Many parents, especially mothers, are concerned about the question: how old is the boy’s head. Most often, from birth it is spliced by special commissures (synechiae), which do not allow it to fully open or completely exclude this process. This phenomenon is called physiological phimosis and is temporary. Gradually, in the process of maturation and as the male genital organ grows, the foreskin begins to very slowly separate from the head. As a result, its complete discovery occurs.
When exactly does the head open?
In medicine, it is not customary to talk about certain age limits. However, parents who are puzzled by the question of how many years the head opens in boys should know about some of the features. This process depends on many factors, which include the individual growth rate and development of a particular child. Therefore, one should prepare for the fact that the discovery can occur at almost any age, and there are no strict standards in this matter.
Doctors noted that in only four percent of newborn babies, the foreskin is mobile to such an extent that it is possible to safely withdraw the glans penis. In almost a fifth of all babies, this happens before six months. But by the age of three or four years, the foreskin begins to freely move in 90 percent of future men, which allows you to freely open the head of the penis. Therefore, it is believed that before this time, parents should not be bothered by how many years the boys head opens.
Head opening
In that case, if the baby quietly goes to the toilet, does not complain about anything, his genitals are not inflamed and have the usual color, then there is no need to perform any special actions. The fact is that on this part of the penis there are many nerve endings, so any manipulations can be very painful.
Some parents, puzzled by the question of how old the head opens in boys, can take independent actions aimed at opening the head. However, this can lead to paraphimosis, which will require further surgery. Therefore, the only thing required is to monitor the hygiene of the body. Usually in
In the process of bathing, the foreskin area is cleaned independently. Nevertheless, the penis and scrotum should be washed with
baby soap at least once a week
.What to do if the head does not open
Sometimes it happens that the parents are too late puzzled by the question of how old the boys have their heads open. In this case, we can talk about pathological phimosis. This disease necessarily requires treatment, since the consequences can be quite serious. For example, during an erection, various pains and tears will occur. Moreover, if you do not take active actions, then sexual intercourse will be impossible or difficult.
When to see a doctor
If parents have doubts, then with the question of how old the head opens, you should consult a doctor. An operation can be prescribed if the following symptoms are detected: a change in the foreskin, frequent inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin, and disorders during urination. However, modern low-traumatic techniques can eliminate the problem forever.