How to bake fish in the oven: recipes with photos

As you know, fish is a rather useful product that will contain in its composition all the minerals, vitamins and other useful compounds necessary for the daily normal functioning of the human body. You can cook it in any way: steamed, fried, boiled and even baked. So, we will further consider how to bake fish in the oven so that it turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

How to bake fish in the oven

A few general facts

Before you start considering recipes for delicious dishes, you should understand what types of fish are suitable for baking. As a rule, experienced and wise housewives choose those varieties that belong to the marine category - they have a high degree of fat in their composition, which is not only useful for life and developed by the body, but also makes it possible to make the finished dish incredibly tender and juicy. A great option for this purpose can be salmon, tilapia, putasu, as well as salmon. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to cook river fish in this way - bream, carp and carp are excellent options for this. Even the driest fillet, with the right approach, can be made juicy and tasty - just add butter to it or choose the right marinade, which at the time of preparation will fill it with the necessary amount of juice.

Oven baked fish in foil

Time for preparing

How much to bake fish in the oven? Such a question, as a rule, is of interest to novice housewives. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since it all depends on whether it is prepared in its entirety or in portioned pieces. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the variety of the product, since more juicy species reach the state of readiness much faster than dry ones. In the event that the fish has a large number of bones, then it must be cooked much longer than the one in which there are fewer. Under a longer exposure to temperature, the bones will become softer and in case of accidental ingestion into the esophagus, they will not damage it. As practice shows, on average, the process of preparing a product whose thickness is less than 2.5 cm is 10 minutes, and if more, then about 20 and, sometimes, longer. How many bake fish in the oven in foil? As a rule, when using such auxiliary material that prevents burning, it is necessary to increase the cooking time by 5-7 minutes. However, it is also worth paying attention to what time is indicated in the recipe for individual dishes.

Pink salmon under the marinade

In the manner proposed here, you can bake any kind of fish, but in the original form it is necessary to use pink salmon - it is with it that the taste of the prepared dish turns out to be as bright as possible.

In order for this fish (baked in the oven in foil) to be the most delicious, you need to prepare the right marinade for it. It is prepared in dry form by mixing various spices in equal proportions. In total, they should get 1.5 teaspoons. An ideal set for pickling this kind of fish is a complex of cardamom, coriander, nutmeg, dried rosemary, as well as ground black pepper. It should be noted that for pickling pink salmon it is not necessary to use dried rosemary - instead, you can take a couple of small twigs of fresh spice.

Before pickling a product, it is necessary to pre-prepare it, remove all the scales, fins and head, and then cut into pieces of medium thickness (about 2.5 cm). After that, each steak should be dried with a kitchen paper towel or napkins. Then all these spices should be mixed in one container, and then grate the fish with them both outside and inside. When this is done, it is necessary to coat it inside with salt (to taste). In the process of rubbing the pieces, it should be remembered that this type of marine product has very sharp bones that can cause injury.

After the slices are prepared, they must be laid out in a bowl, pour freshly squeezed orange juice and leave for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. As soon as the specified time passes, the pieces must be laid out on a sheet covered with foil, wrapped and sent to the oven for baking for 20 minutes, after pre-heating the cabinet to a high temperature - 220 degrees.

Pike perch with mushrooms

How to bake fish in the oven? You can do this by pre-stuffing the carcass with mushrooms. As practice shows, for such a purpose zander, which has a minimum number of bones, is excellent.

Baked fish recipe in the oven

To prepare the fish, it should be gutted, remove all unnecessary, cut off the head (not necessary), wash and dry thoroughly with paper kitchen towels. After that, you need to prepare the filling. This recipe (with photo) of baked fish in the oven involves the use of mushrooms as a filler, since they are perfectly combined with the taste qualities characteristic of pike perch. Porcini mushrooms or, in extreme cases, champignons are perfect for cooking. They should be washed thoroughly, cut into slices. In a pan, fry the onion, cut into half rings, as well as the mushroom. The heat treatment procedure should take no more than five minutes. After that, chopped Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.) Should be sent to the pan. In this composition, the ingredients also need to be cooked for five minutes. After all preparations, the filling should be cooled.

