Sucking pills for sore throat: list, instructions for use

Sore throat is a nuisance that can significantly spoil life. If you start treatment in time, the unpleasant sensations will disappear in a few hours or a couple of days, but in a neglected state a simple cold can provoke unpleasant complications, which will not be easy to get rid of. The treatment of a child’s sore throat is especially difficult: the child is naughty, refuses medication, and it is difficult to persuade him to be treated. The best sucking pills for sore throat come to the rescue - tasty preparations, loved by people of any age, but at the same time useful.

sucking pills for sore throat list

Cold is always a health problem

As soon as the off-season begins, and then winter, our cities are overwhelmed by an epidemic of colds. A runny nose and a sore throat are symptoms familiar to every modern person. Equally, the problem attacks everyone without analyzing either age or gender. Therefore, sucking lozenges are suitable for both children and the older generation. A quick start to treatment allows you to eliminate the pain almost immediately, but a prolonged start can cause complications. If the lozenges are powerless, you need to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible in order to determine the exact diagnosis and understand how to treat the disease - perhaps this is something more serious than a simple cold.

Usually, any sore throat lozenges with sage or other healthy herbs are in any home just in case. This is useful, because the pain comes suddenly and without warning. However, there are a huge number of options on the shelves of pharmacies, and not all drugs have an equal degree of effectiveness. It has long been known that Doctor Mom children's pastilles give a good effect, but they are also quite expensive. And what other options are there, worthy of trust and worth the money that the outlet asks for them?

Lollipops: what are they?

Currently, inexpensive but effective throat lozenges are presented in pharmacies in a very wide variety, and they are all very tasty. These sweets are liked by both children and adults, but in addition to taste, they also have the ability to greatly reduce the unpleasant sensations in the throat, provoked by hypothermia or infection. In addition to taste, inexpensive but effective lollipops from the throat differ in compositional features, which affects the mechanism of their effect on the human body.

Most drugs are based on some substance that shows a good effect on the throat. This is often phenol. Exactly on it are made, for example, Grammidin resorption tablets. True, you can’t use them all in a row: in some individuals, phenol can provoke an allergic reaction, which only worsens the condition. In general, in terms of allergies, you need to be extremely careful: even the simplest “Halls” can cause such a reaction, and the patient’s condition will deteriorate sharply.

sucking lozenges

Tablets and antimicrobial components

There are also a variety of sucking throat pills with an antibiotic. These are effective drugs, the classic representative of which is Coldact Lorpils, although this is far from the only medication of this type. Antibiotics can get rid of a sore throat and defeat even a serious, including chronic, disease. The use of this group of drugs gives a good result with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Modern tablets for resorption from the throat with antimicrobial components and with a purulent form of angina help.

In addition to the antibacterial effect, sweets from this category have a good analgesic effect. The effect of cooling the irritated mucosal surface affected by the infection is created, and the person’s condition temporarily becomes better. Effective throat resorption pills not only eliminate pain, but are also an independent tool, effective against colds, infections, both in combination with other medicines, and by themselves.

Essential Oils Against Sore Throat

Often, sweets from the throat are produced, including essential oils of a wide variety of herbs. Such drugs help cope with perspiration and help stop the development of the disease at the very beginning. The list of sucking pills for a sore throat of this type is all drugs made according to folk recipes. Typical representatives are Travisil, Carmolis.

best sucking pills for sore throat

Sweets are completely safe, they can be recommended to both adults and children. They are suitable for those who are allergic to chemical compounds. But recklessly eating too many of them is also impossible, this can cause a negative reaction of the body. As manufacturers advise, before using sore throat lozenges for children and adults, it is better to consult a doctor first (although in practice there is rarely anyone who does this). Many sweets have a pleasant, mild flavor. They are menthol, with spicy notes. Modern high-quality herbal lollipops for sore throats for children and adults can eliminate unpleasant sensations, while at the same time refreshing the breath.

