The composition of the eggs. The chemical composition of chicken eggs

From ancient times, eggs were traditional Slavic food. They symbolize the revival of nature and spring, so for every Easter people cook painted eggs and Easter eggs, and the celebration traditionally begins with a sacred egg.

composition of eggs

general information

Egg is a protein product with a very high nutritional and biological value. Waterfowl eggs are not used in cooking, as they can cause infectious diseases. The chemical composition of eggs includes protein (12.7%), fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.6%), mineral salts (1%), water (74%), vitamins D, E, carotene, choline and many other substances. The energy value of one hundred grams of eggs is about 157 kcal. For nutrition, one egg is equal to 40 grams of meat or 200 ml of milk.


A chicken egg consists of 12% of the shell, 56% of the protein and 32% of the yolk. The shell has a porous structure that protects the product from the entry of harmful microorganisms. The composition of the eggshell includes calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, magnesium and other organic elements. Under it there is a dense shell-shaped shell, the main component of which is protein. The shell helps protect the egg from the ingress of pathogenic microflora, but nevertheless passes gas and water vapor. At the blunt end between the shell and the protein shell there is an air chamber, which increases with prolonged storage of the egg, as its contents dry out.

Chicken Egg Protein Composition

chemical composition of chicken eggs

Protein consists of many layers of a transparent, viscous, almost colorless liquid that foams when whipped. The protein density in the egg is not the same, the most dense is in the middle, near the yolk, because it holds it in the center.

The protein contains many elements, among which, in particular, are ovoalbumin and conalbumin. These substances contain many amino acids in optimal proportions. This leads to the fact that eggs are absorbed by 98% of the body. Ovoalbumin guarantees high solubility of protein in water; ovoglobulin promotes the appearance of foam during whipping; Ovomucin stabilizes the foam. Also an important element is lysozyme, which has bactericidal properties that disappear with aging eggs.

The protein contains a mass of minerals. It also contains vitamins B1, B2 and B6. The energy value per hundred grams of the product is 47 kcal.

Composition of chicken yolk

The most valuable part of the egg is, without a doubt, the yolk. This is a thick liquid consisting of light and dark alternating layers. On top of the yolk is covered with a very thin protective shell, and on the surface of this part of the egg is the embryo. The yolk contains many proteins (16.2%), fats (32.6%), carbohydrates and minerals. Carotene gives it a yellow color, which, when it enters the body, is transformed into vitamin A.

The composition of the eggs. Beneficial substances and their effects on the body

chemical composition of eggs

The chemical composition of eggs includes the avidin protein, which binds vitamin H (biotin), regulates neuroreflex activity, forming the avidobiotin complex. When exposed to heat, the complex decomposes into its constituent elements, i.e., the constant consumption of raw eggs can lead to N-vitaminosis, which can negatively affect health.

The ovomucoid protein, which is also part of the egg, destabilizes the activity of trypsin, the pancreatic enzyme, leading to poor absorption of not only the egg itself, but also other products. In addition, since the ovomukoid can be absorbed undigested, its regular use can lead to allergic reactions. This is especially true for children, because their immune system is weaker than that of an adult. With thermal exposure, the properties of the ovomucoid completely disappear, and with whipping, they significantly decrease.

The enzyme lysozyme, which is in the protein, can be destroyed if storage conditions are not observed, which leads to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms. For this reason, eggs can become a source of serious infections.

Nutritional value

The composition of eggs includes a large amount of fat, most of which is concentrated in the yolk. They have a very low melting point, therefore, they are perfectly absorbed by the human body. The yolk also contains unsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic, linoleic and oleic.

chicken yolk composition
The eggs contain a small amount of cholesterol, approximately 1.6%, which, however, can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, elderly people are advised to reduce their egg intake.

Egg classification

Chicken eggs are divided into categories according to criteria such as shelf life, weight and quality. Diet eggs should be sold within 7 days after they have been laid, and canteens can be stored longer. The composition of eggs determines such a short shelf life. Table eggs, in turn, are divided into fresh, refrigerated and calcareous.

Diet eggs

This subspecies has a very small yolk located in the center, and the protein is dense. The air chamber does not move. There are two categories that differ in weight: the 1st category - at least 54 grams, the 2nd - at least 44 grams. Each egg should have a stamp on which the production date, type and category of product are indicated.

chicken egg protein composition

Fresh, fridge and lime eggs

Eggs, which belong to the categories of fresh, refrigerated and calcareous, have a small but viscous yolk, a slight deviation of its position from the center is allowed. Protein should be tight, and the size of the air chamber should not exceed 7 mm.

Fresh eggs are those that have been stored for no more than 30 days at a temperature of -1 to +2 degrees; to refrigerators - stored for more than 30 days. Lime - these are eggs that are stored in lime for any period.

The most valuable to eat are diet and fresh eggs. The reason for this is the composition of chicken eggs, all of whose beneficial substances are stored during short-term storage. They are used in absolutely any form. Refrigerated and lime eggs are also used for the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products.

Melange and Egg Powder

For catering, not only chicken eggs are used for cooking, but also products of their processing: melange and egg powder.

Melange is a mixture of mixed yolks and proteins that have been filtered, pasteurized, cooled and frozen at -18 degrees. From this product dishes are prepared that do not require separation of the protein from the yolk, for example, dough for various pastries. To replace one egg, you need to use 40 grams of melange.

Egg powder is a mixture of dried proteins and yolks. It is used for the same dishes as melange, but in proportions of 1: 0.28.

chicken shell composition


The chemical composition of the egg determines the terms and conditions of its storage both at home and on an industrial scale. However, care must be taken to keep the eggs away from products with a pronounced smell in the refrigerator. This will provide optimal conditions that will help keep the product in a usable condition.

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