Many people are interested in what gelatin is made of. The composition of this product is very rich and useful for humans, you will learn about it from today's article. Gelatin, in fact, is animal glue obtained from connective tissue and bones of cattle or fish. As a result of digestion and drying of products, a natural substance is obtained without chemical impurities, consisting of 85% of protein.
Where is gelatin used? Composition of the product
Without this substance it is impossible to prepare mousses, fruit jellies, marmalade, canned fish and meat, as well as jellied dishes. This is an indispensable component of confectionery, sweets, ice cream. Many foods contain gelatin. The composition of the natural substance is rich in useful trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium iron, zinc) and amino acids (hydroxyproline and proline). Calories 100 g - 355 kcal.
It is widely used as a stabilizer and emulsifier in dairy and sausage products. It enhances color saturation and palatability of products, as well as brightens drinks. But gelatin is used not only in the food industry. The substance is used for pharmaceutical purposes, on the basis of which shells of drugs and dressings are made.
In addition, it is used for the manufacture of film and photo paper, used in the manufacture of pearls and banknotes. Cosmetic products (masks, creams, balms, etc.) are made on the basis of this substance. Gelatin has unique qualities.
Composition and useful properties
One of the main advantages of the product is the presence of glycine in its composition. This amino acid is involved in the body's vital functions. In addition to glycine, the substance is rich in aspartic, alanic and glutamic acids, it is they that supply the person with energy, strengthen the nervous and heart systems, and also improve metabolism.
It brings special benefits to people suffering from osteochondrosis and intestinal disorders. Eating gelatin-containing foods helps improve the quality of hair, skin, and nails. You can take both inside and outwardly edible gelatin. The composition of the product is enriched with vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair follicles. It is not without reason that restoring masks and shampoos are made from the product, helping to restore beauty and health.
Gelatin products for the skin and baths for nails can be done independently. The advantage of this tool is that it can be purchased at any supermarket for a penny. For brittle nails, problem skin prone to acne, gelatin is recommended. The composition of the product has a positive effect on our health. It has long been known that a gelatin mixture (drink) eliminates extra pounds and joint pain.
Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy amazing marmalade or sweet souffle. Moreover, the product has practically no contraindications. With caution, it should be taken only by patients prone to diathesis and heart disease.