Arthrosis of the scaphoid-navicular joint: causes, symptoms and treatment

Regular injuries in the ankle can trigger the development of arthrosis. This, in turn, leads to damage to the ram-navicular joint, which is gradually deformed and takes the form of longitudinal flatfoot. This article will describe the features of foot arthrosis, symptoms and treatment.

Predisposition to the disease

Osteoarthrosis arthrosis is very common in people over 20 years old. The first symptomatology occurs due to excessive loads, bruises and sprains associated with an active lifestyle, all this is very characteristic of the lower extremities, which are in the stage of growth. The chronic form of arthrosis of the talar navicular joint passes, as a rule, at the age of 40-50 years. Most cases of the development of pathology apply to women.

The pathological process is aggravated and actively develops with excess weight. During the selection of the course of treatment, it is necessary to take into account the severity of symptoms. Combined therapy involves long-term treatment, but until the pathology has become chronic, you can completely get rid of it, you just need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Ram-navicular joint

The origin and clinical picture of the disease

Complicated sprains, bruises, fractures and dislocations can be attributed to the first group of factors provoking arthrosis of the talon-navicular joint. The secondary factors are attributed to inflammatory processes that develop due to infectious diseases and hypothermia. Also, the disease can be the result of such problems:

  • joint dysplasia, flat feet (congenital pathologies that interfere with the normal functioning of the feet);
  • abnormal position of the movable joint;
  • metabolic problems;
  • uncomfortable, cramped and poor-quality shoes, as well as the frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes;
  • excess weight;
  • hormonal problems (as a result of impaired functioning of the endocrine system);
  • hereditary predisposition.

Clinical picture

Arthrosis of the scaphoid-navicular joint is manifested by a variety of symptoms. It:

  • swelling of the feet;
  • the development of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the affected joint, near muscles and tissues;
  • pain in the ankle, foot, which intensifies when the joint is bent and when walking;
  • limited motor activity of the limb;
  • During movement, a characteristic crunch may occur in the affected area of ​​the limb.

If there are symptoms of foot arthrosis, treatment should be immediate. Due to regular pains, a person becomes irritable, nervous, and sleep problems occur. The patient has a feeling of constant fatigue. In order to prevent problems with the nervous system and other organs of the person, for the first symptoms of arthrosis of the scaphoid-navicular joint, you need to seek medical help.

Doctor's man

The severity of symptoms

Symptoms of the disease depend on the degree of spread of the pathology process. How cartilage tissue is affected, this degree of development of arthrosis is diagnosed.

Changes in the structure of the talus-navicular joint occurs gradually. The initial stage of the disease is not associated with significant lesions. Bones do not suffer at all. The condition of the joint becomes worse when pathological tissue occurs in place of healthy cartilage structures. The complete destruction of cartilage leads to the fact that the body makes an attempt to cope with the problem on its own. Bone growths are gradually formed on the affected area, which interfere with normal motor activity.

The severity of the disease

  1. For arthrosis of the talar-navicular foot joint of the 1st degree, a specific aching pain is characteristic with motor activity and serious loads, which almost does not appear in the resting state of the limb. Outwardly, pathology does not appear in any way. The lesion area also has a small size.
  2. Arthrosis of the talar-navicular joint of the 2nd degree is accompanied by serious painful sensations, which cease only after a prolonged resting state of the foot. Mobile joints of the ankle bones are sometimes affected by the inflammatory process, which is noticeable even visually. When probing, the affected area gives away severe pain. Due to pain, the patient is forced to limit his motor activity.
  3. With 3 degrees of joint damage, the tissue of the cartilage is completely destroyed, bone growths occur, the gap between the articular elements becomes narrower. Painful sensations accompany the patient constantly, even at rest. The inflammatory process goes into a chronic stage. The joint itself is significantly increased. The joint acquires a knotted structure. Motor activity is impaired, in the end, the joint can become completely motionless. In the case of this degree of arthrosis of the talar navicular joint, serving in the army is prohibited.
Pain in the foot


In order to establish a pathology, you need to analyze the overall clinical picture, which gives the doctor the ability to accurately determine the degree of damage. To visually identify arthrosis of the talar navicular joint, it is worth paying attention to such external signs of the disease:

  • Gait disorders (the patient unknowingly transfers most of the weight from the diseased limb to a healthy one).
  • The presence of old corns near the thumb.

