Culinary etiquette: how to eat shrimp and what is prepared from them?

Seafood is a necessary component of our diet. They are healthier than meat, they are not inferior to cutlets dear to the heart and chops in terms of taste and variety of dishes that can be prepared from them.

Good taste and shrimp

how to eat shrimp
Of the crustacean shrimp - the most democratic dish. You can use them with beer as well as with champagne, relaxing in a warm friendly company or demonstrating good manners at an official dinner party. When you first encounter these creepy-looking creatures, you begin to be at a loss about how shrimp are eaten. It turns out that there is nothing complicated. It all depends on the method of preparation and the size of the delicacy. Here are some basic simple rules:

  1. If you cook them yourself, after cooking you should remove not only the head and carapace, but also the stomach.
  2. These boiled crustaceans are cleaned by hand. First, the limbs come off, then the head. By pulling the tail, you can separate the shell. What is left is put in the mouth, the tail spits out. If the shrimp has caviar (it usually “hides” in bags between the legs), it is also used, and this thing is very tasty. How to eat shrimp, if they are large? In this case, the meat can be decently obtained from the carapace with a special fork (“lobster”).
  3. If the prawns are fried, their shell remains on the tail. Each copy, according to etiquette, is taken by hand, dipped in mayonnaise, sauce, ketchup (if any) - and in the mouth. The tail, again, goes to waste. Here's how to eat shrimp cooked, for example, on a grill or a regular pan.
    what can be cooked from shrimp
  4. As for the various salads or cocktails of seafood, which often includes these crustaceans, they eat dessert forks. The entire individual is placed in the mouth if it is small, or a piece is bitten off from it if the specimen is large. Naturally, in such dishes, the shrimp is already completely peeled and ready to eat. Should they be cut like a regular piece of meat? No! How large shrimps eat, we specified, and the knife as a cutlery is not applied to them.
  5. In order not to be forgotten: if you eat shrimp with your hands and don’t want a long “smell” of fish from you, take care of a jug of water with lemon or moistened napkins.

Dancing at the stove

So, the most basic dish is boiled shrimp. It’s easy to cook them as twice as two: thawed, washed, thrown into salted boiling water. We got shrimp orange, surfaced - everything, drain the water and serve. And if you want something more interesting, not to beer, but to light white wine or semi-dry champagne? Here you can show imagination and your culinary talents. For example, here's what you can make from shrimp.

The original recipe is shrimp in garlic sauce.

shrimp dishes with photo

Some of the ingredients of the dish may seem exotic or inaccessible; we safely replace them with similar ones of ours. We will need the following: 1 tbsp. l olive oil or grape seed oil, a little chopped onion, 1 tbsp. l finely chopped or squeezed garlic, shrimp (already peeled, pieces 25-30), 2 sliced ​​into small slices of medium-sized tomato, 100-150 g of white wine, preferably dry; butter - 4 tbsp. spoons, be sure to room temperature; a little parsley, lemon, salt about a teaspoon, black pepper - to taste. And a pound of raw pasta.

Everything is prepared like this: pour oil (olive or grape) into the saucepan, when it is heated over medium heat, add onion and garlic. Stir for a minute, stirring. Then add the shrimp and simmer them until almost ready (3-4 minutes). At the last stage, tomatoes are added, everything is stewed for a few more minutes. The last pouring wine, after a minute the fire turns off. Next, squeeze the lemon juice in the sauce, mix with herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Boil pasta, mix with butter, add shrimp sauce and serve. Tasty, isn't it? And quite easy. However, with difficulties you can always find a variety of recipes for shrimp dishes with photos and step-by-step instructions.

Sandwiches with shrimp mass in the manner of forshmak, soup with shrimps, various salads, pickled shrimps and fried - so much can be prepared if desired! Everyone can eat them, because there are very few calories in crustaceans, but many benefits!

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