Psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a pathology in the presence of which damage to the joints occurs and an inflammatory process begins to develop. Every year, more and more people experience this disease. The sad news is that arthritis can affect even children.

Young hands

Psychological reasons, as an option for the development of arthritis

Medicine is constantly evolving, and today experts offer a huge number of different medicines or treatment options, but the only, most effective means have not yet been found. Also, it is not possible to establish exactly the reasons for the development of the disease. The main factor that provokes the appearance of arthritis is considered to be changes in the body of the physiological type. But this is nothing more than an assumption that has not yet been proved by scientists.

Most psychologists and modern experts believe that the psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis can be put on a par with physiological factors. In medicine, the influence of psychological factors on a particular disease is called psychosomatics.

What role does psychosomatics play in human life

This term is translated from Greek as the unity of body and soul. This phenomenon means the dependence of the disease on the state of the soul of a person and his psyche.

In the past few years, they have begun to actively develop such a direction as psychosomatic medicine. At the same time, along with doctors, the dependence of the state of health on the human psyche is studied in detail by psychologists.

Female hands

What is studying psychosomatics

Such a direction in modern science is studying what is the relationship between the individual characteristics of the personality and those diseases that are present in humans. In this situation, experts attribute the personality traits:

  • Self-esteem of a person.
  • Hereditary characterization of physiology, psyche.
  • Life-long habits.
  • Some traits of a human character.
  • A specific manifestation of emotions.

If you believe the science of psychosomatics, then the main reasons for the development of almost all diseases can be called directly psychological. In simpler terms, scientists are inclined to believe that all pathologies, except for infectious and parasitic ones, arise from disorders and inconsistencies that begin to develop in the human subconscious.

Some experts in the field of psychosomatics may call this phenomenon nothing more than self-hypnosis. For some people, the power of thought is an incredibly powerful weapon that can primarily harm a person himself, and only then others.

On a note! If a person is ill with some kind of disease, then this will necessarily affect the mental state of health, even if he has “iron” nerves. In medicine, the psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis is a common topic.

Doctor's man

How arthritis is manifested

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the systemic diseases that affect the connective tissue. In most cases, pathology develops in small joints. First, an inflammatory process appears that, without proper treatment, will lead to the transformation of cartilage.

If during the development of the rheumatic process a person is in a state of panic and has a sense of doom, then the disease quickly develops from arthritis to polyarthritis. This is the psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis. Then the patient begins to feel like an inferior person. From this, questions arise about how to live with rheumatoid arthritis.

The difference lies only in some subtleties of the inflammatory and destructive process of a medical nature. Dystrophic diseases that develop in the joints will not always lead to damage to the cartilage tissue located on the surface of the joints. For a simple person, these diagnoses will be characterized only as joint pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis as a psychosomatic disease

A person’s tendency to develop arthritis cannot occur in just one day. This will be influenced by numerous habits, as well as situations that arise throughout life. The main factors of the psychosomatics of rheumatoid arthritis include the following:

  1. Hereditary predisposition, manifested in the form of genetic characteristics of the psyche and physiology.
  2. Bad habits that are formed in a person throughout his life.
  3. Low or too high self-esteem of a person.
  4. Affects the manifestation of character and its features in certain situations that a person encounters throughout his life.
  5. Features of how a person manifests his most different emotions.

This article will describe the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis treatment


When is it worth considering that the development of rheumatoid arthritis was provoked directly by psychosomatic factors, rather than physiological abnormalities?

  1. Therapy with a variety of medications, even for a very long time, does not bring even a minimal positive result and does not in the least facilitate the course of rheumatoid arthritis. The causes of the disease in this case are clearly laid at the psychosomatic level. Therefore, in such a situation, the help of one rheumatologist will be clearly not enough.
  2. Human health and well-being are at the same level as it was. There is no deterioration, but no improvement is also observed. This occurs in situations where, during treatment, a person experienced severe stress or had serious problems.

