A step-by-step recipe for the "Bunny" cake from the cream: a sweet gift for the baby

It often happens that you want to please your baby with something special, something that will convey all parental love and care. For such situations, there is a universal solution - to bake a child a cake with their own hands! For a birthday, the first of September, or the beginning of summer, or perhaps even without reason: it is not necessary to make gifts exclusively on holidays. Such a dessert will surprise and delight not only small sweet tooth, but also adults. Also, the bunny cake will revive any holiday and color even the grayest weekday.

Of course, not everyone can bake a delicious and attractive-looking cake right away. However, thanks to the Internet, even those who previously did not shine with special culinary abilities will learn how to cook well. This article describes in detail how to make your own baby cake “Bunny” for your baby.

Bunny Cake


To make a bunny cake with your own hands for twelve servings, you will need the following products.

For biscuit:

  • chicken eggs (3 pieces);
  • sugar (two hundred and fifty grams);
  • condensed milk (two hundred grams);
  • wheat flour (three hundred grams);
  • baking powder (ten to fifteen grams);
  • mayonnaise (two hundred and fifty grams).

For cream:

  • butter (two hundred grams);
  • eggs (one piece);
  • sugar (half a cup or fifty grams);
  • wheat flour (one tablespoon);
  • milk (two glasses or two hundred milliliters).


  • egg whites (two pieces).
  • icing sugar (half a cup or fifty milliliters).

Step-by-step instructions for making biscuit

A cake in the form of a bunny is absolutely simple to execute: the main thing is to follow the instructions and not mix anything up.

  • Step one: beat two eggs with sugar until lush foam is formed.
  • Step two: without stopping interfering with the resulting mass, add condensed milk, mayonnaise and, in the last turn, baking powder and flour to it. The resulting dough should not be thick.
  • Step three: divide the mass into two equal parts, grease a small rounded shape with butter and sprinkle with flour. Next, pour the dough into it and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 45-60 minutes. How dough is ready, you can check with a special wooden spoon.
  • Fourth step: bake the second cake in the same way and let them cool.
Cake cake

Cream Creation

To prepare the cream for the cake "Bunny", you must perform the following steps:

  1. Step one: grind sugar, eggs, and flour until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. Step Two: Pour milk into them and mix thoroughly.
  3. Step three: cook the resulting consistency over low heat and cool to room temperature.
  4. Fourth step: put softened oil in the already cooled cream and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

The resulting consistency should be slightly lush.

Cream for cake

Final assembly of the Bunny Cake

  1. Step one. First you need to cut the cakes. The first cake is cut into the trunk and forelegs, the second into the head and other parts (paws, ears and cheeks).
  2. Step Two Next, you need to collect a bunny, gluing the necessary parts with cream.
  3. Step Three The biscuit crumbs need to be mixed with cream and smeared all the cracks, giving the bunny cake the necessary shape.
  4. Step Four In order to soak the cake, it is necessary to put it in the refrigerator for at least three to four hours.

Cooking Bunny Wool

This is one of the most important stages. Imitating the hair of a bunny will be quite difficult, but nothing is impossible. To do this, you need protein of two eggs and half a glass (or fifty grams) of powdered sugar. They need to be beaten with a mixer, heating in a water bath, until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then applied to a bunny.

There are literally a couple of actions left: to give the animal an attractive shape (for example, using a fork) and make him eyes and nose. To do this, you need chocolate and mastic. A do-it-yourself bunny cake is ready! Enjoy your meal!

What to serve?

The cake can be consumed with any drinks, from lemonade to alcoholic drinks (if there are lovers of such a combination), however, it will be tastier and more appropriate to serve dessert along with hot tea or coffee.

Coffee and tea

Any child - yes, to say nothing about children, any adult - will be happy with such a gift! The main thing is to approach its performance with a soul and put all the love and care into this cake, and then the grateful, shining eyes of the birthday person will be a reward for the hard work, though not the least.

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