Canapes with cheese and olives: recipes

Canapes firmly entered our lives and tightly took a leading position in the arsenal of dishes of housewives. A convenient way to serve snacks in combination with a stunning design made canapes the most popular on holiday tables. They are used not only by eminent culinary specialists, but also by simple housewives. Cheese and olives are the most important foods for preparing snack foods. Most often, chefs use these ingredients to prepare their masterpieces. There are a variety of recipes for the preparation and design of snack foods. We want to devote our article to canapé recipes with olives and cheese.

Benefits of Canapes

Mini-sandwiches with original design are used at banquets and feasts of any level. And no matter, the event is held in a restaurant, office, at home or in the country. A delicious snack is always welcome. However, canapes are valued not only for their external beauty, but also for their convenience. A portioned dish is much more convenient to serve and eat. In addition, countless variants of recipes were invented by cooks. French chefs who invented canapes probably did not even suspect how popular their invention would be. Currently, there is a whole section in cooking devoted to the preparation and design of mini sandwiches. Simple housewives fell in love with canapes for ease of execution and beauty. And, importantly, for the preparation of such snacks there is no strict framework. Any recipe can be modified and improved, or even invent your own, new option.

Canapes cheese and olives

Canapes with olives and cheese is the most common snack option. Moreover, a win-win. A gourmet combination of ingredients will appeal to any gourmet. There is a set of products that are basic for making mini sandwiches.

Cheese and olives

Cheese and olives are the leaders on this list. If you carefully review the mass of recipes, then you will probably notice that in almost all of them these components are used in combination or separately. And for the preparation of canapes you can take a variety of cheeses, including soft ones. The universality of olives and cheese is that they are compatible with any product. Yes, and including fantasy, you can come up with a lot of your own ideas. On the basis of cheese and olives, you can cook not only salted canapes, but also a sweet snack, combining seemingly incompatible products.

Ham, Olives and Cheese Appetizer

Canapes with ham, cheese and olives - one of the classic options, the preparation of which takes a minimum of time to obtain an invariably excellent result.


  • ham (170 g),
  • hard cheese (195 g),
  • fresh parsley
  • black or green olives (12 pcs.).

We cut the ham into thin slices, and the cheese into cubes. We put ham on a skewer, folding it into several layers, then a leaf of green parsley, olive and stick it in a piece of cheese. Canape ready.

Mini sandwiches with cheese, olives and cucumber

Canapes with cheese, olives and cucumber can be prepared both in the summer and in the winter.


  • ten olives
  • hard cheese (120 g),
  • homemade mayonnaise,
  • processed cheese
  • sprigs of dill
  • several cucumbers (fresh),
  • parsley,
  • slices of bread with bran (3 pcs.).

For the preparation of canapes with olives and cheese, it is not necessary to use white bread. Very often black varieties are used. In our case, we suggest taking bread with seeds. Cut it into identical circles or squares using cooking molds. In a separate plate, mix grated processed cheese with homemade mayonnaise. Add chopped greens to the mass, mix and get cheese paste. We apply it on prepared slices of bread. My cucumbers and cut into thin circles. Grind cheese into cubes of medium size.

Canapes with Olives

When all the components are ready, we begin the assembly of the canapes. On a skewer we string one edge of the cucumber, then the olive and the second edge of the cucumber. Next up is a cube of cheese. We stick a skewer in a bread preparation with cheese mass.

Mozzarella Canapes

We have already mentioned that for the preparation of canapes with cheese and olives, you can use different varieties of cheese, including mozzarella.


  • cherry tomatoes (eight pcs.),
  • mozzarella (130 g),
  • pitted olives (eight pieces),
  • hard cheese (170 g),
  • basil.

Hard cheese cut into medium sized cubes. On a skewer we string the products in this way: first an olive, then a leaf of basil, a mozzarella cube and a tomato. We fix a toothpick in a slice of hard cheese.

Canapes with Cherry, Olives and Cheese

The recipe for canapes with cheese and olives is quite simple. For cooking snacks, we will again use bran bread.


  • ten cherry tomatoes
  • hard cheese (165 g),
  • ten green olives (seedless),
  • a few slices of bread,
  • fresh basil.
Canapes with olives and cheese

From slices of bread we cut the blanks for canapes. We cut the cheese into slices of the same size. We stick an olive, basil leaf, cherry tomato and hard cheese on a toothpick. And the last touch - stick a skewer into the bread.

Savory appetizer

To prepare such canapes with cheese and olives on skewers, it is necessary to take smoked sausage. Then the appetizer will have a really spicy taste.


  • raw smoked sausage, for example, "Finnish" (90 g),
  • olives (12 pcs.),
  • hard cheese (210 g).
Canapes with cheese and olives

Before use, sausage must be cleaned and cut into thin circles. Dice the cheese. And then we collect canapes. We string olive, cheese, and then sausage on a toothpick, wrapping it with an envelope to make the dish look more interesting. Now you canapé with olives, cheese and sausage.

Pineapple Canapes

Canapes with cheese, olives and pineapple will delight you with an unusual combination of products. They cook incredibly fast.


  • can of olives
  • cheese (120 g)
  • canned pineapples (1/2 jars).

The simplicity of the recipe is that there is no need to bother with slicing products. Grind it is necessary only cheese. Open the olives and pour the liquid from the jar. Pineapples are more convenient to take rolled up in slices, then they will not have to be cut, although it does not take much time. On a toothpick we string cheese, olives, and then sliced ​​pineapple.

Snack Canapes

For the preparation of snack canapes with cheese and olives (photo is given in the article), fish, including herring, is often used. Her fans will surely appreciate the dish. Canapes are hearty, unlike lighter options. To get a delicious snack, you need to take only black bread. It combines with herring much better than white varieties.


