Actress Muse Krepkogorskaya: biography, personal life, family, films

Muse Viktorovna Krepkogorskaya is one of the most famous Soviet actresses, whose filmography contains more than a dozen films that are now considered classics. She starred in such legendary films of Soviet cinema as "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Happy Flight" and "Officers". How did the childhood and youth of the famous actress go? How did her career begin? About everything - in this article!

Muse of Krepkogorsk: biography

The future actress was born on July 9, 1924. Her father was a popular musician and worked as an accompanist with Fedor Chaliapin himself, and her mother was a hereditary noblewoman.

At the end of the school, Muse Krepkogorskaya decided to enter the biofacus at Moscow State University - the girlโ€™s mother wanted it so. But, not wasting time in vain, Musa also filed documents with VGIK without informing her relatives.

After about six months of training, Krepkogorskaya decided to confess to her mother that she was not going to become a biologist, but wanted to connect her life with acting. Having defended her interests, Muse graduated from the acting department in 1948.

Studied Krepkogorskaya in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. After graduation, she began to work in the Theater Studio of the film actor.

Muse of Krepkogorsk

Childhood and youth

Museโ€™s childhood cannot be called simple: in connection with the revolution in 1917, her family completely lost their acquired property.

Some time after the birth of Muse, her younger sister is born - unfortunately, the girl died while she was still very young. A little later Mila has a brother.

Despite the fact that the Krepkogorsk family lived extremely poorly, the parents of the Muses did not forget about their descent from the noble family. As a teenager, the future actress lost her father - frightened for the children and his wife, Victor committed suicide.

Once, after finding a picture of his father and Fedor Chaliapin, Muse angrily tore it up. She was never able to forgive her father for the fact that in difficult times he left his family to the mercy of fate. From that moment, they did not talk about Viktor's suicide in their house.

Muse of Krepkogorsk

Personal life

The personal biography of Muse of Krepkogorskaya is no less interesting than the history of the creative activity of the actress. Perhaps this can be talked about even longer than about the girlโ€™s film career. The personal life of the Muse of Krepkogorskaya is full of tragedy and, unlike films, does not have a happy ending.

Officially, she was married only once - after filming in "The Young Guard", George Yumatov became the spouse of Krepkogorsk. The actor was madly in love with this attractive blonde girl.

Of course, he later found out that the Muse is not a natural blonde - for greater effect, Krepkogorskaya bleached its dark locks. Even after some time, Yumatov made a new discovery for himself - it turns out that the girl is completely different from her image, which she created for others, and has a rather tough and imperious character. But it was too late: on December 2, 1947, the wedding of twenty-three-year-old Mila Krepkogorskaya and twenty-one-year-old George Yumatov took place.

The celebration was not arranged on a grand scale, but the wedding was quite noisy. During the feast, the newly made husband went too far with a drink, which later became a significant problem for the family.

Immediately after the holiday, the newly-minted husband and wife settled in a communal apartment located on Strastnoy Boulevard. Together with the young, there lived also the mother of Krepkogorskoy - Lidia Ivanovna. It was she who took on the housework and continued to pamper her adult daughter, because Muse was not used to housekeeping, knowing that her mother would do everything for her.

Marriage could not change the character of Krepkogorsk. On the contrary, she showed herself to Yumatov in all its glory. The actress played the role of the head of the family - the decisive word was always for Muse.

After a short time after the wedding, George Yumatov cut off all relations with relatives due to the fact that they were not of noble origin. The career of the actor was leaping uphill, and at Muse Krepkogorskaya everything was different. The actress was trusted only by small episodic roles, her professional role did not expand, in the repertoire there were only secondary roles of various cashiers and traitors. However, Krepkogorskaya was not going to give up.

The actress even had to go on an abortion in order not to miss a good offer from a famous director. This mistake became fatal - an abortion was performed for a long time (the fourth month of pregnancy), and therefore the operation was unsuccessful. Because of this, Muse was not able to have children.

When George Yumatov became aware of what had happened, he was beside himself. For a while, the couple parted, but soon the actors were together again. Children were replaced by pets - dogs, which the couple adored. Despite the huge amount of cheating, the actors returned to the family over and over again.

Ten years later, the couple moved to the acting house, located near the metro station "Airport", and Muse began to equip her new home. The actress was the first to acquire a large leather bed.

However, such trifles could not protect the family from inevitable problems. Together with George, the directors began to call Muse on the set - only Krepkogorskaya managed to somehow keep her husband from taking alcoholic beverages. In the early nineties, artists left the Theater of the Film Actor, in which they worked for more than a decade.

Over time, George ceased to call for new roles, and the couple were forced to live on retirement. In 1994, news began to spread actively in the media that Yumatov had committed the murder of a thirty-three-year-old man. It was said that they first drank, and then had a big fight.

The intervention of friends helped the actor to avoid long years of imprisonment. In the end, George fell under an amnesty and went free. However, Krepkogorskaya was not destined to rejoice for a long time - after three years, Yumatov died in connection with his well-worn health.

Muse of Krepkogorsk

Debut movie

The first significant role of the Muse was the role of Lazarenko in the film "Young Guard". It was on the set of this Soviet film that the actress met her future husband.

Muse of Krepkogorsk

Film career

In the filmography of Muse of Krepkogorskaya there are a huge number of projects, however, unfortunately, the actress got only secondary and episodic roles. Over time, the film career of Muse began to fade away - it came to the point that her more successful husband often asked the directors to give the actress a role in any film.

In the photo Muse Krepkogorskaya in the movie "It canโ€™t be!".

Muse of Krepkogorsk


In addition to the above films, Muse Krepkogorskaya took part in the filming of projects such as:

  • "Different Fates" - 1956.
  • "White Acacia" - 1957.
  • "Two Lives" - 1961.
  • "The Tale of Lost Time" - 1964.
  • "Earthly Love" - โ€‹โ€‹1974.
  • "At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds" - 1980.
  • "Fathers and Sons" - 1983.
Muse of Krepkogorsk


After the death of her husband, a difficult period began in the life of Muse. Only then did Krepkogorskaya realize how much Yumatov had done for her, and how much he meant in her life.

The actress did not manage to retire, so she decided to sell her things. Literally a year after George died, the Muse of Krepkogorsk was impossible to recognize. Once a luxurious woman was haggard, addicted to alcohol. The director Victor Merezhko tried to come to the aid of the Muse, but to no avail.

The death of Muse became known in 1999. Her grave was located next to the grave of her husband. Krepkogorskaya bequeathed all her jewelry, as well as her apartment, to her old friend and his daughter.


Muse Krepkogorskaya is a spectacular and attractive young actress who starred mainly in episodic roles. Unfortunately, in her entire life a woman has not been able to reveal her creative potential, however, this is far from the saddest moment in the biography of the actress.

Despite the fact that Muse did not star in the main roles, she was nevertheless awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1989.

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