How to open sodium chloride correctly?

In search engines, World Wide Web users are often interested in how to discover sodium chloride. Indeed, this issue is quite relevant, since plastic containers with saline do not require opening, but are intended for use in special medical institutions for droppers. However, in everyday life, some people also need to find out how easy it is to open sodium chloride without damaging the contents.

Instruction manual

If you need the entire contents of the container, the best way is to simply cut off the hermetically sealed lid, which makes the solution sterile. It is important to understand that in any case, after opening it ceases to be such. Therefore, after the first use, the product can no longer be used for some purposes. In addition to the use in droppers, saline is needed for inhalation, or for the treatment of damaged skin areas. It is sold, as a rule, in glass containers that can be opened without problems, since they are suitable for reusable use.

Another version of sodium chloride that can be found in pharmacies is in a plastic container. It is such packaging that causes difficulties. If you need a small amount of solution, then turn to the next method.

How to open sodium chloride?

First of all, when purchasing saline solution, ask the pharmacist if small ampoules are available so as not to take large packaging immediately.

ampoules with sodium chloride

If you have a large capacity in your hands, then you need a syringe to take a small amount. To do this, insert the needle into the cap of the sealed container and fill the syringe with the desired amount of solution. You can also pull out the syringe and pour out the amount of sodium chloride you need. If the hole turned out to be too small, then 2 syringes can be inserted immediately so that the liquid pours out faster. It is worth storing the product in the refrigerator, it would be advisable to close the holes with something so that the air does not enter the inside.

What to do when sodium chloride is over?

different types of containers

It is important to understand that plastic containers with sodium chloride must be disposed of. To do this, cut off the lid after fully using the solution and dispose of the container.


Let's hope that you were interested in learning something new from this article, and you read it to the end. Now you know exactly how to handle sodium chloride properly, open hermetically sealed plastic packaging and what to do with it after use. We can only wish you good luck!

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