Chopsticks for sushi. Title. Kinds. Customs

Sushi sticks began to be popular in Western civilizations, along with a growing sympathy for Japanese dishes. Previously, these cutlery looked somewhat different from what we were used to. Now chopsticks are produced in a huge range of options, when you look at which the question arises: "What are sushi sticks called in Japan?" After all, they are really made out in various color schemes, painted, varnished and even decorated with precious stones.

Slow Eating in Japan

Sushi sticks - the name for this device, which is not native, but obtained in Slavic countries. In the XII century, sticks came to the Land of the Rising Sun from China. For their manufacture, bamboo was used, the trunk of which had to be divided into 2 parts, and then folded across. The resulting tongs took food.

Since in Japan, eating is a beautiful and unhurried ritual, this procedure requires preliminary preparation. All meals served must be prepared in such a way as to avoid additional manipulations at the table. It is not customary to peel or cut while eating in Japan.

This happens regardless of the name of the sushi sticks. Before cooking, the fish fillet is processed in such a way that it does not leave any bones. And if there are any solid components in the product, then they are necessarily beaten off.

sushi sticks title

Chopsticks need to be able to use beautifully

The use of chopsticks is correctly taught to very young children who are given the ceremony of their first traditional meal. To do this, on the 100th day of birth, babies are given their own sticks, which they are fed with rice for the first time.

In Japan, sushi sticks (the name is "hashi") act not only as cutlery. They are a kind of talisman designed to bring good luck in business and lengthen life. This cutlery is endowed with some mystical meaning, protects its owner. The ability to use sticks also contributes to the development of fine motor skills that improve mental abilities.

what are sushi sticks called

Individual item

Every lover of Japanese cuisine, of course, is interested in what sushi sticks are called in their homeland. It is all the more remarkable that in Japan many household items are divided according to the gender of the consumer. Men do not use female objects, and the fair sex - male.

The sticks of every Japanese are a purely individual item that is never passed on to anyone else. Even members of the same family do not take them from each other. Hashi must be presented to the newlyweds, investing in a gift a sense of the inseparability of the couple.

Sticks are mainly used in Japan, Korea, China, and Vietnam. In Thailand, cutlery from Europe was introduced into the 19th century, and chopsticks were used only for soups and noodles.

sushi chopsticks name

What are the sticks

Hashi belong to only one owner and are an integral attribute of Japanese cuisine. They are named in the same way as the corresponding character resembling them in appearance. Chopsticks for sushi (the name is “hashi") visually resembles a bamboo trunk split into two parts. To determine whether food was poisoned by poisons, silver appliances were used in the Imperial Palace of China. Chopsticks for sushi, the name given by the Japanese, are now made from wood, metal, ivory. Their cross section can be square or round, and the tip can be pyramidal or conical.

Chopsticks for sushi, whose name is "varibashi", are considered disposable items. The material for them is wood or plastic. They are brought to customers in restaurants and sushi bars. And if the sticks are interconnected, this indicates the novelty of the product and the high class of the institution.

Before eating, varibashi needs to be broken. In addition, they are usually served in a case with an image of some beautiful pattern or logo of the institution in which sushi sticks are served. The name of the cover is “hasiburuko”. It is sometimes expensive and elegantly decorated, due to which it can become an object of collectibles.

names of chopsticks for sushi

We have a sushi bar located on almost every street, and not being able to use sticks becomes even indecent. But in fact, only a Japanese chef can make real sushi. Now, to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Japan, you can go to a good restaurant. In principle, it is believed that you can only feel the flavor of this amazing cuisine in its homeland. Despite this, an increasing number of restaurants are opening up offering appropriate dishes.

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