Singer Pelageya. Biography, personal life, photo

Singer Pelagia has a charming voice and undoubted talent, today she is famous and she has many admirers. But how did her career begin?

Victory in the competition

Many years ago, when she was nine years old, she met the vocalist of the Kalinov Most band Dmitry Revyakin, who was impressed by her beautiful voice. He sent to the capital for the program "Morning Star" a recording of the song of Pelagia, but at that time there was still no folk category. But Yuri Nikolaev solved this problem simply: he invited the girl to take part in the competition of the project winners. As a result, she won the contest and was named the "Best Folk Song Performer." She was also awarded a cash prize - they gave $ 1,000.

Pelagia singer

The first hit and participation in the concert

Meanwhile, Pelageya’s song “Love, brothers, love!”, Hastily recorded in his hometown and somehow found herself in a backpack of one riot policeman. became incredibly popular in Chechnya. And soon, the performer on behalf of the Moscow Patriarchate was invited to participate in the Kremlin concert - she was to become the host. There she met with Alexy II, who blessed her and wished her good luck. Then the celebrity was very small. And now many want to know how old the singer Pelage is now. This is no secret to anyone - she is 27.

Participation in KVN and performance on Red Square

what is the name of the singer Pelageya

But what happened to the singer next? After some time, a nine-year-old girl from Novosibirsk got acquainted with famous people, for example, Joseph Kobzon, Hilary Clinton, Nikita Mikhalkov, Naina Yeltsin. Before the singer had time to look around, 1997 came, which brought her many important events. The girl was accepted into the Novosibirsk KVN team, and she became the youngest member of the club of all time. Then the singer Pelagia received an invitation to perform at a large-scale performance on Red Square, dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the capital. He was sent to her by a famous director named Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. The girl, who performed her illustrious song “Love, brothers, love!”, Attracted everyone's attention, her performance was removed, after which viewers watched it in many countries of the world. From that moment, the media began to call it the "Symbol of Perestroika", as well as the "National Treasure." Many at this time began to wonder what the name of the singer Pelageya was, not assuming that she bears her real name.

Admission to music school and recording of the first album

Soon, the performer with her mother began to live in the capital, in a rented apartment. The young singer entered the music school at the piano department. After a while, her debut album was recorded, dubbed “Lubo!”.

Summit Speech

In early spring 1998, Pelagia became a guest of the Anthropology program hosted by Dmitry Dibrov. It was then that the Russian president saw her and made her a very tempting offer. For the first time in many years, a summit was held in which the heads of several countries took part: Russia, Germany and France. And at this meeting a small cultural program was planned, namely a concert of a young singer. After this speech , the media trumpeted all countries: Jacques Chirac compared the young celebrity with Edith Piaf, and the Russian president even burst into tears and called the girl “a symbol of a reborn country”! People were surprised when they found out how old Pelagia was. The singer was only 12.

Polina Pelagia singer

Rock club performance, cover recording

Seven days later, Pelagia performed at a rock club, delighting guests and journalists with her hits. Together with her, Alexander Sklyar and the Va-Bank group appeared on the scene. In late autumn 1998, Pelagia contributed to the recording of the album with cover versions of Depeche Mode. The girl performed the song Home. Soon, FUZZ recognized her cover as the best. In early summer 1999, Mstislav Rostropovich invited the singer to participate in the prestigious Swiss music festival held in Evian.

Performance in Edinburgh

August 1999 was successful for Pelageya - she was lucky to take part in the Fringe Edinburgh Festival. The young singer went there with another talented girl from Ukraine - Katya Chile, they joined in a group and called themselves Prodigies, so they performed together. Edinburgh viewers really liked their compositions.

how old is the singer Pelageya now
Singer Pelageya, together with the musicians who arrived with her, performed before the foreign public as many as 18 times.

Record two songs

In 1999, in the fall, the performer recorded two new songs in the Ukrainian capital: Maria Magdalena’s aria from the famous opera titled “Jesus Christ is a Superstar” and “An Evening Sacrifice” (as the Orthodox prayer is called). Compositions, as one would expect, turned out to be excellent.

Performances in Israel

At the beginning of winter 2000, the anniversary of Christianity was celebrated, and the singer, together with the Osipov Orchestra and the vocalists of the Bolshoi Theater, performed at the Theater of Nations, located in the capital of Israel. And then she sang in Bethlehem, in the square near the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ. In addition to many fans, she was also heard by all Orthodox Patriarchs, including Alexy II. Again, people began to look for information about the name of the singer Pelagia and, when they found out that this was her real name, they were glad that her parents called her so beautifully. The year 2000 was generally very fruitful for the singer. Having stopped recording songs for the album, she begins to prepare for the next performances. Only one thing was upset: the singer never found a producer to realize her main creative goal - to define a musical style that would help to present authentic and famous folk compositions to a wide audience.

Team building

So, Pelagia recruited a group of young people who are not indifferent to music, like herself, whose age ranged from 16 to 20 years, and began to prepare a concert program.

singer Pelagia personal life
Moreover, the singer did not rack her brains over the one for whom she was intended. The compositions turned out to be very light and sincere, the guys played acoustic guitars, percussion, button accordion and ethnic wind instruments.

Performances in clubs and concerts

Initially, the singer Pelagia planned to perform in various clubs, for example, in the Chinese pilot Jao Da. However, some compositions from this program were also decided to be performed at the Kremlin national pop concerts. Of course, most of the singers there simply opened their mouths to the soundtrack. And the collective, which is now called Pelagia, does not even want to hear anything about it - this is not their prerogative.

This acoustic program was included in the subsequent part of the album. It contains seven compositions and is notable for the concert sound that the singer’s fans loved so much.

Performance at the Theater Olympics and the next summit, release of an album with romances

In 2001, the Pelageya team performed very well at the Theater Olympics, organized by V. Polunin. And at the end of the summer, the singer performed her compositions at another meeting of eleven presidents of the former republics of the Soviet Union. There she performed together with Alla Pugacheva. In the autumn of the same year, an album was released with romances performed by domestic singers. These compositions should have been used in the picture "Azazel". The media announced the two best singers: Pelageya and Grebenshchikov. At the end of autumn, Emir Kusturica arrived in the capital , he accidentally heard the composition of Pelagia and invited her to play the soundtrack to his new picture.

how old is the pelagia singer

Singer Pelagia: personal life

In 2010, the wedding of the performer and Dmitry, the guy with whom she performed in KVN, took place. And after a couple of years, the couple decided to divorce. None of them commented on this at all, however, there is an opinion that the reason was the singer’s unwillingness to give birth to a child and her husband’s infidelity.

Now, apparently, Pelagia found a new guy. Recently, she began to be noticed in the company of an unknown man. They constantly hold hands and shine with happiness.

Do you know that…

  • For many years, the girl did not bear her name. The registry office workers were a little mistaken. They recorded another name - Polina. Pelagia is not a secretive singer, and she told reporters this amazing incident. Only at the age of 16, when receiving a passport, did the girl regain her real name.
  • In 2008, the singer was awarded the Triumph Prize - she was awarded her for her contribution to culture.
  • The Pelagia voice range is four and a half octaves.

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