Professional chefs do not recommend using spices other than rosemary to create such a culinary work, as they can interrupt the delicate and delicate aroma of the finished dish. That is why the whole carcass of the fish should be rubbed only with it and a small amount of salt (to taste). This should be done both internally and externally. After that, it must be sprinkled with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After all the preparations have been completed and the filling has cooled down, you need to put it in the belly of the pikeperch, stab it with toothpicks in order to maintain the integrity of the structure. Now the fish must be laid on a sheet covered with oiled foil, wrapped in it, and then put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cook the fish baked in foil (in the oven) according to the recipe suggested here, should be about 25 minutes. After the specified time, you need to get a sheet, unfold the foil and sprinkle the fish with 150-200 g of grated hard cheese. Then the baking sheet should be returned to the oven to finish cooking for another 10 minutes, but only in the open form. The temperature at this stage should be slightly reduced (up to 180 degrees).

With potatoes and vegetables

Baked fish in the oven with potatoes and vegetables is the perfect decoration for any dining table set for any occasion. It is made from fairly simple ingredients and is very easy.

How to bake fish in the oven with vegetables? To do this, you need to take sea fish of any kind, disassemble on a fillet, wash thoroughly, dry with a towel, and then cut into pieces of medium size. In total, the loin should be about a kilogram. Fish should be put in a large bowl, pepper to taste, and also salt. Here you also need to pour a teaspoon of assorted spices intended for cooking fish and seafood. After this, the contents of the bowl should be mixed so that all the spices are evenly distributed.

Now should be taken for potatoes. It also needs to be taken about a kilogram, peeled, washed and cut into thin pieces. This vegetable should also be placed in a bowl, salt and, sprinkled with spices, mix. On a cutting board, you need to cut 2-3 tomatoes into half rings.

When all the components have been prepared, you need to grease the baking tray with vegetable oil, spread the potatoes to its very bottom, then distribute the fish, and put tomatoes on top of it. A small amount of potatoes should also be placed on top of all layers, after which grease the entire contents with mayonnaise (for a more delicate taste and aroma, you can use sour cream). Above all, pour the grated cheese so that it completely covers the top of the potato layer.

The baking sheet must be placed in the oven, heated to a temperature of 210 degrees. This recipe for fish baked in the oven involves cooking for half an hour. After this, you need to lower the temperature to 180 degrees and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes.

Baked fish in the oven photo

Cod with vegetables and nuts

A simple recipe for baking fish in the oven is offered by many housewives. For its implementation in practice, you need to take cod, cut into fillets (with skin), wash it, thoroughly dry it with a paper kitchen towel, and then cut it into portions. Prepared fish should be laid on a baking sheet, oiled, with the skin down.

In a separate bowl, prepare the sauce, which will be used for baking the product. To do this, take a set of greens (a couple of onion feathers, three branches of mint, dill, parsley), wash it and chop it thoroughly. It is necessary to add crushed garlic clove, 3-4 finely chopped gherkins, medium tomato chopped in the same way, as well as a couple of tablespoons of ground walnuts, a tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil, a little sour cream. All components of the mass must be mixed and evenly spread it on the surface of the fish.

After all the preparations have been done, it is necessary to heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, put a baking sheet in it and bake for 25 minutes. This recipe for fish baked in the oven involves serving it in combination with thinly sliced ​​lemon, gherkins, and cranberries.

Shrimp Cream Fish

For any festive feast, such a dish as fish cream with the addition of avocados and shrimp is perfect. This is truly an exotic version of how to bake fish in the oven; it will appeal to most guests.

To create a true culinary masterpiece, you need to take 600 g of cod, wash it, dry with a towel and cut into 4 portioned steak pieces. Each of them should be grated with freshly ground black pepper, as well as salt to taste - this is how the finished dish will have an amazing spicy aroma at the exit. After this, the fish should be put in the form selected for baking the dish. It must first be greased with olive or butter.

Now we should begin to form the top layer of the dish. To do this, you need to take a ripe avocado, remove a bone from its middle, and then cut the flesh into thin slices, which should be evenly spread on top of the fish. Also, 200 g of peeled shrimp should be put here (it is better to take not the largest, but not small ones). Next, the baking sheet should be filled with an incomplete glass of cream and, sprinkled with grated cheese so that there are no gaps, send to the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. Baked fish in the oven with cheese, cooks no more than half an hour. While this process is happening, you can start preparing a spicy sauce for it. To do this, take a tablespoon of horseradish and combine it with a teaspoon of lime juice, as well as a couple of tablespoons of sour cream. The mass must be seasoned with black pepper, salt to taste, and then mix thoroughly until smooth.

