With some pathologies, the supply of blood to small vessels is disrupted. To activate the microcirculation process, doctors prescribe the Trental drug.
The instruction indicates that it contains pentoxifylline, an active substance that is a derivative of xanthine. This drug has a beneficial effect on the rheological properties of the circulatory system. It reduces the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood plasma, improving fibrinolysis. To normalize the elasticity of red blood cells, reduce platelet aggregation and blood viscosity, Trental is also used.
The use of this drug causes the accumulation of adenosine monophosphate in its cyclic form in the myocytes of the vascular wall, blood cells. Influencing muscle cells, pentoxifylline causes a small myotropic vasodilating effect. All this in total leads to a decrease in the total resistance of peripheral vessels, as well as to an increase in the minute volume of blood flow. There is no effect on the heart rate in this drug.
The greatest result in improving cellular respiration and microcirculation is achieved in the central nervous system, limbs, and kidneys. Stimulation of collateral circulation also occurs if Trental is administered parenterally.
The instruction recommends oral administration, as this drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract. The maximum plasma content of pentoxifylline is reached within an hour after its use. The substance does not accumulate in the body.
Trental. Indications for use:
• circulatory disorders in the periphery of various origins (including those caused by diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes or atherosclerosis);
• encephalopathy of atherosclerotic origin, discirculatory encephalopathy, ischemic stroke;
• angioneuropathy, Raynaud's disease, paresthesia.
This is not the whole list of pathologies in which the use of this drug is possible. For example, with local disturbances in microcirculation, the Trental drug also helps. The instruction recommends its use in case of ulcers, frostbite, gangrene, hearing loss due to circulatory disorders, emphysema, bronchial asthma, circulatory failure in the retina and blood vessels of the eye, and vascular impotence.
It is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications when using this drug:
• individual hypersensitivity to the drug,
• hemorrhagic stroke,
• tendency to bleeding,
• retinal hemorrhage,
• pregnancy and lactation.
When this drug interacts with fibrinolytic agents and heparin, their effect is enhanced. Additional monitoring of blood coagulation parameters is required.
Side effects such as hypofibrinogenemia, allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, rhinitis, pruritus, and even anaphylactic shock), headache, increased irritability, angina attacks, decreased pressure, disturbance of the normal rhythm of the heart, thrombocytopenia, and the appearance of aseptic meningitis are possible during treatment with Trental.
The instruction warns: it is necessary to prescribe this medicine with great caution to patients who suffer from severe cerebral or coronary atherosclerosis , coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, and also prone to sudden pressure surges. Caution is also necessary during its appointment for stomach ulcers, heart failure and in the postoperative period.
Before using Trental, consult with a specialist. Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor.
Take care of your health!