In the article, we consider the instructions for use, analogues and reviews of Asparkam.
Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels today are at the top of the list of dangerous diseases for people. The reasons for the development of such diseases are many. This is a fatty food, leading to the formation of plaques and vascular blockage, along with a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight and having bad habits. "Asparkam" is a drug that helps with cardiac and vascular pathologies.
Detailed description of the medication
"Asparkam" is a medication related to medicines that help regulate the metabolic process. With its help, patients can restore electrolyte balance by regulating cardiac activity.
Indications for use of this drug
Treatment for heart disease should usually be comprehensive. It implies a diet along with a change in the usual schedule. Naturally, the use of special medications is also required. Among the most popular, and at the same time effective ones from this series, it is worth mentioning Asparkam.
This drug belongs to the group of medicines that is intended to regulate various metabolic processes. As a rule, the administration of Asparkam is prescribed together with Diakarb in order to comprehensively eliminate the problems of increased intracranial pressure and other pathological deviations.
The main active ingredients of this tool are potassium and magnesium asparaginate. They make it possible to maintain the correct electrolyte balance, restoring lost substances in the body. Using this medicine, you can normalize the heart rhythm and restore the normal functioning of the main muscle. The body begins to beat calmer, resulting in a reduced risk of heart attack or stroke.
Format of release and composition of the drug
The drug "Asparkam" for the heart is very convenient in that it can be purchased in ampoules and used for a course of infusion or intravenous injection, and it can also be easily found in the form of tablets.
One tablet contains magnesium and potassium asparaginate in an amount of 0.175 grams. Solutions for injection are produced in ampoules of 5 or 10 milliliters. The medicine contains 40 milligrams of magnesium asparaginate and 45.2 milligrams of potassium asparaginate.
When is this medicine prescribed for patients?
"Asparkam" is a drug that is prescribed by the course in those cases when, as a result of the analysis of the patient, hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia is noted. It is also widely applicable when the patient has circulatory problems along with coronary heart disease and in a state of shock.
But the main indication for the use of Asparkam is a violation in the heart, for example, when the rhythm changes, which often manifests itself due to a lack of important elements in the body (potassium and magnesium).
In addition, this drug is taken by patients with a diagnosed ventricular extrasystole and the presence of paroxysms of flickering vestibules. This medicine is good, according to experts, and for the treatment of vascular diseases like edema syndrome, epilepsy, glaucoma, gout and Meniere's disease.
The principle of the drug
The active substance "Asparkam" for the heart restores the electrolyte balance and relieves arrhythmia. Potassium, which is part of this drug, can contribute to the correct, and at the same time, timely conduction of impulses along the nerve fiber. In addition, he takes part in muscle contraction, as well as in the process of normalizing cardiac activity. The drug is transmitted through the plasma membrane. Moreover, in a small amount, it can expand the coronary arteries, and in large doses it narrows them.
Magnesium, in turn, is responsible for the enzyme reaction and becomes a very important element in the processes that ensure the supply and expenditure of energy. Magnesium is required as a substance to normalize the electrolyte balance, it works as a kind of ion transport, exerting a direct effect on membrane permeability, and helps to correct nervous and muscle excitability.
Contraindications to the use of this medication. Overdose
Despite the benefits of the drug “Asparkam” in the fight against vascular diseases, there are a large number of contraindications, against which the danger of use is much higher than the benefit to human health. So, for example, it is not recommended to be treated with this tool for those people who have:
- Chronic or acute kidney failure.
- Hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia.
- Problems with atrioventricular conduction of the second degree.
- Myasthenia gravis
Also, the prescribed dose must be strictly observed, since an overdose can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. In that case, if this drug is administered very quickly during the course of injections, and even in a dosage greater than that indicated, an excess of magnesium and potassium may develop.
As a result of the excessive use of the Asparkam medicine, people have a rather sharp reddening of the face, a feeling of intense thirst, and at the same time, nervous and muscle transmission is disturbed, arrhythmia occurs, breathing is lost, and so on. If the dose was too strong repeatedly, you have to resort to hemodialysis to correct this situation.
Sometimes, adverse reactions from taking this drug include slowing the heartbeat along with a decrease in pressure, the development of phlebitis and thrombosis. In the event that itchy skin appears, then this, as an option, may turn out to be a kind of reaction to the use of Asparkam. Dizziness in combination with increased sweating, muscle hypotension is also a side effect of taking this drug.