Tasty and nice

No matter how sore the throat, the child is still often naughty and refuses to take medicine with an unpleasant taste. Here, sore throat lozenges for children come to the rescue. They are tasty, sweet, fragrant - in a word, a real gift for any baby. It’s not difficult to persuade, the child will gladly eat candy. Many modern lollipops contain honey in their composition, additionally enriched with vitamins. With a pleasant taste, they are really useful, so you should always keep such houses at hand, so that at the first sign of a sore throat give your child a healing sweetness.

throat lozenges

Sage for sore throat

Many modern sucking sore throat pills are made on sage or contain it as an additional component. The main feature of this unique plant is the benefits for human health, in particular, for the condition of the throat. Sweets can eliminate hoarseness and stop the inflammatory process. Sucking pills for sore throat with sage refresh your breath. Most of these drugs are intended for patients aged 12 years and older. The most popular are products manufactured by the brand "Doctor Theiss." These sucking pills for sore throats are rich not only in sage extract, but also in other beneficial ingredients. To make the preparation pleasant to taste and smell, the manufacturer added sugar, aromatic components and citric acid to it.

Special sweets

There are now on sale quite specific sucking pills for sore throats, designed as particularly effective drugs. They are allowed for use in a variety of cases, have a narrow list of contraindications, restrictions on admission. For the most part, such drugs are perfectly combined with any other drugs, since they in no way affect the digestibility of drugs. Nevertheless, special sweets from the throat should be purchased, first consulting with your doctor. Preference is best given to those candies that are sold in pharmacies. In the past few years, quite a few manufacturers have appeared, offering consumers simple sweets under the guise of being useful for sore throats.

vocasept lozenges

Strepsils for sore throat

This medication contains menthol, eucalyptus and special ingredients that help relieve sore throat. They are effective against coughing, pain caused by inflammation or infection. Some types of these sweets are additionally enriched with ascorbic acid. Strepsils can be used as a symptomatic treatment method. This is a good antiseptic that is suitable for patients from six years of age and older.

septolet resorption tablets

As the manufacturer recommends, Strepsils is best used when sore throats are just beginning. The first time for candy should be consumed every two or three hours. Each candy is carefully absorbed. More than 12 sweets cannot be consumed per day. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the patient's condition and tolerance to the drug. Usually Strepsils does not cause allergic reactions, but in some cases, children need to be especially careful when treating children. One package costs about 200 rubles.

Agisept Against Infections

In infectious, inflammatory processes, Agisept lollipops show a good result. Up to eight sweets can be used per day. Adults are recommended to take them with an interval of two hours. On average, one package costs about a hundred rubles.

Dr.  mom pastilles for children

Sore throat with an “interesting” condition

During the period of bearing a child, far from all medicines presented on the modern market of specialized products can be used. This also applies to drugs to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the throat. A good solution would be the Septollet resorption tablets. They are usually recommended by doctors if sore throats torment a pregnant woman. You can also resort to these pills while breastfeeding. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful, familiarize yourself with the instructions and ask your doctor for advice.

Multicomponent drugs that eliminate sore throats, especially serious medicines, have a strong effect on the human body, affect different systems and organs, and can have an unpredictable effect on the fetus. If it is possible to completely avoid the use of medications in the fight against colds in an “interesting” state, you should trust the forces of the body. If you want to help him with external stimuli, then safe candies with herbs and essential oils will come to the rescue. You can even buy simple candies in a regular grocery store: if they contain eucalyptus, mint or sage, they will have a short, but positive effect on a sore throat.

Lollipops: treating children

Initially, Vocasept lollipops (like other brands) were invented to make it easier to treat sore throats in young children, capricious and naughty - that is, those who do not allow themselves to be treated with bitter, tasteless drugs. Sweets were developed as a method of eliminating the most unpleasant manifestations of infection. At the same time, it was not supposed that lollipops would become the main means of combating the disease. This is just a way to improve the condition and make the child more responsive to treatment. Many drugs contain mucosal coating components that soften tissues and reduce perspiration.

sucking pills for sore throat

Any self-respecting manufacturer must necessarily put the instructions for use of the drug in the package for tablets. Before using sweets to treat a child, you need to familiarize yourself with these recommendations to make sure that the product is suitable in this particular case. Many children have allergic reactions, in addition, different candies can be used from different ages. You must first make sure that the tool is applicable, only then treat the baby.

