Means "Bipanthenol". Instruction manual

The drug "Bipanthenol" (ointment, spray, cream) belongs to the category of regeneration stimulants. The active substance is dexpanthenol. The drug is a derivative of pantothenic acid, which is a component of coenzyme A. This element is involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, acetylation, synthesis of corticosteroids, acetylcholine, porphyrins. The medicine stimulates the restoration of mucous membranes, skin, stabilizes the metabolism in cells, increases the strength of collagen fibers, and also accelerates mitosis. The medication has a metabolic, regenerating and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

bipanthenol instructions for use

The medicine "Bipanthenol". Instruction Indications

The drug is prescribed for dry skin, violations of the integrity of the cover. These include, in particular, burns ( including sunburn ), minor injuries, abrasions, abscesses, boils, bullous dermatitis. The medication is recommended for trophic ulcers on the lower leg, cracks, pressure sores, aseptic postoperative wounds. The medicine is prescribed for poorly grafted skin grafts. The use of the drug for breast care during feeding (with cracks in the nipples, inflammation) is recommended. An agent is prescribed for cervical erosion. A medication for the care of newborns is recommended to eliminate diaper rash.

bipanthenol ointment

Means "Bipanthenol". Instruction Contraindications Side effects

The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity. Against the background of application, allergic manifestations may develop. As a rule, they are associated with the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug "Bipanthenol." Instructions for use

bipanthenol instruction

To eliminate wounds, abscesses, diaper rash, pressure sores, dermatitis, as well as to care for newborns and breasts, to eliminate defects in the mucous membrane of the uterine throat, a five percent liniment is used. Apply the medicine depending on the evidence - one or more times a day. A compress is applied to the nipples. It should be said that the ointment has a fairly high percentage of fat. In this regard, its use for dry wounds is recommended. Spraying the spray is carried out at a distance of about ten or twenty centimeters from the problem areas. Use recommended several times a day. Spraying is carried out so that the entire affected surface is covered with the drug. Shake the bottle before application. The cream has a lower (than ointment) fat content. In this regard, it is recommended to be applied to wetting lesions, wet wounds, open areas of the body. The exact treatment regimen is determined by a specialist.

The drug "Bipanthenol." Instruction special instructions

In practice, no cases of overdose have been reported. When using, care should be taken to prevent the drug from getting inside. The medication does not affect the speed of the psychomotor reaction. Do not self-medicate. Before using the medication, you should visit a doctor.

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