Features of the reception
The use of Asparkam is permitted for children. For example, for the treatment of epilepsy, it is prescribed for four-month-old infants. Data on the administration of this drug during pregnancy have not been made public; therefore, it is up to the attending physician to decide whether or not to use this drug for the expectant mother, depending on the totality of various individual characteristics, as well as the possibility of using safe alternative drugs. It is known that medication is not recommended in the initial trimester. Moreover, when a decision is made on the use of the drug for a woman in position, then pills are prescribed.
What else does the application manual for Asparkam for adults and children tell us?
Regarding the use of Asparkam in conjunction with other drugs, experts say that the drug in question is not compatible with every pharmacological category. For example, its joint use with ACE inhibitors or with diuretics from the category of potassium-sparing drugs can easily lead to hyperkalemia in patients, which may require additional treatment. "Asparkam" lowers sensitivity to cardiac glycosides.
The use of "Asparkam" for children
This medication is prescribed for children over one year of age and infants only in cases when doctors identify a potassium deficiency according to the results of laboratory tests. In the event that hypokalemia is detected, then, regardless of the reasons that provoked such a violation, children are prescribed pills. Intravenous injections are extremely rare, only in case of a life threat.
Hypokalemia in children, as a rule, is manifested by drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, a drop in pressure, muscle weakness, arrhythmia and palpitations. In the event that the baby is breastfed, then dry skin, increased gas formation, poor breast sucking and frequent spitting up, up to the start of vomiting, can be added to the indicated signs. Hypokalemia in children at any age develops for the following reasons:
- Due to repeated vomiting.
- Due to diarrhea during the day.
- Against the background of severe diseases of the liver or kidneys.
- With pathologies of the digestive system.
- In the case of glucocorticoids.
- The use of non-potassium-sparing diuretics.
- Intravenous administration of a solution of glucose, protein and salts without potassium.
In the event that the child has recently been exposed to the above causes of hypokalemia, then he should be given an ionogram, in which the doctor will determine the concentration of potassium in the body. If it is low, then it is necessary to drink a two-week course of "Asparkam" in an individual dosage, which the doctor will prescribe. The drug is also prescribed for children in order to stop arrhythmia, which is caused by myocarditis, which usually develops as a complication of a bacterial or viral infection.
Often “Asparkam” is offered in pharmacies under a different name. So, for example, it is often called "Pananginum", potassium and magnesium asparaginate, "Asparkam-L". In essence, all of these medicines have one effect. They differ, as a rule, only to those who play the role of producer, as well as cost.
Storage conditions
Despite the fact that the drug “Asparkam” does not need special storage conditions (for example, exclusively in the cold), you will need to follow the prescribed instructions, clearly maintaining the recommended temperature regime.
The manufacturer found that this medicine should be stored in a dry place in which the temperature is twenty-five degrees. How many Asparks are suitable?
Typically, the average shelf life of the drug in question is three years. Of course, when this period passes, it is worth throwing the old drug and buy a new one.
In controversial situations, when taking a medication, it would seem, can improve well-being, but there are complicating factors like pregnancy or a chronic disease, you need to make a decision on the appointment with your doctor. Only a specialist is able to competently weigh all the nuances, and only then choose the best option for the patient. The course prescribed by the doctor in the absence of problems with admission must be completed. Only in this way can you guarantee a reliable result. Next, find out what doctors and patients write on the Internet about the drug in question.
Doctors note that patients very often treat the described medicine as vitamins, not particularly trying to comply with the dosage. And such a careless attitude is quite dangerous, since it can quickly and easily cause negative consequences for a person.
Patients themselves are very pleased with the use of this drug, they note an improvement in the condition, activity of the heart and rhythm. In addition, an additional advantage of the medication in question is its low price, since it costs only twenty rubles per package.
When taking this drug for the treatment of heart problems, you need to remember that only an observing doctor should prescribe it and based on the tests taken for the level of magnesium and potassium in the blood. In addition, it is required to strictly observe the dosage and not engage in independent therapy, prescribing certain doses to yourself.
During the administration of the drug, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition and in case of any discomfort it is necessary to immediately stop the treatment process, complaining to the specialist who prescribed the medicine. The fact is that when using the drug against the background of the appearance of side effects, a person only worsens the state of health and can get another disease additionally.