There is no need to rush

Some throat lozenges are recommended only from 10 or even 12 years old, but most of the drugs on the market are suitable for use at the age of five. But candy is not recommended for younger children: the baby can choke if it tries to swallow a tasty candy. In order not to harm the child, even by accident, you need to carefully follow the instructions for use - the manufacturer indicates at what age you can use the tool provided by him. It is known that the fast and strong effect when used in childhood is shown by the Strepsils mentioned above, as well as the Faringosept tablets for resorption, they have a pleasant taste and are good against inflammation and cough.

Colds and candies

A cold is almost always accompanied by a sore throat. At the same time, mucous membranes affect inflammatory processes, tissues swell, and whitish deposits can be observed on the tonsils. There are quite a few drugs on sale, including tablets, but not everyone shows a good effect, and swallowing with a sore throat is difficult. But lozenges can eliminate unpleasant sensations, and also go well with other medicines, so the popularity of this category of drugs is growing from year to year.

sore throat lozenges for children

In the general case, throat lozenges should be used at the beginning of the disease as one of the primary means of helping a cold person. It will not be superfluous to regularly absorb healthy sweets as a preventative measure during colds, they will help prevent infection and save you from a sore throat in advance. Tasty sweets cool, freshen breath, soften tissues and have a positive effect due to natural components, essential oils. With a quick positive effect and the elimination of severe pain, candies are quite cheap. They can be used for angina, when most of the medications show low efficiency. Candy from the throat is always convenient to keep in a medicine cabinet, bag, at hand, use in any situation. You don’t need to drink them, you can take such sweets with you to a meeting, and put the child in a backpack, collecting it for school. With the help of sweets, you can get rid of perspiration, this prevents coughing attacks and effectively eliminates the accompanying symptoms.

Market news: from year to year something special

Every year, newer and more effective throat medicines appear on the market, they act faster, are more effective, and show strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. If five or ten years ago, on the shelves of pharmacies you could find only a few items, now this variety totals several dozen, and prices vary quite a lot. There are medicinal sweets with interesting additives: honey, herbal extracts, berry essences. At the same time, this is a real medicine, even if it tastes good, but is packed in a beautiful box. When choosing sweets for sore throat, you need to pay attention to the features of the drug you like. For example, antimicrobial candies are a rather difficult medicine. When using it, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions, do not throw sweets without completing the course completely, and do not repeat the reception before the doctor advises. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause side effects - from an upset digestive system to a serious allergic reaction.

Mostly antibacterial drugs are sold only with a prescription from a doctor, but still the buyer should be careful: the pharmacist can simply lose sight of the fact that a particular name belongs to the category of antibiotics. If the doctor advised using such a medication, he also explains the optimal pattern of use and gives recommendations for determining the effectiveness of the drug. Antibiotics are not suitable for combating viral pathologies, therefore, such candies, even if they do not seem to ordinary people as serious medicine, should not be taken just like that: you must first consult a doctor and take tests.

Herbs for the benefit of man

If antibiotics are not recommended by the attending physician, and the throat hurts, you need to refer to the options created with the use of herbal extracts. The most positive result is shown by sweets, which contain sage extract. They quickly return a healthy voice to a person, effectively remove perspiration and make breathing much more fresh. When taking sweets, the sore throat disappears, swelling subsides, the inflammation stops. The condition of the patient as a whole becomes much better.

throat lozenges are inexpensive but effective

Others believe that treating with sage sweets is grandma’s methods, folk recipes that can’t bring real benefits. This is a completely wrong mistake: numerous official trials have shown that sage really has a strong positive effect on the throat, normalizes the mucous membrane and improves the condition of the person, returns the voice.

Doctors recommend using sage lollipops for sore throats, any colds, viruses and infections that hit the throat. Sage extract has strong disinfecting properties, due to which sweets have no less powerful effect than tablets, but at the same time they have a pleasant taste and smell.Even better are those candies, in which, in addition to sage, honey is also present. This is a natural antibiotic that effectively relieves inflammation and destroys colonies of harmful microbes. True, such sweets can not be used if it is known that the patient is allergic to honey.

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