How to cook sea kale (kelp) dry and frozen?

In this article, you will learn how to cook sea kale. Seaweed is a product obtained from seaweed called kelp. It belongs to the class of brown seaweed that inhabits almost all the seas and oceans of our planet. Seaweed is considered the leader among all other foods that contain iodine.

Some do not like seaweed because of their taste and texture, and in vain. With its regular use, even in small quantities, it is able to replace many bioactive additives. It all depends on how to cook dry seaweed.

Being so useful, it is rich in almost all the minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for any person. Laminaria contains: water - 88%, proteins - 0.9%, fats - 0.2%, and it is also rich in various forms of carbohydrates and edible organic acids, minerals represented by easily digestible compounds and vitamins B 1, B 2, B 12, C, as well as carotene (provitamin A), folic acid, iron, magnesium and many others.

Manufacturers know how to cook sea kale, so they use drying, pickling, press, freeze for consumers. The assortment of kelp on the shelves of shops and markets is very diverse.

But what if you bought frozen or dried seaweed? Of course, you can use it instead of beer chips. You can, chopping it, add instead of seasoning to rice or potatoes. But, in addition, knowing some of the nuances of its proper processing, you can cook it as a full meal.

How to cook seaweed (dry)

In order to eliminate the question of what to do with dry kelp, you need to know and comply with the following flow chart:

  1. Pour water (cold) and soak for ten to twelve hours. During this time, the cabbage should swell. You can determine this by eye.
  2. Then it must be thoroughly washed to completely eliminate the possible presence of sand.
  3. In cabbage boiling water, place the cabbage and cook it at low temperature over low heat (minimum twenty, maximum thirty minutes).
  4. After the seaweed is cooked, it must be washed again.

Now we know how to cook dry seaweed.

Useful advice: in order to be completely sure that the cabbage is ready, you need to take one of its chilled strip and crush the tip with your fingers. If it is easily subjected to deformation, then you have prepared it correctly. But if the pressed edge spreads out on the fingers, then you have digested it. In this case, all its benefits are lost.

How to cook seaweed (frozen)

  1. The cabbage must be thawed. As a rule, this procedure takes about thirty minutes. The required defrost temperature should be between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.
  2. After the cabbage has thawed, it must be washed. This should take a fairly large amount of water (cold).
  3. Then it must be boiled at a sufficiently high temperature, but it must be done as follows. Poured with cold water (one to two proportion) cabbage put on fire. With intense fire, it is brought to a boil and boiled for ten to twenty minutes.
  4. After this, it is necessary to drain the water and repeat the procedure described in the third paragraph. This must be done three times. With this three-time processing, we achieve an improved taste and smell of our cabbage.

Now you know how to cook frozen seaweed, as well as dry. This process will not take much time, and as a result, you will find a very useful dish on your table that can complement any meal (including a festive lunch or dinner).

Enjoy your meal!

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