Focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

The number of people who suffer from digestive tract diseases is growing every year around the world. Focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa is a pathology leading to the death of the glands, which are responsible for the production of gastric juice. With this type of atrophy, disorders that occur in the mucous membrane are pathological progressive in nature. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the ability of the cells of the affected areas to degenerate into malignant. Therefore, focal atrophy experts are classified as precancerous conditions.

Below we consider the symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis.

atrophic gastritis symptoms and treatment

Causes of the disease

Another name for this pathology is atrophic gastritis of a chronic nature. According to statistics, people of retirement age are most susceptible to this disease. Citizens between the ages of 18 and 35 get sick much less frequently. A provoking factor in this situation are autoimmune diseases, when, due to a malfunction, the immune system begins to kill its own tissues and cells. Such a target may be the stomach and its inner membranes.

Most often, focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa develops after 50-60 years, as a result of gastritis provoked by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

The main reasons contributing to the development of the disease are quite diverse. These include:

  1. Malnutrition is the most common factor affecting the condition of the gastric walls. A person who eats fast food, spicy, fatty foods for many years, strikes at this main digestive organ. Starvation, constant diets, non-observance of time intervals between meals negatively affect the state of the digestive tract. What are other causes of atrophy of the gastric mucosa?
  2. Bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol) disrupt the normal rhythm of the digestive system, causing an inflammatory process in the mucosa, the formation of ulcers and erosion.
  3. Prolonged uncontrolled use of medicines. Many modern pharmacological preparations may contain chemicals that adversely affect the inner lining of the stomach and organs of the entire digestive tract.
  4. Intoxication. When dangerous chemical or natural substances enter the body, irritation and, as a result, gastrointestinal tract inflammation occur.
  5. Hereditary factor. Experts say that gastritis, which is inherited, is dangerous with a high probability of degeneration into an oncological tumor.
  6. Frequent stresses, nervous shocks can cause a malfunction of the digestive system, causing irreversible disturbances.
  7. Some somatic pathologies (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system) significantly increase the risk of atrophic disorders.
  8. A lack of iron and vitamin B 12 affects the state of the digestive system, disrupting their activity.
focal atrophy of the antrum mucosa


This disease has a certain classification:

  1. Focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa is characterized by the appearance of pathological foci in the connective tissue at the site of the dead glands of the inner shell. The foci have different sizes and shapes, in morphological structure and appearance resemble an atrophic scar on the skin of the face - a pink-colored area, flabby, with noticeable borders. Focal atrophy is dangerous because the symptoms during its development are often absent.
  2. Focal atrophy of the mucosa of the antrum of the stomach is a type of pathological process, which is characterized by damage to the distal section of the stomach and the death of the glands responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. As a result, the walls of the stomach begin to become inflamed. With a chronic course, bacterial damage, the development of ulcers may occur.
  3. Moderate atrophy, which is mild, severe and moderate. For the weak, a slight change in the main glands is characteristic. For moderate - negative measurements are more significant, in addition, the formation of pathological sites. Severe atrophy is characterized by extensive necrotic lesions.


Symptoms of the manifestation of focal atrophic lesions are blurred, expressed rather weakly, therefore, in the early stages of the disease, patients are not aware of its existence.

The classic symptoms of focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa differ in the degree of intensity and severity:

  1. The occurrence of nausea. If this phenomenon occurs often and without objective reasons, then it may indicate inflammatory processes.
  2. Change of stool. Diarrhea or constipation is a sign of a violation of the full process of digestion, malfunction of the intestine.
  3. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach. After eating, patients complain of a feeling of heaviness, overcrowding, pressure in the epigastric part. For this reason, patients suffering from focal atrophy eat poorly and lose weight quickly.
  4. Flatulence. With atrophy of the mucous membrane, food is poorly digested, its residues decompose, which leads to increased gas formation.
  5. Belching, which is a sign of insufficient production of gastric juice coming in order to break down food. There is an eructation with an unpleasant odor, bitterness. Some patients complain of dry mouth and an unpleasant aftertaste.
  6. Pain syndrome. Pain with focal atrophic lesion is observed dull, periodic, occurs after eating. In advanced cases, the pain is permanent.
  7. The appearance of white plaque in the tongue, which is most characteristic of exacerbations of the disease.
  8. Weight loss, which occurs due to a weakened general condition of the body and insufficient assimilation of food.

The periodic occurrence of 2-3 of the above symptoms should be a reason for concern and contact a gastroenterologist.

Erythematous gastropathy with focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa

Erythematous gastropathy means redness of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which may be accompanied by its swelling, bleeding and excessive formation of mucus. A similar sign is determined by examining the stomach with an endoscope - fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.

Hyperemia of the mucous layers of the stomach is provoked by some adverse factors, for example, spicy, rough and too hot food. Under the influence of a causative factor, microcirculation is activated in the affected areas of the stomach, which gives it a bright red color.

What is atrophy of the gastric mucosa, not everyone knows.

causes of atrophy of the gastric mucosa

The main difference

A distinctive feature of this symptom of the disease is that it directly affects the mucous layer of the organ, and the deeper layers remain intact.

Most often, a similar syndrome can be observed when conducting FEGDS in patients with erythematous gastritis. In this clinical case, it is necessary to take therapeutic measures in time, because the course and outcome of the disease depend on the adequacy and timeliness of the treatment measures. Incorrect or later treatment threatens with the transition of the pathological process into a stomach ulcer.

