous cholecystitis does not cause severe discomfort to the patient, but nevertheless it is necessary to destroy the pathogenic microflora, for this an antibacterial drug should be taken.
To enhance bile secretion, it is necessary to stimulate the gall bladder. To do this, take the following drugs: "Cholenzym" and "Allohol." In the event that there is no positive dynamics during the treatment with medications, while the gall bladder is deformed and there is a strong inflammation that covers the pancreas, surgery should be performed. The choice of surgical intervention method is based on the overall clinical picture. Much depends on the severity of the disease and the physiological characteristics of the patient's body. In rare cases, abdominal surgery is used, since the patient needs a lot of time to recover. In the period of exacerbation of non-calculous cholecystitis, it is important to eliminate the inflammatory process using proper nutrition and herbal medicine.
How to eliminate the inflammatory process with alternative methods of therapy?
Before you treat with a folk remedy, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not underestimate the various herbal infusions, as they have exactly the same powerful effect as antibiotics. If you use such drugs not for the purpose of the attending physician, then health complications will arise. Among the most effective means that will help relieve the inflammatory process, there are:
- 2 tbsp. l Corn stigmas must be filled with two glasses of boiling water. Let it brew for about an hour. Drink every 4 hours for 1.5 tbsp. l until the pain disappears.
- A drink from Veronica is brewed in the same way. At 2 tbsp. l plants need to take 2 cups boiling water. Pour boiling water over the grass. When the remedy is infused, you need to drink 200 ml per day - divide this amount into several doses. The duration of the course of treatment is strictly determined by the doctor.
- 1 tbsp. l sage must be filled with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and consume 2 tbsp. l 2 times a day.
- 4 tsp haptic fruit pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Drink 150 g before meals.
- With the help of a decoction of plantain, you can relieve inflammation and improve the overall health of the patient. To prepare a healing product, you need to pour 40 g of the plant into 450 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink 150 ml several times a day.
Before using a medicinal product, you should consult your doctor, since side effects may occur.
Alternative methods of treatment
In order to improve the general state of health and eliminate the inflammatory process, it is necessary to drink mineral water with dissolved Sorbitol. Then you should drink 90 ml of vegetable oil. Next, you need to lie on your right side and put a heating pad under the gallbladder.
In some cases, the doctor recommends performing a specific exercise, twisting, crouching or bending. The gall bladder is cleansed within 2 hours. If feces acquire a yellowish or greenish tint, no need to worry - in this way excess bile is removed from the body.
Before implementing any method of therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since self-medication at home can lead to death.
With the help of milk thistle, lingonberry leaves, bearberry, plantain, wild rose, calendula, mint, corn stigmas, fennel, wormwood, celandine, folk treatment of cholecystitis is carried out. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the doctor combines herbs. Thanks to diet and folk remedies, you can eliminate the inflammatory process and improve your overall health. You should know that only complex treatment will help completely cure the disease. In some cases, potent drugs cannot be dispensed with.
Effective medicines
The acute cholecystitis according to ICD-10 is assigned the code 81.0. This is a non-specific inflammatory process of the gallbladder, during the treatment of which it is important to eliminate the inflammatory process. To suppress an infection in the biliary tract, doctors prescribe an antibiotic. Among the most effective are:
- Norfloxacin;
- "Nolicin";
- Norbactin.
Preparations are recommended to take 0.3 g 2 times a day. In the process of treatment of non-calculous cholecystitis, drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician:
- Ofloxacin, Tarivid, Zanocin 0.5 g 2 times a day.
- "Ciprofloxacin", "Tsiprobay", "Tsiprolet", "Tsifran" 2-4 g several times a day.
- "Levofloxacin", "Tavanic" or "Levofloxacin" 2-4 g several times a day.
- During therapy, the doctor prescribes semi-synthetic penicillins. "Ampicillin" at 0.4 g - several times a day. "Oxacillin" at 0.4 g twice a day.
- With an advanced disease, treatment is carried out with the help of "Claforan", "Cefepima".
You should know that in the instructions for the use of drugs only approximate dosages are indicated. The duration of the course is determined strictly by the attending physician, depending on the individual and physiological characteristics of the body of each patient. Self-medication can harm and provoke the active development of the disease.
If an allergy to antibiotics is detected, then specialists prescribe Biseptol or Bactrim. It is recommended to take one tablet several times a day. With the help of "Gastrocepin", "Buscopan", "Platifillin" you can eliminate a strong painful sensation that causes discomfort, interferes with full movement and lead a familiar lifestyle.
Chamomile treatment
In the process of treating stoneless cholecystitis, experts recommend drinking chamomile tea. To prepare it, 2 tsp. pour a glass of raw water and let it brew. Strain and drink before meals, several times a day. This method will not only help improve overall well-being, but also strengthen the immune system and help you recover faster. Tea with chamomile will strengthen sleep, help a person to fully relax and gain strength to fight the disease. You can add a spoonful of honey to the drink, so it will be not only tasty, but also useful. Honey well strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with useful elements.
Note to patient
Now it’s clear what it is - non-calculous cholecystitis. This is a serious disease that can progress and move into more complex forms. In the process of development of the pathology, the patient develops painful sensations and severe discomfort in the affected area.
At home, it is impossible to carry out a thorough diagnosis of diseases. For this reason, it is important to consult your doctor and make a thorough medical diagnosis. Under such conditions, the doctor will be able to make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment that will improve overall health in the shortest possible time. It is forbidden to self-medicate and take medications without a doctor's prescription. The doctor studies the history of the disease of chronic non-calculous cholecystitis and selects effective therapy depending on the general state of health of the patient and the individual clinical picture. Use folk remedies should only be recommended by a medical professional. Herbs and infusions have exactly the same powerful effect as potent drugs, so improper use can even lead to death.
To prevent the development of pathology, it is important to timely treat other diseases and regularly undergo medical examinations. In the process of treatment of non-calculous cholecystitis, the diet plays an important role and affects the speed of the patient's recovery process. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, regular check-ups with a doctor will help reduce the risk of developing pathology.