Aerosol "Berodual N". Description

The drug "Berodual N" - an aerosol for inhalation. Active substances: ipratropium bromide monohydrate, phenoterol hydrobromide. The tool is included in the category of combined bronchodilators. The mechanism of action is based on the blocking of specific receptors in the smooth muscles of the bronchi, the suppression of reflex bronchoconstriction.

The medicine is effective in eliminating bronchospasm due to exposure to the vagus nerve. The medication reduces the secretion of glands (including bronchial). Against the backdrop of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis), a significant improvement in pulmonary function is noted. The effect of the drug is noted after fifteen minutes, the drug reaches its maximum effectiveness in an hour or two. Duration of action is up to six hours. In addition, there is a relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vessels and bronchi. The drug prevents the development of a bronchospastic reaction associated with the activity of histamine, allergens, air (cold), methacholine. The bronchodilatory effect is achieved due to the effect on various pharmacological targets. Due to the combined action of the components, a greater breadth of therapeutic activity is provided.

The drug "Berodual" (aerosol). Instructions for use

Patients from 6 years old to eliminate an attack of bronchial asthma are prescribed two doses. If breathing relief does not occur within five minutes, the drug is taken again in the same amount. In the absence of effect after four injections, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Before using the Berodual N aerosol, you need to shake the bottle, press the valve twice, releasing a cloud of the product into the air. Before injection, a deep, slow breath is taken. Lips should grasp the tip of the bottle, directed upside down. Inhaling as much as possible, press the bottom until the inhaled dose is released. After the drug enters the body, you should hold your breath for several seconds. After the tip is taken out of the mouth and exhaled slowly. To obtain a second dose of action, you need to repeat. The bottle is closed with a protective cap after use. Aerosol "Berodual N" contains 200 inhaled doses. The tip of the vial should be cleaned after each use.

Berodual N Inhalation Aerosol
Adverse reactions

Against the background of treatment, tremor and nervousness may appear. The drug provokes dizziness, mental disorders (extremely rare), headaches. Aerosol β€œBerodual N” can cause local irritation, coughing, accommodation disturbance (reversible), dry mouth, arrhythmia are possible. Some patients have paradoxical bronchospasm, tachycardia, angioedema.


Aerosol "Berodual N" is not recommended for tachyarrhythmia, obstructive cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic), under the age of 6 years, in the first months of gestation, with hypersensitivity. Caution is exercised when administered to nursing mothers.

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