All creations of nature are unique - you just need to be able to see it. As for goat milk, the ancients still noticed its exceptional impact on the human body. Not in vain, according to ancient Greek legend, it was with this drink that the infant Zeus was nourished.
From the time of the ancients to the present day
What is Zeus, Pythagoras himself ate honey, tea, fruits, vegetables and ... goat milk, which he considered a drink that prolongs youth. According to various sources, the great mathematician and philosopher lived from 80 to 90 years, which at that time could be equated with immortality.
Until now, more than 70% of all milk on earth is produced by goats. Although this product can hardly be called commercial. Cow's milk cannot be surpassed in popularity, but the ratio of useful properties and contraindications to goat's milk makes this drink the world leader.
Both useful and practical.
Goats are creatures much smaller than cows, so they are more convenient to keep, they are compact and unpretentious in food.
This was the initial impetus for the increase in the number of goats in the Caucasus, the North Caucasus, Greece and Italy, the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia. Later, comparing goat’s milk with cow’s milk, people began to note its medicinal properties and exceptional usefulness.
Goats, whatever one may say, are nevertheless more keen than cows. They eat not only grass, but also leaves of bushes, bark and tree branches. And, what is remarkable, they eat only goodies that are good for them. This explains the high saturation and usefulness of their milk. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that in milk, vitamin B12 is 5 times more, and the content of folic acid is 10 times higher.
First for mommies
Now many expectant mothers are also strongly recommended to use it if there are no contraindications. Goat milk is similar in composition to mother's milk because it contains beta-casein. And the presence of sialic acid helps to strengthen the immune system of both a pregnant and a born baby.
Milk is indispensably useful for those future mothers who have severe toxicosis or heartburn. Goat milk lowers acidity, which helps to eliminate these two unpleasant factors during pregnancy or, at least, reduce the number of uncomfortable hours.
Greasy utility
The fat content of goat milk is from 4 to 9% (it depends on the breed). But since the globules of fat are 6-8 times smaller than cow, the drink is more uniform in consistency, and digestibility is an order of magnitude higher. And the saturation with microelements and other useful substances, coupled with the finely divided goat milk fat content, makes the drink well not only useful, but also nutritious.
The composition is really unique in terms of micronutrient saturation:
- K - potassium normalizes the work of muscle cells, is responsible for the activity of nerve cells in the body.
- P - phosphorus regulates metabolic processes through energy transfer. It also consists of the basis of skeletal tissue.
- Mg - magnesium promotes the absorption of calcium, regulates the process of protein synthesis, metabolic processes between cells.
- Ca - calcium is involved in the normalization of osmotic pressure and the process of blood coagulation.
- I - iodine regulates the thyroid gland, regulates energy metabolism.
- Na - sodium is known as the "element of youth", is involved in the normalization of the acid-base and water balance of the body.
- Mo - molybdenum supports the functional joints, promotes the withdrawal of uric acid, is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and hemoglobin.
- Cu - copper acts on the skin and hair, affects the formation of collagen, elastin, red blood cells. Participates in the work of the respiratory and nervous systems.
- F - fluorine is responsible for the formation of protective enamel of teeth, protects them from caries, stimulates the immune system. It removes radionuclides from the body.
- Mn - Manganese is extremely beneficial for connective tissues. It affects the functioning of the sex glands, growth, hematopoiesis, and brain function.
It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, H, PP.
- lecithin;
- choline;
- albumen;
- globulin;
- biotin.
All this together makes goat milk literally the elixir of life and a completely indispensable drink in the diet of people of all ages and in any state of health.
Goat milk has proven itself both as a prophylactic and as an adjunct to basic therapy. Although, if it comes to allergies, then you can simply solder the sufferer with goat milk. Without any pills, after some time he will become a full-fledged snuffer, eater and generally a consumer of everything in the world, since the disease will be over.
But there are people for whom goat milk is both good and bad. And harm in some cases may be greater.
With extreme caution and only after consulting with specialists, you can drink it for those who:
- pancreatic disease;
- there is a tendency to obesity;
- various endocrine disorders.
But this is rather a recommendation to be careful in using the product.
If you have never before had a chance to try homemade goat milk, then before buying it in a store, you should still go to the market and try it. After tasting a tart and softer taste, it will be more difficult to confuse it with a cow.
There are still distinctive points. Possessing natural bactericidal properties, goat milk can be stored without loss of quality and usefulness for 48 hours, and refrigerated for up to 10 days.
From rickets and other childhood ailments
Given the specificity of goat milk, children are advised to give it from 3 years of age. But for babies, this product may be simply indispensable. In some babies, lactose intolerance and cow's milk in the diet will be unacceptable. And this special milk is the best alternative to artificial feeding or auxiliary enzymes created in pharmaceutical laboratories. Goat milk also helps with any other allergic reactions of the child's body or diarrhea.
