Fish, belong to those products that, due to the content of a large number of trace elements and vitamins, are very useful for our body. But not many people like to eat it, especially for children who have their own attitude to fish products. And in order to somehow feed the family with such a useful and necessary fish for our body, the hostesses have to show imagination and prepare more and more fish dishes, carefully masking this ingredient.
One of the healthy and dietary dishes is fish soufflé. It can be done both for the smallest children (1-3 years old), and for adult family members, replacing just a few components. If you read the article to the end, the question of how to cook a fish souffle will not bother you. The described recipes will satisfy the tastes of both children and adults.
Fish souffle for children
Souffle prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tasty and very tender, without a specific fish smell. It is perfect for children from the first year of life.
To prepare one serving, you need: low-fat fish fillet (100-150 gr), one or two potato tubers (depending on size), egg, a little butter, cream (tablespoon), onion (half a head), salt.
Cooking. Peel potatoes and boil in slightly salted water. Rinse the fish fillet, check for seeds and also boil until tender. Finely chop the onion and fry until golden in a small amount of vegetable oil. Without removing from the heat, pour in the cream, stir well and you can remove the pan from the heat. Make mashed potatoes from boiled fish and potatoes (using a fork or blender). From the egg, you need to take the protein and beat it into foam. Add the yolk to mashed potato and fish, put onion mixture and butter there, add salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Gently add egg white and mix again. Spread the souffle in a form pre-oiled with butter, given that this souffle will be served to children, you can use silicone forms in the form of a variety of figures. It is necessary to put the form in a preheated oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the fish souffle is cooked for 20 minutes.
Fish souffle for older children
We need: low-fat fish fillet (250-300gr), eggs (4 pcs.), Medium-fat cream (50 ml), one tomato, a couple of tablespoons of butter, canned corn (20-30gr), greens.
Cooking. Rinse and boil the fish fillet in slightly salted water. Mash boiled fillet with a fork or grind in a blender. Separate the yolks and add them to the fish mass. Wash the tomato and herbs, dry, peel the tomato and finely chop everything. Pour into a container with fish and mix well. Beat the remaining proteins in a strong foam, add cream and whip again. Introduce the squirrels with cream into the fish mass and gently stir.
The form in which the soufflé will be baked is greased with oil and sprinkled with canned corn. Pour the finished mass and place it in a preheated oven. Bake fish soufflé for 15-20 minutes. at 180 degrees.
Festive souffle
We need: sea fish fillet (600 gr), egg, a bunch of dill, one large onion, hard cheese (100 gr), carrots (3 pcs.), Several cloves of garlic, a few tablespoons of sour cream and cream, spices for fish.
Cooking. Rinse the fillet, if any, then remove the seeds. Grind fillet, onion and herbs in a meat grinder. Add the egg, salt and spices to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.
We clean the carrots and grate it, put it in a separate bowl, add the grated cheese on the coarse grater, the garlic and spices passed through the garlic crust, and add it. Mix.
Form for baking fish soufflé with butter. At the bottom we lay out a layer of minced fish, on top a layer of carrot and cheese mass and so do a few more layers. The top should be the fish layer, which is smeared with sour cream. Before you put the form in the oven, in the soufflé we make punctures. Such a souffle is baked for about 40 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 190 degrees.