Amidopyrine tablets: instructions for use, price, reviews

The drug "Amidopyrine" is a non-steroidal drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. In medicine, it is used as a strong painkiller. It is not a narcotic drug and is not addictive.

amidopyrine instructions for use

In the article, we consider the following information about Amidopyrine tablets: instructions for use, properties, indications and contraindications.

Properties and price of the drug

"Amidopyrine" is written in Latin and sounds like Amidopyrinum.

The main components of the drug are caffeine benzoate (0.1 g) and amidopyrine (0.25 g). It can be presented in the form of tablets and a white solution.

Amidopyrine is used to combat severe pain, to lower fever, and as an anti-inflammatory or antirheumatic agent. Moreover, its effectiveness is much higher in comparison with other drugs with a similar type of action.

The drug shows excellent results in the fight against joint pain and migraines, therefore, in such cases, it is worth stopping your choice with Amidopyrine. The price of the drug is in the range of 45-70 rubles per pack (20 tablets) and differs depending on the pharmacy or the region of residence.

"Amidopyrine": instructions for use

Appoint the use of "Amidopyrine" can only be a doctor after examination and passing tests. In this case, the maximum permitted dose of the drug for an adult will be within 0.5 g at a time. In exceptional cases, a dosage increase of up to 1.5 g is allowed.

amidopyrine tablets

Amidopyrine tablets: instructions for use:

  • As a rule, the patient needs to take "Amidopyrine" 1 tablet (0.25 g) 3 or 4 times a day. The effect of the application is usually noticeable after 4 times.
  • In case of acute rheumatism, the dosage of the drug can be increased to 2 g at a time, it must be taken 2-3 times a day. It is important to consider in advance that treatment will take a long period of time until all symptoms of rheumatism disappear. After complete recovery, Amidopyrine will need to be taken for another two weeks at 0.6 g per day as a means of maintenance therapy.
  • To get rid of migraine or hypertension, the drug should be taken twice a day, 1 tablet.
  • For children from 12 years old, only the attending physician can prescribe the dosage of the drug! Usually it is 0.025-0.15 g and is taken once a day.

Indications for the use of the drug "Amidopyrine"

Instructions for use, which is in the package with the drug, distinguishes the following diseases during which Amidopyrine treatment is indicated: arthritis, articular rheumatism, chorea, myositis, symptoms of neuralgia, severe migraines, muscle pain.

amidopyrine in Latin

In addition, "Amidopyrine" perfectly "knocks down" the heat and acts much faster and more efficiently than its more famous counterparts.

Contraindications and possible side effects from the use of the drug

"Amidopyrine" slightly inhibits the blood circulation in the body, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the blood during the entire course of therapy. In addition, it can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, which will manifest in the form of a rash, redness, itching, urticaria, etc.

There are some contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • the presence of blood diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of ulcers;
  • the presence of intestinal or stomach bleeding.

In addition, the use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

For children under the age of 14, the drug is not prescribed.

In addition to the main contraindications for use, there are some additional points. For example, Amidopyrine solution is forbidden to be taken together with Aspirin, Timol, Resorcinol and other medicines, which contain alkaloids, salts of organic nitrogen-containing bases and oxidizing agents.

Side effects may occur if the maximum dosage of the drug is exceeded. They can occur in the form of nausea, diarrhea or constipation, weakness throughout the body and loss of strength, severe headaches, fatigue, blurred vision, loss of ability to concentrate on something. In some cases, a state of depression and depression can be observed.

amidopyrine Price

So, from the foregoing, we can draw short conclusions: Amidopyrine is a strong painkiller, but its use without the knowledge of a doctor is prohibited (since only an experienced doctor can prescribe the necessary dosages). The drug is not combined with certain medications and in case of an overdose can cause side effects.

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