If erythema is detected in the stomach, the doctor may recommend some additional studies aimed at identifying Helicobacter pylori, as well as determining the pH of the gastric juice or biopsy of the affected areas of the mucous membrane with subsequent histological examination.

In almost every case, erythematous gastropathy is detected by chance during FEGDS, which is carried out in the diagnosis of other diseases or for prophylactic purposes.

Signs of focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa are important to recognize in a timely manner.

blood test of urine and feces

Predisposing factors

To treat a pathology, you need to know what causes it. In this case, predisposing factors include:

  1. Unhealthy diet. The abuse of fried, spicy, salty foods contributes to the occurrence of erythema in the stomach. Also negatively affects the gastric mucosa fast food, smoked meats, soda and hot drinks.
  2. The use of medicines from such categories as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hormonal, anticoagulant and others.
  3. Infectious infestation. It should be noted the negative effect on the organ of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, as well as fungi and staphylococci.
  4. Reflux of intestinal contents into the cavity of the stomach.
  5. Irritation of the mucous layer with hydrochloric acid during diet or starvation.
  6. Chronic stress
  7. Increased physical activity.
  8. Lack of sleep.
  9. Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  10. Metabolic change.
  11. Hormonal imbalance.
  12. Hereditary predisposition.
  13. Pathologies of internal organs, for example, inflammation of the pancreas, intestines, gall bladder and others.
  14. Atherosclerosis of blood vessels.
  15. Exposure to food allergens and chemicals.

Do I need blood, urine, and stool tests?

how much feces is needed for analysis

Diagnostic measures

If you suspect an atrophic gastritis of a focal nature, you must consult a gastroenterologist. The specialist collects an anamnesis, finds out the patient's complaints, the intensity of the symptoms.

Diagnosis of atrophy of the gastric mucosa should be comprehensive:

  • A detailed and general blood test, urinalysis with determination of the volume of protein, white blood cells.
  • Coprogram, which is a study of feces, showing how much food is digested and the absorption of nutrients.

How much feces do you need for analysis? This is indicated by the attending physician when writing out the direction. In addition, such studies are carried out:

  • For the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection - breath tests, morphological techniques.
  • Using an endoscope - a reliable technique that allows you to visually assess the severity and type of atrophic lesions.
  • A biopsy of the tissues of the stomach, histological studies that allow you to determine the stage of morphological changes in the mucous membrane.
  • Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas, since with an atrophic lesion of a focal nature, their activity may be impaired.

How much feces is needed for analysis in a child, infants and adults? The measure will be almost the same. To do this, use a special sterile container that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is tight, a spoon is included in the kit. There are marks on the container.

The amount of bowel movements for adults will be no more than the size of a walnut. 15 grams of formed chair is enough to collect for a child.

How to treat atrophy of the gastric mucosa?

diagnosis of atrophy of the gastric mucosa

Therapeutic measures

Properly prescribed treatment of atrophic gastritis of a focal nature can significantly improve the patient's condition. To cure and restore the mucous layers of the stomach is the main goal of such therapy, the effectiveness of which directly depends on the reasons that provoked the development of this disease.

If the pathology developed against the background of infection with Helicobacter pylori infection, inhibitors and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. A weekly therapeutic course is usually enough to destroy this bacterium.

The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of focal atrophic lesions:

  • Substitution medications (natural gastric juice) and digestive enzymes (Pangrol, Creon, Mikrazim), which help fully digest food.
  • Medications that help produce hydrochloric acid. For example, due to the use of Plantaglucide, the process of gastric secretion is enhanced, inflammatory manifestations and cramps are removed.
  • Vitamins in tablet or injection form are prescribed with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, serum iron (vitamin B 12 ).
  • Pain medications, such as No-shpa or Buscopan, which well eliminate pain and cramping.
  • Medicines that improve the motility of the digestive tract are Cerucal, Motilium. They help promote a food lump through the stomach to the intestines, preventing the development of stagnation.

With the advanced course of the disease and precancerous conditions, therapy by surgical intervention is indicated.

Power Features

Diet in the treatment of focal atrophic gastritis plays a very important role. The basic principle is gentle, fractional nutrition. Steaming is preferable. Avoid eating too hot or cold food, which injures the walls of the body. The basis of the diet should be:

  • Soups on low-fat broths.
  • Thoroughly mashed vegetable puree.
  • Boiled meat (rabbit, beef, turkey), white fish.
  • White dried bread (yesterday).
  • Oatmeal, rice porridge.
  • Dried fruit compotes, still mineral.

Fatty foods, canned foods, food with vinegar and spices, carbonated drinks, artificial juices are banned.


Careful attitude to the digestive organs allows you to stay healthy for many years. People with relatives with diseases of the digestive tract, compliance with preventive measures is necessary.

signs of focal atrophy of the gastric mucosa

Proper nutrition is the key to health and well-being. The exclusion of junk food significantly reduces the burden on the stomach, allowing you to maintain secretory functions. Refusal of bad habits also allows you to minimize the negative impact of harmful substances on the mucous membranes of the stomach.

The presence of diseases (colitis, duodenitis) is a reason for regular monitoring of the state of the digestive tract. People with gastritis should undergo a diagnostic examination annually.

We examined the symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis.

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