The nature of a person and the characteristics of his psyche as one of the reasons for the development of pathology

Psychologists believe that the person’s nature itself, the way he communicates and relates to other people, can tell a lot about his tendency to develop rheumatoid arthritis. What character most often causes the development of the psychosomatic form of the disease? Those most at risk are those who:

  1. They like to control all the actions of their loved ones or relatives, especially children. They put too high demands and put forward a huge number of claims for any reason. Very often they remain dissatisfied with the work done, even if it was performed perfectly.
  2. Absolutely everything in the family is taken into their own hands. Such people do everything possible to become the main ones, to begin to lead in everything and to stand out among relatives and close friends.
  3. People who try to dominate the lives of others and at the same time control all actions. At the same time, they have an irresistible desire to bring maximum benefit to society and to be sufficiently in demand.
  4. People who do not understand that they have taken too much to gain control over other personalities. At the same time, they constantly complain that relatives, friends and relatives took all their problems and difficulties onto them.
  5. Women do everything possible to be strong and courageous enough. They have the type of behavior that is more characteristic of the male.
  6. People who are prone to developing rheumatoid arthritis will never make spontaneous decisions. They all think and weigh very well, look ahead every move.
  7. Become leaders in their family, trying to prove that it is their lifestyle that is right and that you only need to behave like that. They are trying to invest the same to their partner, who, as a rule, is a calm person, with a complaisant character, quite balanced and reasonable.
  8. The psychosomatic factor may begin to manifest itself if a person is constantly afraid to do something wrong or if he has a fear that his plans will not work out, will not come out to achieve his goal, which he considers almost the most important in his of life.

Without even suspecting anything, the first symptoms of arthritis can be laid down by parents. This can be explained by the fact that the psychosomatic factor begins to develop in a person’s early childhood. Children who, in adulthood, may suffer from a rheumatoid form of arthritis, in childhood could not fully express all their emotions due to the strong pressure and control from their parents. Dad and mom wanted to see a perfectly right child in front of them, completely disciplined and obedient.

At the same time, all parents want to protect their child as much as possible from the negative influence of the surrounding world, which leads to rather disastrous consequences. The child will be completely unprepared for what awaits him in adulthood. Such children, when they grow up, will be dissatisfied with themselves, their life, behavior and all that is around. Such people will surely sooner or later think about the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Diagnosis and treatment of arthritis

Psychosomatics of the development of arthritis of the knee

Psychologists have conducted repeated and numerous studies on this subject. And they revealed several causes of the psychosomatic development of rheumatoid arthritis in the knee joint. They say that swelling in the knee area during the development of arthritis can be completely associated with quite severe stressful situations or depression, sadness. In the event that blood begins to accumulate in the knee joints in the presence of a pathology such as arthritis, then we can say that the patient is a rather cruel and vengeful person.

The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis is the development of an immune system response to a lack of T-suppressor activity of lymphocytes.

If a person with arthritis constantly hears a crunch, creak in the knees, then you should reconsider your life in order to avoid stressful situations. People with this pathology for a long time live their past and at the same time pay very little attention to the present. As mentioned earlier, psychosomatic factors are sometimes a key factor in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. If loud clicks are added to all the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, then the patient does not show his true emotions to others, he tries to drown out his anger and may be sad about a variety of, sometimes quite petty, situations.

Woman at the doctor

If we draw some conclusions, we can say that the health of the joints indicates the possibility and ability of a person to adapt to different life situations. Can an individual find a compromise, give way, especially if he is wrong and so on. It also indicates how exactly the patient moves through life and what actions he is ready to do not only for his own benefit, but also for other people.

A huge role is played by the timely determination of the psychosomatic factor. Once this diagnosis is established, everything possible must be done to eliminate it. Otherwise, quite serious complications can occur, in addition to the advanced form of rheumatoid arthritis.