Saturated with calcium, milk will help strengthen the bones, teeth and joints of the growing body. A unique set of vitamins and minerals helps to strengthen the emerging immune system and protects against the development of infectious diseases.
Also, the drink will be an excellent opportunity to support the body, give it strength and energy after acute poisoning, if you give it after 2-3 hours.
However, goat milk can benefit and harm babies. The drink contains a small amount of iron, which can cause anemia.
If you really want to saturate the child's body with natural vitamins, then first you need to check with the pediatrician at what age goat milk can be given to a specific baby.
Can older people drink this milk?
As mentioned above, this milk has long been considered a drink of youth and there is real evidence of this - in some sources it is called the "elixir of longevity." Due to its unique vitamin composition, it stops the aging of body cells and reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. And calcium, in excess in it, helps to avoid osteoporosis, which is important in old age.
A positive effect of goat milk on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system was noted. With regular use, performance increases and memory improves.
The anti-aging properties of goat milk are also used by cosmetologists to give freshness to the skin of the face. Masks from this amazing drink make your hair strong and shiny.
After analyzing the beneficial properties and contraindications of goat milk, you can safely recommend it for regular use. With only a few exceptions, this unique drink will help solve health issues without taking pills, which often have contraindications that negate the positive effect.
Beta-carotene (provitamin A) contained in this life-giving moisture is indispensable for preventive measures against cancer.
Regular consumption of this milk drink, saturated with fluorine, chlorine and silicon, more than the milk of other animals supports the body in preventing diabetes.
Goats never suffer from tuberculosis, brucellosis and other cow sores, which means they have antibodies to these ailments. Therefore, goat milk is recommended to drink with tuberculosis, allergic reactions, asthma.
Since, unlike cow's milk, goat’s environment is not acidic, but alkaline, it is good to take it for stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity.
Goat milk is 50% more than cow's milk contains polyunsaturated acids, which helps increase the body's resistance to infectious bacteria, which means that this is an excellent addition to postoperative therapy.
Also, these acids contribute to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, that is, they, like seaweed, fish oil or olive oil, have a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect.
And a few cons
Of the minuses, it is worth noting that you need to buy only from trusted goats breeders. Otherwise, milk must be brought to a boil, as it may contain brucellosis (bacteria).
If the purchased milk has a repulsive pungent smell and taste, then it is necessary to heat it and generally it is better to put it into offal. It will be both more beneficial and safer.
In general, it is better to buy either in markets where you have your own veterinary control, or in a village, with friends or acquaintances of someone else’s acquaintances, especially if you can see the goat itself, who milk and evaluate its health and hygiene.
Goat milk products
Derivatives, such as yogurt, cheeses, yoghurts, butter, cottage cheese, are also unique from this drink. All of them can be prepared at home, if desired. But it is better to buy cheeses and butter ready-made and from well-known manufacturers in the region, since the manufacturing process is laborious and time-consuming. Moreover, the separation process is more complicated than with cow's milk, since the output of the cream is 1:10.
And yet, goat milk is much lighter than cow's milk, and products from it also turn out to be unrealistically white. And in order not to strain buyers, some manufacturers add a little carrot juice to the oil. Both useful and familiar color.
1. Goat milk yogurt, for example, can be prepared 2-3 times a week and served as a dessert with jam or honey. And the recipe is very simple.
- 0.5 liters of goat milk.
- 1 gram dry sourdough for yogurt or live yogurt.
- Boil the milk, stirring, for 1 minute.
- Put to cool for 40 minutes in a sterilized jar.
- Add sourdough or natural yogurt.
- Pour the mixture into a thermos bottle warmed with boiling water.
- Insulate the thermos with a blanket or put in a warm place for a day.
- After time, pour the finished yogurt into molds and set to cool for a couple of hours.
2. Surprisingly tender, the cheese is made from goat's milk. Of the ingredients - only 1 liter of goat milk.
- Pour into containers and put in a warm place for souring.
- Pour the acidified mass into a pan and heat without boiling.
- The mass, divided into cottage cheese and whey, recline on cheesecloth and allow to drain.
- After 8 hours, put the cottage cheese in a container and place in the cold.
- Allow to harden, and after a few hours the product is ready for use.
3. Sour milk from goat milk is prepared for a long time, but very simple.
- 1 liter of milk.
- 0.5 cups sour cream.
- Bring milk to a boil and refrigerate to 30 ° Ϲ.
- Add sour cream and mix thoroughly.
- For 6-10 hours, place the container with the warm mixture in a water bath and maintain the temperature at about 30 ° Ϲ.
- After the expiration date, cool the yogurt to 8-10 ° Ϲ.
Bon appetit and be healthy!