Treatments for facial neuritis

The facial nerves help to bind the facial muscles of the face into a single whole. Thanks to this, the human face becomes mobile and able to express emotions. However, not everyone knows that inside the facial nerve there is one more - the intermediate, which serves as the transmission of the sensitivity of the tongue and lacrimal glands. If for one reason or another this transmission is disrupted, then this leads to neuritis of the facial nerve. The causes and treatment of this pathology should be known to everyone in order to timely prevent the development of this disease.

Skewed face

However, it should be borne in mind that this pathology is characterized by unpleasant symptoms. And yet, you can get rid of it even if treated at home.


As a rule, for help in the treatment of facial neuritis, they are most often consulted due to inflammation of the middle ear. However, in some situations, this condition is triggered by injuries to the skull, ears or face. In addition, infectious bacteria can lead to this.

Also provoke a similar condition can stress or frequent nervous disorders in humans. In addition, treatment of facial neuritis may be required against the background of intoxication.

The consequences of neuritis

Incorrect actions of the dentist can lead to similar unpleasant consequences. Also, pathology is caused by circulatory disorders or frequent hypothermia. Based on this, you need to understand that there are a huge number of factors that can provoke this disease, so it is very important to diagnose it in a timely manner and begin treatment of facial neuritis.


Since the facial nerve is responsible for the activity of the muscles of the face, in the case of an inflammatory process in a person, a so-called โ€œmaskโ€ is observed. In this case, he has completely no facial expressions or his face seems frozen. At the same time, the appearance of a person is greatly deteriorated. In some patients, a distortion of the face is observed, the nasal septum straightens and the corners of the mouth drop.

If there is inflammation of the facial nerve on only one side, then this can lead to closure of the eyelid. In the event of a bilateral lesion, both eyes will close. If we talk about the symptoms that the patient experiences in the first place, then a change in complexion will indicate this pathology. In addition, patients complain that they no longer distinguish between the taste of food or drinks. Some people show increased sensitivity to loud sounds. Tinnitus and pain may also occur.

Face problems

Against the background of the disease, tearing or dry eyes may develop. If inflammation of the facial nerve occurs, then against this background, its performance decreases. With neuritis, a person experiences severe pain. As a rule, an unpleasant sensation most often appears on the lips, jaw and tongue. In this case, discomfort can occur during the conversation, when brushing your teeth or chewing food. All this leads to the fact that the patient cannot fully exist, and even with the slightest movement of the facial muscles, he experiences severe pain. That is why it is very important to timely diagnose and proceed to the specialized treatment of facial neuritis.

Is hospitalization mandatory?

If this ailment occurs, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Only in this case can serious consequences be avoided. Self-diagnosis is not recommended. First of all, you need to contact a neurologist who can assess the situation and choose the necessary therapy.

In some cases, you can do with medications or physiotherapy. Additionally, massage, exercise therapy or acupuncture can be prescribed. However, such treatment is serious and complex, therefore, most often, experts recommend hospitalization.

In some situations, you can limit yourself to day care. However, in any case, the doctor must follow the recovery process of the patient. Treatment of facial neuritis is allowed at home only with the approval of the attending physician. It may allow you to independently perform special exercises, use folk or medication.

Facial gymnastics

Thanks to this therapy, a person manages to regain control of the nervous system. Facial gymnastics improves blood circulation and eliminates the risk of tightening facial muscles. The best effect is observed during whistling, widening of the nostrils, a smile with a closed mouth, raising eyebrows, puffing up cheeks, squinting, blinking, folding a mouth tube, smacking lips. If you perform these simple procedures, you can achieve very good results.

Features of treatment of traditional medicine

Considering the causes and treatment of facial neuritis, it is worth clarifying that with timely measures, a positive result can be achieved. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. And although today there are a huge number of recipes of traditional medicine that help to cope with almost any ailment, you must first consult with a specialist. This is especially true for situations when facial neuritis is treated during pregnancy. In addition, if the development of the disease has reached the last stage, then in this case home recipes can be powerless. If the doctor has nothing against it, then you can resort to several useful recommendations.

Rose tea

Pink tea is a fairly effective and cheap way that will help you quickly bounce back. To prepare the drug, it is necessary to grind two teaspoons of red rose petals and pour them with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is used in the form of tea several times a day. The course of treatment is three weeks. When grinding the petals, it is best to use an ordinary kitchen knife, since in this case much more medicinal juice will come out of them.

Rose tea

Black cumin

Speaking about facial neuritis, symptoms, treatment and reviews about the best ways to get rid of an unpleasant illness, it is worth paying attention to another alternative medicine. Seeds of black caraway seeds have a huge number of positive properties. First of all, this plant helps to strengthen human immunity.