If nothing is done, then a person may begin to develop hernias, metabolism is seriously impaired, a variety of problems with the spine arise. In the worst situations, malignant formations may even appear.

Psychosomatics: 6 facts about the development of arthritis from Liz Burbo

  1. Often people with arthritis have very serious problems with their emotionality, mentality, and also have a disturbed spiritual world.
  2. Arthritis begins to develop in those people who set incredibly high standards not only for themselves, but also for everyone around them. They constantly find new jobs for themselves, or they create a variety of problems on their own.
  3. People with rheumatoid arthritis will never ask others for help. They believe that those who are close should themselves figure out everything and offer their help. If this does not happen, then the sick person begins to be disappointed in everyone. From the side, such people may seem very sweet, kind, calm, balanced. In fact, they suppress and hide their “righteous” anger, discontent and disappointment as much as possible.
  4. The main mistake of people with arthritis, psychologist Liz Burbo calls the accumulation of emotions, often negative, and keeping them deep inside. Negative emotions adversely affect the state of health, begin to stimulate the development of a variety of diseases, worsen the internal condition of the patient.
  5. For the most part, people who are prone to a disease such as arthritis are literally overwhelmed with anger because others cannot understand them. They look helpless in their eyes, their desire to take revenge on everyone and everyone is constantly growing, and over time, such people may simply cease to control themselves.
  6. A well-known psychologist believes that it is by the symptoms of arthritis that one can determine the most problematic place of a person. Depending on in which particular joint rheumatoid arthritis began to develop, one can understand which of the areas of his life a person should immediately change.

Prevention of the psychosomatic development of the disease

In this situation, such a phrase as: “A disease is easier to prevent than to treat” will be very useful. If you pay attention to your life and behavior in time, you can prevent the development of a huge number of diseases. Many of these recommendations will help prevent the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

  • It is necessary to understand in time not only those reasons that are among the physiological, but also psychological factors. Try your best to change your habits.
  • Review the requirements and claims that you often make to people around you. Try to avoid people who will put pressure on you morally, emotionally, spoil your mood or make you nervous.
  • Regardless of what situation you are in and what the surrounding people think about you, you should always try to adequately and judiciously react to what happened.
  • Carefully analyze all your needs, desires. Stop criticizing yourself, constantly blaming everything, or taking the blame only on yourself, for something that you have no special relationship.
  • Try never to inspire yourself with any kind of disease and do not compare your state of health with the health of other people. Psychologists are sure that the more people find out about your disease, the more they will talk on this topic, which will significantly increase the duration of treatment.
  • Try to at least temporarily escape from rheumatoid arthritis and do not focus your attention on this.
  • In no case should you “try on” the illnesses of other people, their well-being and condition.
  • Try to convince yourself that you will surely recover quickly. And know that rheumatoid arthritis can be cured. Have hope for an absolute recovery. No need to focus on the pathology of your attention. A great option would be interest in a new business, a hobby. This will help to distract from the disease, but it is very important that you definitely enjoy this activity.

Such advice is not very difficult to implement and can be used as a preventive measure for the psychosomatic development of rheumatoid arthritis. Also, these tips can be used as an auxiliary treatment of a psychological nature. But if a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis has already appeared, what should I do?

Hospital arthritis treatment

Disease treatment

The standard for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is medication and exposure to the immune system. To date, the main method of treating this ailment is taking medications.

Here are some pills for rheumatoid arthritis that show good results in the first stages of the disease:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • "Ketoprofen" and others.

Basic pharmacological agents for the treatment of arthritis primarily affect the cause of the disease. Experts recommend taking vitamins for rheumatoid arthritis from group B, E and trace elements. It is also not necessary to discount physical therapy. Individually selected exercises help restore joint flexibility and muscle tone. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also very often used: phonophoresis, UHF, ozokerite and others.

It is worth noting that many are interested in what to not eat with rheumatoid arthritis. The diet for this disease is an exception to the daily diet of various cereals, such as oatmeal, wheat cereal, etc.

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