By accurately identifying the symptoms of foot arthrosis, treatment will be more effective. It is worth noting that some other pathologies, for example, a fracture, gouty arthritis, are characterized by similar clinical manifestations. Therefore, in order to avoid errors in the diagnosis and determine the degree of damage, resort to these diagnostic methods:

  • X-ray (helps to study the condition of the joints of the ankle, as well as to identify changes caused by the disease);
  • arthroscopy;
  • MRI or CMT (magnetic resonance or computed tomography).

If you are promptly and correctly diagnosed, choose the right treatment, then you can completely get rid of the pathology and avoid possible complications.

Arthroscopy process

Therapeutic treatments

The treatment of this disease should include a whole range of measures, including various medications of various forms:

  • tablets,
  • ointments for arthrosis (for example, "Final gel"),
  • intramuscular and intraarticular injections.

Steroid and non-steroid hormones can eliminate the inflammatory process. Muscle relaxants eliminate regular muscle spasms. Also, the course of treatment should include pain medication. However, drug therapy has its drawbacks: it negatively affects healthy tissues.

Chondroprotectors can protect healthy cartilage from destruction by medical treatment. The funds of this group in the initial stages of arthrosis help to eliminate the focus of pathology, and then slow down the degenerative and degenerative processes in the joint. For maximum effectiveness, chondroprotectors are injected into the joint. In the form of injections, hyaluronic acid is used to achieve a similar result.

In therapeutic treatment, physiotherapy exercises are recommended to strengthen the ligaments, restore motor activity of the ankle, avoid complete muscle degeneration and relieve the affected joint.


Other treatments

To reduce the discomfort from unpleasant symptoms, physiological procedures are prescribed that well complement the effect of the main course of treatment with medicines and ointments for arthrosis. They can significantly speed up the patient’s healing process. Among the common procedures for arthrosis of the talar navicular joint, one can distinguish:

  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • oxygen therapy.

I use special orthopedic devices to relax and fix the joint. Also, for a complete recovery, it is recommended to adhere to a special regime: you should change the state of rest to moderate physical activity. To improve the metabolism in the tissues, you need to do massage. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle have a beneficial effect on the general well-being and condition of the body, so that they can also contribute in many ways to getting rid of pathology.

Surgical intervention

If conservative methods for the treatment of deforming arthrosis of the talon-navicular joint are ineffective, one has to resort to surgical intervention, which allows you to fix and strengthen the bone-ligamentous apparatus of the diseased joint.

And do not try to choose a treatment for yourself, because an unprofessional approach to the treatment of this disease quite often leads to the progression of the inflammatory process, the occurrence of complications, getting rid of which is much more difficult than from the original pathology.

Human feet

Alternative treatments

In some cases, unconventional methods of treatment are quite effective, which include:

  1. Herbal medicine - taking medications that are made on the basis of medicinal plants. Definitely, they will not aggravate the condition, and will effectively improve immunity.
  2. Hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches) and apitherapy (treatment with vital products of bees). These methods contribute to the improvement of the blood circulation, so that the affected tissues receive a large amount of oxygen and nutrients. Natural substances and components perfectly affect the general condition of the limbs.
  3. Pelotherapy or clay therapy, therapeutic mud.
  4. Acupuncture, the use of oriental healing methods and practices, recipes of traditional medicine.

Some experts believe that alternative treatment, herbal medicine and traditional medicine are not effective enough, because many procedures and drugs take a lot of time to produce and prepare them. Thus, the patient loses valuable time, the disease progresses, while in the case of prompt treatment in the hospital, it is possible to suppress the further development of pathology at an early stage and completely get rid of arthrosis. Alternative methods of treatment are good as an addition to the therapeutic course, however, it is important to coordinate any unconventional means and procedures with your doctor.

Woman talking to a doctor


In order to prevent the development of serious complications and consequences that may arise as a result of advanced arthrosis of the scaphoid-navicular joint, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the treating orthopedist. According to statistics, approximately 75% of cases result in complete disposal of the pathology. In this case, the risk of re-development of the disease is practically absent if the patient follows all the instructions of a specialist. Therefore, if you have a scaphoid sore, go to the hospital right now.

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