To alleviate your condition and get rid of neuritis faster, you need to breathe over the vapors of this plant. To do this, it is enough to grind the seeds of the plant to a state of powder mass and soak them for a day. After this, you need to breathe over the resulting composition. In addition, black cumin seeds can be consumed in pure form. A spoonful of medication is recommended to be taken daily after meals.

Fir oil

Listing the methods of treating facial neuritis with folk remedies, it is worth paying attention to this composition, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order to quickly get rid of unpleasant pathology, it is necessary to rub oil in the inflamed areas on the face daily. The course of treatment is two weeks. It is very important not to use fir oil longer than this period. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Fir oil


According to reviews, this tool is considered one of the most effective for lesions of the facial nerves. Mummies are also available at the pharmacy. It is used for rubbing into the skin in the temple area. However, it is very important to pay attention that only ten percent solution of this agent is suitable for local use.

You can also take the mummy inside. A few drops of the solution must be added to a glass of milk. Additionally, you can mix the resulting mixture with a spoon of honey. However, it is recommended to take such a drug for no more than twenty days. If after this the person has not recovered, it is recommended to wait ten days after and repeat the course of administration.


Using ordinary dietary salt, you can get rid of the initial stage of the pathology. To do this, heat the salt in a dry pan. After that, it is poured onto a piece of natural tissue and applied to the inflamed areas on the face. However, it is important to ensure that the salt is not too hot. Otherwise, you can burn the skin.


If you use the lilac buds, then on their basis you can prepare a remedy for the treatment of facial neuritis. A topical ointment from the flowers of this plant is effective. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind one tablespoon of the components, mix them with lard in a ratio of 1: 4. The product must be stored in the refrigerator and rubbed into the affected areas of the face every day.

Lilac flowers


With the help of chicken eggs, you can also quickly get rid of an unpleasant pathology. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to separate the protein from the yolk and place it in a glass cup. And after that, one tablespoon of turpentine is added to the mixture. All ingredients are mixed well. The resulting composition is used as lotions. It is necessary to apply them to the face for ten minutes every day. The interval between procedures should be 7-8 hours.


In addition to the standard treatment of facial neuritis, other methods are widely used today that help to avoid taking medications. Leech treatment is very effective in the treatment of many pathologies. This is because the leech saliva contains a huge amount of therapeutic components. When using them, restoration, nutrition of tissues, vasodilation occurs, pain passes.

In addition, hirudotherapy helps strengthen immunity and relieve swelling. As a rule, leeches are located in the area of โ€‹โ€‹inflamed nerves. It is recommended to use no more than six individuals at a time.

Treatment of facial neuritis with medications

In this case, the specialist can prescribe one or more means, depending on the situation, stage of development of the disease and individual characteristics of the person. Most often, the doctor prescribes the use of vasodilator drugs. These include nicotinic acid. It may also be necessary to improve blood circulation. Best of all, Complmin does the job.

Good results are shown in the treatment of facial neuritis with prednisolone. This tool belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs.

If a person experiences strong pain, then Indomethacin will help him. In addition, the doctor may prescribe decongestants, for example, Triampur. This will help to avoid serious changes at the pathological level.

Acupuncture treatment of facial neuritis

This kind of therapy has been used for many years in the treatment of this pathology. Thanks to the interaction on biologically active points of the human body, the specialist normalizes the motor activity of muscles. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of the unpleasant external manifestations of the ailment.

As a rule, after the second procedure, a significant improvement is observed. In addition, acupuncture helps activate the body's defenses. However, it should be borne in mind that this treatment method is most effective in the initial stages of pathology.

Acupuncture procedure

Reduction of facial edema can be achieved through stimulation of healthy axons. Due to this, a fairly rapid recovery of the affected areas of the face is noted. There is an improvement in the general condition of the patient.

For procedures of this type, the thinnest needles are used, which are usually made of stainless steel. Acupuncture can only be done by a qualified professional. Therefore, at home, it is better not to perform such manipulations on your own. Games are introduced under the skin at acupuncture points. After that, they should be stationary for some time. On average, one procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.

In some situations, the specialist performs additional stimulation of the points. For this, weak electrical pulses are used, which operate at different adjustable frequencies. In this case, the patient will experience a slight tingling sensation. However, before performing such procedures, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Judging by the reviews, in addition, inflammation can be removed with the help of other measures. For example, there is a procedure for treating facial neuritis with a laser. In this case, infrared radiation is used to combat pathology. This procedure is also the most effective when it comes to the initial stage of development of pathology. Therefore, therapeutic measures must be taken in a timely manner.

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