"Diabeton" or "Maninil" - which is better in the treatment of diabetes?

The number of patients with diabetes has recently increased significantly. Bad habits, malnutrition, lack of quality sleep - all these are factors that lead to the development of the disease. An important role is played by a hereditary predisposition, as well as pancreatic disease. It is this body that is responsible for the production of insulin. With insufficient functioning of the gland, diabetes develops . An insidious disease requires high-quality and competent treatment. In the early stages of the disease, drugs such as Diabeton or Maninil are widely used. Which is better to use? The decision should be made in conjunction with the doctor.

The drug "Diabeton"

This is a hypoglycemic agent, a derivative of the second generation sulfonylurea. Using beta-cells of the pancreas, the medicine helps to produce insulin, increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues, reduces the time interval from the moment of eating to the start of insulin production, and normalizes vascular permeability.

diabeton or mannine which is better

The drug has an antigenic effect, reduces blood levels of total cholesterol. It does not allow the medicine to develop microthrombosis and atherosclerosis, normalizes blood microcirculation. With the development of diabetic nephropathy with a long intake of glycosides, the level of proteinuria decreases. Therefore, experts often prescribe the drug "Maninil" or "Diabeton." What is better to use in a particular case, the doctor decides after a series of tests.


After it enters the stomach, the agent quickly splits. The maximum effect is achieved 4 hours after administration. Connection with plasma proteins is almost 100%. In the liver, the active component forms about 8 metabolites.

The medicine is excreted from the body within 12 hours to a greater extent by the kidneys. No more than 1% leaves with urine unchanged. Which is better, "Diabeton" or "Maninil" to take tablets, the endocrinologist will prompt. Specialists note that drugs have a similar effect on the body.

Indications and contraindications

The drug "Diabeton" is indicated for diabetes mellitus of the second type, which is not insulin-dependent. Also, the medicine is prescribed as a prophylaxis for violation of microcirculation in combination with other means.

maninil or diabetone which is better
Contraindications to taking the pills are type 1 diabetes mellitus, coma or ancestral condition. You can not prescribe a medicine for ketoacidosis, impaired kidney and liver. It is not recommended to combine the intake of glycosides and imidazole derivatives. With increased sensitivity to sulfonamides and sulfonylurea, Diabeton or Maninil tablets are not used. Reviews show that misuse of medications can lead to side effects.


Therapy begins with a dosage of 80 mg. The daily rate may not exceed 320 mg. The drug is taken twice a day after meals. The course of treatment can be quite long. The decision to discontinue therapy is made by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

which is better for diabetes or mannin
In a hospital setting, Diabeton or Maninil tablets can be used. What is better to take in a particular case? Drugs are analogues. There is no significant difference between them. It is advisable to choose a remedy after consulting an endocrinologist.

Side effects

When using the drug, unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and pain in the stomach can be observed. In rare cases, leukopenia or thrombocytopenia may develop. Some patients have an allergic reaction. It manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching. With an overdose of the drug, hypoglycemia can be.

During the period of therapy, a blood test for glucose should be done regularly. It is not recommended to take the medicine in conjunction with medicines containing verapamil and cimetidine. Means "Diabeton" and "Maninil" reviews of doctors are mostly positive. If these drugs are used in accordance with the instructions, they help to significantly improve the well-being of patients with diabetes.

Maninil Tablets

This is a hypoglycemic agent for oral use. The main substance in the composition of the drug is glibenclamide. It is made in the form of tablets with different dosages. The medicine is dispensed in a plastic container. Each pack contains 120 tablets.

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If a specialist offers to purchase the “Maninil” or “Diabeton” product, what is better to use? Drugs have a similar effect. The decision should be made after studying the instructions for the use of drugs.

The action of the "Manin"

The drug belongs to the group of sulfonylurea derivatives of the 2nd generation. It has a hypoglycemic effect on the body. Helps the pancreatic beta cells to produce insulin. Insulin begins to be produced immediately after a meal. The hypoglycemic effect persists throughout the day.

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So what to choose - tablets "Diabeton" or "Maninil"? Which drug is best to alleviate the condition of the patient? The decision will help the doctor to take after a series of tests.

Indications and contraindications

Indication for the use of the drug “Maninil” is considered to be type 2 diabetes. It is taken individually or in combination with other hypoglycemic drugs. You can not prescribe a drug with hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets.

The drug is contraindicated in type 1 diabetes. It is not recommended to use the product after surgery on the pancreas. The severe course of renal or liver failure is also a reason for prohibiting the use of Diabeton or Maninil tablets. What is better to take if there are contraindications, the specialist will tell. Self-medication is not worth it.


The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the disease, as well as glucose indicators in the patient’s blood. At the initial stage, it is necessary to take no more than two tablets per day. In order to avoid the development of hypoglycemia, elderly patients are prescribed a medicine in a reduced dosage.

Diabeton or manninil, which drug is better
The drugs “Diabeton” and “Maninil” have a similar effect on the body. Comparison makes it clear that medications can be used with the same symptoms. Contraindications and side effects are also no different.

Diabeton or Maninil - which is better?

Which remedy to choose for the treatment of diabetes should be decided by an endocrinologist individually. Be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

It must be remembered that medicines differ in composition. Particular attention to the choice of a drug should be given to people who are prone to allergic reactions.

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