  • three cucumbers
  • five slices of bread,
  • parsley,
  • mayonnaise,
  • pickled herring (220 g),
  • olives (a third of the can).

Cut out curly pieces from bread, which are slightly dried in the oven. However, do not overdo it. Bread should not turn into crackers. Next, lubricate each crowbar with mayonnaise, and on top lay out a circle of cucumber, then herring. We spread a leaf of greens on top and pierce the structure with a toothpick and olive. A hearty snack is ready.

Best Martini Appetizer

Canapes with cheese, olives and lemon are good on their own, but when you add sweet marmalade, you get a completely unusual snack. The specific unusual taste will amaze any gourmet. Culinary experts argue that such an appetizer is simply indispensable when serving a drink such as martini.

Marmalade Canapes


  • half a lemon
  • olives (only green, ½ jars),
  • marmalade (95 g),
  • hard cheese (95 g).

Wash the lemon, wipe and cut into slices. Grind cheese into cubes. Marmalade is also worth slicing, so that its slices are comparable with the rest of the ingredients. All products should be cut into pieces of approximately the same size. Then the finished canapes will look much more beautiful. Put a slice of lemon on the cheese, then marmalade and olive. We chop canapes with skewers.

Shrimp Canapes

Canapes with cheese and olives on skewers can be cooked with seafood, including shrimp. A delicate and light snack will surely appeal to many.


  • seven shrimp
  • as many olives
  • cucumber
  • lettuce leaves.

Wash the cucumber, dry and cut into rings. Boil shrimps in salted water, after cooling, clean them. Salad leaves are thoroughly washed and dried, then we tear into pieces with our hands. On each skewer we poke a shrimp, then an olive, a piece of lettuce, a slice of cucumber. It is advisable to prune the olive so that it appears to be inside the shrimp.

Greek canapes

Such an appetizer will certainly appeal to all admirers of Greek salad. It is prepared from the same components. Canape has an exquisite delicate taste.


  • olives (half a jar),
  • cherry tomatoes (195 g),
  • fresh cucumber (three pcs.),
  • Art. l lemon juice
  • black pepper,
  • two tbsp. l balsamic vinegar
  • olive oil,
  • feta (210 g).

We cut feta into large cubes, cucumbers into circles. And wash and dry the cherry. On skewers we put on a tomato, an olive, a slice of cucumber and a slice of cheese. In a deep plate, mix balsamic vinegar, olive oil, chopped herbs and add ground pepper. Mix the ingredients. Serve the canapes in a separate bowl.

Canapes with seme

Canapes with salmon is a great holiday option. In combination with cheese and olives, the appetizer is tender and delicious.

Canapes with salmon and olives


  • dill,
  • olives (130 g),
  • lemon juice,
  • soft cheese (90 g),
  • fresh cucumber
  • salmon (220 g),
  • slices of black bread (4 pcs.).

We cut the bread, removing the crusts, so that the mini-sandwiches turn out to be more tender. Pour curd cheese with lemon juice and mix well. Lubricate the resulting mass with bread. We spread a slice of cucumber on top, then a slice of fish, sprinkle with herbs. Paste the olive on the skewer and fasten the canapes with it.

Christmas hats

Original canapes will decorate the New Year holiday.


  • nine olives
  • as many cherry tomatoes
  • feta (210 g).

Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut off part of the pulp at the base. From feta cut mugs and squares with tins. Next, olive, a circle of cheese, then a tomato and a feta cube are pricked on skewers. Our canapes are ready.

Canapes with grapes

Canapes with grapes, cheese and olives are a great appetizer before a meal. In France, back in the seventeenth century, the tradition was born of serving small snacks to stimulate appetite. The original taste of cheese and olives in combination with grapes sets the person to eat.

simple canapes


  • grapes (10 pcs. seedless),
  • as many olives
  • hard cheese (210 g).

The cheese should be cut into small cubes, the size of its slices should not exceed the size of the grapes. On a skewer we string products, alternating olives, cheese and grapes. To design such an appetizer, you can purchase special long skewers on which you can string a larger number of blanks. In this form, canapes look more interesting.

Canapes of fresh vegetables, cheese and olives

An excellent appetizer can be made from fresh vegetables, cheese and olives. In winter, such a dish will look bright and beautiful, but you can’t talk about taste.


  • cheese (feta cheese or feta, 190 g),
  • tomatoes (190 g),
  • sweet pepper (160 g),
  • cucumbers (160 g),
  • can of olives
  • skewers
  • olive oil,
  • ground pepper.

Vegetable and cheese canapes are a light snack that is good for any table. Cut cheese into cubes. My tomatoes and peppers, it is better to choose fleshy vegetables. Cut them into pieces. Cucumbers cut into circles. Next, collect the canapes. We stick olive oil, tomato, pepper, cheese and cucumber on a toothpick.

Feta and Bynza are very soft cheeses, so they must be carefully pricked on a skewer. When serving canapes, sprinkle with olive oil.

Canapes penguins

Cheese and olives are universal ingredients on the basis of which many snacks are prepared. Moreover, from these products you can build excellent dishes for the children's table.

To prepare the “penguin” canapes, you need only three components:

  • carrot,
  • soft cheese (320 g),
  • jar of olives.

In order to make the dish brighter, you can use black and green olives. Making olives penguins is easy. To do this, cut a slice from a berry with a sharp knife. Fill its internal part with soft cheese. String the olive on a toothpick. From above, we cross a second olive tree across - it will be the head. We put a piece of carrot (beak) into the hollow hole. Mayonnaise can draw eyes.

Canapes Penguins

We stick a toothpick into a slice of cheese on which we spread carrot slices (penguin legs). Such canapes will surely appeal to children.

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