Leg swelling in diabetes: possible causes and treatment features

Leg swelling in diabetes is one of the main signs of a systemic lesion of the vascular system. Care must be taken to prevent the formation of trophic ulcers and the removal of limbs.

Why does puffiness occur?

Swelling of the legs with diabetes can be a result of trauma to the vessels, which occurs as a result of circulatory disorders. In addition, this can occur in the presence of nephropathic syndrome.

Swelling of the legs with diabetes

Such a condition threatens poor healing of wounds, as a result of which even small scratches cause purulent inflammation. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, gangrene may occur with subsequent amputation of the foot or leg. Among the main causes of leg swelling in diabetes can be identified:

  • overweight;
  • malnutrition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • improper treatment of glycemia.

Be sure to consult a doctor if dangerous symptoms appear, as this will avoid dangerous complications.

What accompanies puffiness

Often, after leg edema occurs in diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome begins to develop. It is accompanied by damage to the tissue of the legs, and against the background of hypoxia, they die. This process is irreversible and ends with a necrotic lesion.

The causes of leg swelling in diabetes can be associated with pregnancy, impaired heart and kidney function, and varicose veins. It is worth noting that swelling is considered the first signal of the onset of the necrotic process. There are certain signs, among which are:

  • burning sensation in the legs;
  • legs are constantly freezing;
  • increased sensitivity to mechanical damage.

When exposed to high or low temperatures, significant soreness appears. After the onset of the first symptoms, the limbs begin to gradually swell.

Symptoms of swelling with diabetes

In order to determine the presence of a problem in a timely manner, it is necessary to pay attention to even the most minor changes in sensations. Be sure to alert:

  • ripple;
  • tingling sensation;
  • burning.

All this must be alarmed and forced to visit a doctor to determine the cause of the violation, since such symptoms indicate the presence of violations in the body.


If legs swell with diabetes, you need to contact an endocrinologist and a vascular surgeon. The doctor conducts an examination to diagnose the degree of foot damage and prescribe appropriate treatment. When diagnosing diabetes, the examination should be done at least 1 time per year.

Diagnosis of puffiness

Among the research methods, it is necessary to highlight:

  • inspection;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • checking the pulse in the legs;
  • determination of neurological reflexes;
  • electroneuromyography.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes the required treatment. The patient additionally receives recommendations for proper foot care.

How do diabetics take care of their feet

If legs swell with diabetes, what should I do? This is of interest to so many patients who suffer from this disease. Every morning after waking up, it is imperative to examine the limbs for injuries or injuries. If available, disinfection and dressing should be performed.

For processing it is forbidden to use iodine, alcohol or brilliant greens. These funds will provoke drying of the skin and further exacerbate the existing problem.

Ointment treatment

To reduce the likelihood of injuries and wounds, moisturize the skin daily with a moisturizing and nourishing cream. Excessive dryness of the skin, manifested together with swelling, can only exacerbate the existing problem.


Many patients are interested in how to treat leg swelling in diabetes in order to effectively get rid of the existing problem and normalize their well-being. To eliminate such symptoms, it is necessary to determine the main reason for the formation of this condition.

Feet care

If puffiness arose with the development of diabetic nephropathy, then you need:

  • to normalize the level of glycemia;
  • follow a diet;
  • treat wounds;
  • quit smoking.

High glucose levels lead to progression of damage to the kidneys and nerve endings. The patient does not feel pain even with an ulcer. This greatly complicates the process of therapy. It is very important to treat concomitant diseases, which over time can lead to severe swelling.

Drug treatment

How to treat leg edema in diabetes mellitus can only be recommended by a qualified doctor, based on the results of a preliminary examination, as well as taking into account the patient’s well-being. Therapy should consist of several points. If the causes of puffiness are hidden in a high level of glucose in the blood, then you must definitely take funds to reduce it. Just by eliminating the main cause of the pathological process, you can quickly and effectively get rid of it. In the first type of diabetes, insulin therapy is recommended.

Drug treatment

If swelling occurs for other reasons, then other treatment methods are prescribed. If this condition is associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes, then you need to purchase special sneakers or shoes.

Often with diabetes, a concomitant pathology is heart failure, in which case such medications as:

  • inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • receptor blockers.

Inhibitors help reduce pressure. Such drugs include Amprilan, Captopril, and Lisinopril. Receptor blockers act in much the same way as inhibitors. The best drug in this group is Valsartan.

Diuretics help reduce the amount of fluid in the tissues, increasing urine output. The best medications of this group are considered such as "Furosemide" or "Veroshpiron." It is strictly forbidden to use diuretics with a lack of sodium in the body, dehydration or anuria. To strengthen immunity, vitamin complexes for diabetics are prescribed. To eliminate pain, it is recommended to use painkillers, in particular such as Ketorol or Ketorolac. Additionally, you need to take biologically active additives to normalize the hormonal background.

Alternative methods of treating puffiness

If leg edema occurs in diabetes and the limbs lose their sensitivity, this may indicate damage to the nerve endings. In this case, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner and normalize blood circulation. This will eliminate dangerous symptoms and normalize well-being.

For the treatment, various medicinal herbs can be used, in particular, such as:

  • St. John's wort
  • oats;
  • burdock;
  • ginseng root.

In addition, cayenne pepper will help eliminate leg swelling in diabetes, and the result of its use will be almost instant. This plant helps repair damaged nerve endings and blood vessels.

To quickly eliminate leg swelling in diabetes, you need to mix oats, bean pods, currant leaves and lilac buds in equal proportions. Then take a little of this mixture and steam it with hot water, let it brew for several hours, strain and take 1 tbsp 5 times a day. l The duration of therapy is approximately 2 weeks.

If the legs are very sore, then you need to take a decoction of flax seeds, and a compote made from figs is also considered a good remedy for puffiness. To do this, cook fresh fruits like a regular compote and add a little soda to it.


If leg edema occurs in diabetes mellitus in the elderly, this can very quickly lead to the development of complications, since in old age the immunity is greatly weakened. If you have problems with the limbs, you must follow a special diet. It should be low-carb, rich in protein and fiber.


Diabetics are strictly forbidden from consuming sweets and sugar. In an extreme case, only dark chocolate is allowed. In addition, they should not drink alcoholic beverages and eat fatty foods. Lack of diet can cause many complications. Therefore, when prescribing treatment, the endocrinologist additionally determines the basic rules of nutrition.

Puffiness Prevention

Taking care of the legs of a diabetic patient is to follow simple rules that help prevent serious complications. Prevention includes:

  • foot examination;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • processing cuticles and nails;
  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • massage using essential oils;
  • performing therapeutic exercises;
  • timely contact to a dermatologist in the presence of a fungus.

It should be borne in mind that only drug therapy will not bring any result, since a competent integrated approach is required. Medicines can only reduce the manifestations of diabetes.

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