How much to bake fish in the oven in foil

Fish in soy sauce

This recipe (with photo) of fish baked in the oven involves the preparation of a very spicy and spicy dish. To create it, you need to make a special marinade, which will award its main ingredient with a special aroma and tenderness in taste.

To prepare the dish, you need to take trout fillet on the skin (about a kilogram), wash it, dry it and cut into portioned pieces (if desired, you can leave it whole). Then the fish should be lowered into the cooked marinade. It is done very simply. To do this, take three crushed cloves of garlic, combine them with grated ginger root (about 3 cm). This mass should be filled with 150 ml of soy sauce and the same amount of honey (you need to take liquid). After thorough mixing, the marinade will be ready. The fish should be soaked in juice in a cold place for at least an hour. In order to make the taste more saturated, it is better to do it in a sealed container.

When the fish is ready, it must be laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and place pieces on it. Fish baked in the oven in this way is cooked very quickly - no more than 10 minutes. In the event that, during the pickling, the piece remained intact, and not divided into smaller ones, then the process should be extended by 5 minutes. Serve this dish with vegetables or with hearty side dishes.

If you wish, slightly change the taste of the finished dish, you can use mustard instead of garlic and ginger in the marinade.

Bake fish in the oven a simple recipe

Trout with vegetables and mushrooms

Fish baked in the oven with vegetables and mushrooms will undoubtedly please a large number of guests invited to the table. It is distinguished by tenderness of taste, as well as a special aroma.

To prepare trout in this way, you need to take a couple of fish (river), clean them from all unnecessary entrails, fins and scales. In addition, gills should be removed, since the fish will be baked in its entirety, and they can significantly spoil the taste of the dish. After cleaning, wash and dry it thoroughly using dry wipes. After that, each carcass should be grated with a mixture of black pepper and salt (to taste) and let it be drunk for 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, you can prepare the filling. To do this, you need to take 100 g of salted salted pork fat, as well as one large bell pepper. The ingredients should be chopped. The same should be done with champignons (150 g). You also need to cut one onion into cubes. All of these products should be combined in one dish, salt them to taste, add black ground pepper (or a mixture), and then mix well. The resulting mass must begin to fish and firmly fix the abdomen with toothpicks. After that, each carcass should be sprinkled with a small amount of lemon juice, wrapped in foil each of them and, laying on a baking sheet, sent to bake in the oven. How many bake fish in foil (in the oven)? This will take about 30 minutes, provided that the cabinet is warmed up to 200 degrees.

Baked fish with cheese

In order to bake fish in foil in the oven (photo presented) in a more piquant way, literally 7-10 minutes before the end of its preparation, the carcasses must be opened and sprinkled with cheese.

Salmon with Mint Sauce

This dish is served cold when prepared. However, despite this, it will certainly become a favorite among all guests. Fish baked in foil in the oven in this way has a delicate taste and aroma, and besides, it is very easy to prepare.

To create such a masterpiece, you need to take 600 g of salmon fillet, wash it and cut into portioned pieces (4-5 pieces). After that, each of them should be greased with salt and set aside for a while. At this point, you can set the oven to warm up by setting the temperature to 200 degrees in it.

On a baking sheet covered with foil and oiled (preferably olive), put the fish slices, pepper them, then evenly spread finely chopped dill and thinly sliced ​​lemon on top. After this, the foil must be properly wrapped so that the juice from it does not evaporate - so the fish will turn out more tender. Bake in this form, the dish should be about 20-25 minutes.

Serve this fish product of culinary art in combination with a special sauce. It is very simple to cook. To do this, you need to combine in one dish a couple of tablespoons of wine or apple vinegar, the same amount of finely chopped mint, 4 tbsp. l yogurt (without flavoring), as well as salt and pepper (to taste). All ingredients should be brought to uniformity with a fork or whisk, and then served with the finished fish.

The salmon prepared according to this recipe should be served cold. It can be decorated with slices of fresh cucumbers, they will go well with it to taste.

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