Navaga fish - a masterpiece of cooking

Navaga fish (the second name of this wonderful fish is wahna) belongs to the cod family. It is found most often in the northern seas or in Pacific waters and is divided into two types: northern and Far Eastern. The first can be found from the shores of Korea to the Bering Strait, the second - near the Arctic coast of Siberia.

navaga fish

Gastronomic properties of Navaga

Navaga fish is perfect for diet and baby food. Most of all it is suitable for frying, but the housewives, showing off their culinary skills, bake it with vegetables, cheese or even marinate.

Navaga is a fish that is cut frozen so that it does not lose its primary structure and shape. Previously, it was transported on a sleigh, frozen naturally in large cities, but now this tradition is no longer relevant.

Before frying, the head is cut off at the wahni, the loin portion is separated, and the bread is breaded. For breading, mix the flour with salt. Sometimes with the addition of egg yolk. Navaga is fried in vegetable oil or in sunflower oil with pork fat (lard). Garnish for such fish can be taken by anyone, but the best option would be potatoes in any form.

navaga fish recipes

Marinated navaga fish was once a very popular traditional Russian appetizer. It is very easy to prepare, and the taste is simply divine. It is necessary to fry the fish, pour the marinade and insist for about three to four days. They used such a charm with black bread and mustard. You can also put pickles on bread.

The usefulness of fish

Navaga fish is very healthy. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Magnesium (Mg), iodine (I), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), iron (Fe), vitamins B1, B2, PP and many others - this is what is rich in navaga fish. Its calorie content is very small, approximately 68.5 calories per 100 grams. Especially useful are the wahni liver. It is quite oily and the beneficial substances contained in it have a positive effect on the human body, providing an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. That is why you should include this fish in your diet to raise and strengthen immunity, as well as normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Cooking methods

navaga fish

First of all, navaga is a fish. The recipes for its preparation are quite simple. Today we will learn how to bake a smell of vegetables.


Fish - 1 kg.

Flour - half a glass (for breading)

Onion - 1 pc.

Carrot - 1 pc.

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Salt, pepper - to taste

Cloves, peppercorns - 1.2 each.

Preparation :

  1. Thaw the fish (until it is half-defrosted), gut it, cut off its head, and wash it under running water. Further, as you like, you can bake the whole or separate the loin with a knife, dividing it into pieces.
  2. Lubricate the pan with sunflower oil.
  3. Prepare flour mixed with salt and pepper for breading.
  4. Chop onions and carrots.


  1. Roll each carcass, filet or slices in flour.
  2. Put on a baking sheet and turn over. (This condition is necessary so that the top is in oil and flour).
  3. Lay it all in one layer.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour. (You can cover it with foil, but then you need to make two to three holes and open the foil completely in ten minutes).

Again, navaga is a fish. Baked recipes are different. Therefore, many at this stage stop and sprinkle the fish with cheese. But we are preparing an unusually delicious β€œcasserole”.

Sweet and sour marinade is the most suitable. For him:

  1. We take already chopped onion rings and carrots.
  2. Grind tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  3. We put vegetables (except tomatoes) in a pre-heated pan with preheated vegetable oil, fry until the onion becomes transparent with a golden hue.
  4. Pour the tomatoes into the pan and simmer for about 5 minutes with the addition of salt, sugar, cloves and pepper.

The final stage:

  1. Pour the marinade into the pan. It is not necessary that it covers the entire surface of the fish.
  2. Put in the oven for baking for another 10 minutes.

Everything is ready. For lovers, you can sprinkle with cheese or finely chopped herbs.

The dish is ready. Put the fish on a beautiful plate and serve.

Navaga fish calories


Today we got acquainted with such a wonderful fish as Navaga. Do not be afraid to experiment with its preparation. The scent is delicious in any form, and even if it cools down, your household will be happy to try this combination.

Bon appetit to you and your family.

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