Asparkam Aveksima
According to the instructions for use, Asparkam Aveksima is a source of ions of elements such as potassium and magnesium, it regulates metabolic processes. The mechanism of action is presumably associated with the role of asparaginate as a carrier of magnesium and potassium ions in the intracellular space, and in addition, with the direct participation of asparaginate in the metabolic process. Thus, this tool eliminates the imbalance of electrolytes, decreases excitability with myocardial conductivity, and achieves a moderate antiarrhythmic effect. The medication is easily absorbed when ingested and excreted by the kidneys relatively quickly.
The use of Asparkam Aveksima is advisable in the complex treatment of the chronic form of heart failure, ischemic pathology, hypokalemia, and rhythm disturbances (including heart attack or glycoside overdose). The medicine is prescribed orally after a meal. For adult patients, doctors prescribe one or two tablets three times a day. The course of treatment is three to four weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated.
During treatment with this drug, people may experience nausea along with vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort, or burning in the pancreas. A paradoxical reaction in the form of an increase in the number of extrasystoles in combination with hyperkalemia, redness of the face, thirst, a decrease in pressure, muscle weakness, excessive fatigue, paresis, coma, areflexia, respiratory depression, and convulsions is not ruled out.
As contraindications, the use of this drug includes hypersensitivity to the drug along with impaired amino acid metabolism, acute renal failure, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, adrenal cortical diseases, severe myasthenia gravis and hemolysis. It is forbidden to use the described medicine for arterial hypotension (systolic pressure less than 90 millimeters of mercury) and for up to eighteen years.
According to reviews, Asparkam and Panangin are very popular preparations for the heart.
A drug called "Panangin" is the main source of electrolytes, very important for the work of the heart. In addition, this drug affects the metabolic process. The composition of the medication includes two very important elements (potassium and magnesium). In this connection, their deficiency causes problems in the heart? Consider this issue in more detail.
An important function of potassium is that it supports the membrane potential of neurons and myocardial tissue structure. The imbalance between the intracellular and extracellular potassium content leads to a decrease in the number of contractions, which, in turn, causes arrhythmia with tachycardia.
Magnesium is an important element in most enzymatic reactions, especially nucleic acid synthesis and energy metabolism. It has an important effect on the work of the heart, for example, eliminates the tension of contractions and the rhythm frequency, helping to reduce the oxygen demand of myocardial tissues. Magnesium also has a pronounced anti-ischemic effect. "Panangin" is prescribed using the following dosage:
- The classic norm according to the instructions are two tablets per day.
- In severe cases (with digitalis poisoning, disturbance of coronary circulation), the drug is prescribed three times a day for three tablets, and after a week the dose is reduced to one pill twice.
The medicine is taken after a meal.
Diacarb and Asparkam
In the field of modern medicine, the use of "Diacarba" and "Asparkam" is very common for the treatment of edema with intracranial pressure. Prescribing medications that have a diuretic effect is common practice in combating such abnormalities. In order to suppress hypertensive manifestations, neuropathologists recommend such a combination quite often.
What are the indications for the use of "Diacarb" and "Asparkam", it is important to find out in advance.
The only drawback of Diacarb is the rather rapid depletion of certain macronutrients in the body, so an assistant drug is also prescribed for it. It is also used for glaucoma, against the background of epilepsy, but, above all, it is a diuretic that promotes the withdrawal of natural elements. The drug is used in tandem with Asparkam in order to replenish magnesium and potassium, which are lost in the process of metabolizing the ingredients of Diakarba.
Against the background of intracranial pressure, which lasts for a long time, there are serious consequences, ranging from severe pain in the head to significant changes in the size of the skull among babies with an increase in the amount of cerebrospinal fluid. Another indication for the use of "Diacarb" and "Asparkam" is the presence of cerebral benign hypertension.
The first choice within the long course of the disease is a combination of these two agents. In this case, the course is calculated individually for each. The diuretic also saves patients from blindness, especially it helps those who suffer from compression of the optic nerve. True, you should not prescribe and take such medicines on your own, use is possible only after consulting a specialist. Neuropathologists prescribe treatment with these components in the following conditions:
- "Diacarb" is suitable for use in epilepsy, glaucoma, mountain sickness, edematous syndrome and pulmonary pathologies.
- "Asparkam" is indicated against a background of a lack of potassium, cardiac arrhythmias, post-infarction conditions and a lack of magnesium.
Thus, in conclusion, it should be noted that it is extremely important to read the instructions for the medicine and consult a doctor before buying and starting to take it, since the use of Asparkam is simply dangerous for prevention. Before starting therapy, you need to make sure that the body has a lack of potassium.
We reviewed the instructions for use with Asparkam, reviews and analogues.