Drops "Hofitol": instructions, price, reviews

The medicine “Hofitol” is intended to restore liver cells and improve kidney function. The drug has found its application in various fields of medicine and cosmetology. Due to the wide range of effects and the natural composition, Hofitol drops are prescribed for newborn babies for the treatment of physiological jaundice.

General description of the tool

Hofitol is a hepatoprotective drug based on natural ingredients, manufactured by the French pharmaceutical company Rosa-Phytopharma. The drug has the ability to activate the process of formation and secretion of bile, reduces the level of urea. Also, the product protects liver and kidney cells from the toxic effects of free radicals.

drops of hofitol

Hofitol is produced in the form of drops and tablets for oral use, as well as in the form of an injection solution. The main active ingredient of the drug is an extract (water) of leaves of the artichoke field. The plant positively affects the production of enzymes by the liver cells, which helps to normalize blood cholesterol and fat metabolism.

When is Hofitol prescribed (drops)?

The price of a hepatoprotective agent in the form of a solution for internal use ranges from 360-410 rubles per 120 ml bottle. Usually, the drug is recommended to be used as part of complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • chronic form of hepatitis of various etiologies;
  • cirrhosis of the liver in the initial stage;
  • cholecystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • preeclampsia (toxicosis) at an early and late stage;
  • intoxication against the background of infectious pathology, poisoning;
  • acetonemia;
  • physiological jaundice in newborns;
  • overweight;
  • biliary dyskinesia ;
  • mild chronic renal failure;
  • psoriasis;
  • signs of dyspeptic disorder.

Hofitol drops Price

Depending on the type of ailment and the age of the patient, the specialist will select the optimal form for taking the drug “Hofitol”. The price (tablets contain 200 mg of active substance) also depends on the form of release.

The use of Hofitol in pediatrics

Most babies experience jaundice in the first days after birth. The first signs can be noticed already on the third day after the birth of the crumbs. The main reason for the appearance of a yellow skin tone is that in the baby’s body there is a rapid breakdown of fetal hemoglobin and its gradual replacement with an “adult” version. This causes the formation of a large amount of dangerous indirect bilirubin.

Hofitol tablets price

Physiological jaundice develops if the baby's body can not cope with processing. Usually, this condition does not require medical treatment. If the level of bilirubin increases significantly, pathological jaundice is diagnosed, in which the urgent use of special medicines is indicated.

Specialists prescribe Hofitol hepatoprotective agent (drops) for children in case of intoxication, liver and kidney pathologies, increased gas formation and belching with a specific smell. Due to the natural composition, the drug is absolutely safe and only in rare cases causes side effects in the form of allergies. It is extremely undesirable to give the drug to the child independently. Only a doctor can determine the optimal treatment regimen.

How does the remedy work with jaundice?

A phytopreparation based on an aqueous extract of field artichoke has a beneficial effect on the liver and accelerates the process of excretion of bile. The beneficial substances contained in the medicinal plant - ascorbic acid, B vitamins, inulin, phenolic acids - accelerate the conversion of toxic indirect bilirubin to non-hazardous direct, and its excretion from the body with urine.

How to give medicine to children?

Babies and children under 6 years of age are prescribed a drug in the form of a solution for oral administration. It is recommended to dilute 3-5 drops of the drug with 5 ml of pure water and give the mixture to the child of the first year of life. Such manipulation should be done three times a day before feeding. For children from one year to six years, the dosage is increased to 5-10 drops.

hofitol for children

Hofitol (drops) for newborns is usually given within 14 days. The drug undergoes clinical trials many times, during which scientists were able to repeatedly verify its safety for small patients.

For children over 6 years of age, Hofitol can be given in pill form. Patients are shown to take 1-2 tablets three times a day before meals. The daily dose should not exceed 1.2 g of active substance.

In what cases do not prescribe Hofitol (drops)?

The instruction recommends not using a hepatoprotective agent if the patient has a history of the following ailments:

  • pathology of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder in the acute stage;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hepatic (or renal) failure.

In the form of tablets, the drug cannot be used to treat children under 6 years of age.

Can I take Hofitol during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of the drug "Hofitol." Drops, the price of which is slightly higher than the equally popular analogues, are recommended to be taken as a prevention of late toxicosis (gestosis) and to improve lipid metabolism. Unlike substitutes with a similar mechanism of action, the original remedy does not cause such side effects as vomiting, nausea and has much less contraindications for use.

hofitol drops instruction

The tool in the form of a solution can be replaced with a tablet form. However, it is worth noting that the drops have a fairly pleasant taste, and therefore, difficulties with the use of the drug with early or late gestosis should not arise. Hofitol drops, like other forms of medication, should be taken at the dosage recommended by a specialist. Increasing the dose can lead to indigestion in the form of diarrhea, intestinal colic.

What do patients say?

Due to its natural composition and therapeutic effectiveness, the drug has earned many positive recommendations from both patients and doctors from various fields of medicine. The drug allows you to quickly normalize the liver after toxic damage against prolonged use of medications.

Hofitol drops for newborns
In the treatment of preeclampsia, most women claim that their general condition improved significantly after using the Hofitol herbal medicine. Drops, reviews of which are left mainly by mothers of newborn babies, are well tolerated and practically do not cause side effects. However, cases of diarrhea occurring during treatment with a drug are recorded. Doctors say that this drug is really able to soften the stool, and with an increase in dosage can provoke the development of diarrhea. Despite the safety and natural composition, only a pediatrician can prescribe Hofitol for children (especially newborns).

Analogues of the drug

The main goal of hepatoprotective agents is to protect and restore liver cells. They are prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various pathologies of this filter organ. Hofitol Drops is an effective herbal-based medicine that is prescribed to normalize liver function in both adults and children. The specialist should select an analogue of the drug, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition, age and the presence of contraindications.

“Artichoke extract”, “Cholebil” - drugs that have the same composition as “Hofitol”. The price (tablets based on artichoke are in demand) depends on the manufacturer of the medication. The cheapest substitute for the original product is Artichoke Extract. The cost of packaging (60 tablets) is 220-250 rubles.

hofitol drops reviews

Among herbal hepatoprotective drugs, the most popular are:

  1. “Galstena” is a combined homeopathic remedy with hepatoprotective, choleretic and cholekinetic effect. Available in the form of drops and tablets. The cost of the drug in solution is 290-350 rubles (20 ml);
  2. "Holagol" is a choleretic, antispasmodic drug. It also has a laxative effect. The cost of a herbal medicine ranges from 260-290 rubles per 10 ml bottle;

"Holosas" - the drug significantly improves the outflow of bile and normalizes metabolic processes in the liver. The main active ingredient - rosehip extract - allows you to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences. Syrup can be used to treat small patients. An advantage is the cost of the medicine - 80-90 rubles per bottle of 140 g.

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