Indomethacin: instructions and recommendations

In the line of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, "Indomethacin" is far from the last place. The instruction indicates that its main therapeutic component is 5-Methoxy-2-methyl-1- (4-chlorobenzoyl) -1H-indole-3-acetic acid. It is this element that acts as an excellent antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. "Indomethacin" interferes with the metabolism of arachidonic acid, does not allow platelet aggregation.

It suppresses inflammation at all stages of healing, minimizes the amount of prostaglandins both in the very center of inflammation and in untreated tissues. "Indomethacin" prevents the development of inflammatory mediators, normalizes the permeability of the vascular walls, and reduces the permeability of capillaries. "Indomethacin", the instruction describes in detail its action, restores blood circulation in a damaged place, relieves pain.

Such properties of the drug allow it to be used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

"Indomethacin" in gynecology is used to get rid of unpleasant symptoms with amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea. The drug eliminates bleeding, anesthetizes.

The medicine has many forms: drops, tablets, solutions, gels, suppositories and ointments.

Tablets are most often used to eliminate joint pain in arthritis (chronic, juvenile, psoriatic, rheumatoid), gout, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis. In tablets "Indomethacin", the instruction explains this, prescribed for traumatic injuries of soft tissues, diseases of the spine, rheumatism, neuralgia, diffuse diseases of connective tissues. Sometimes, to speed up recovery, along with tablets for the treatment of such diseases, ointments or gels for external use are prescribed.

In addition to these diseases, Indomethacin tablets, the manual explains this, is an integral part of the treatment of ENT diseases - organs, cystitis, adnexitis, prostatitis.

The medicine helps with headaches or toothaches, with inflammation that occurs in the peripheral nervous system.

To eliminate gynecological diseases, the drug is prescribed simultaneously in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories.

Ophthalmologists recommend indomethacin drops for the prevention of inflammation in eye operations.

Does Indomethacin have any side effects? Of course, like any medicine. Negative reactions can occur in any system of the body. From the gastrointestinal tract dyspeptic disorders are possible: nausea, upset stool, pain, heartburn.

The nervous system can respond with tinnitus, dizziness, and headache. Some patients noted sleep disturbance, severe inhibition, or, conversely, agitation.

Indomethacin, the instruction warns, can cause allergies, sometimes bleeding (uterine, gingival, hemorrhoidal or gastric). But the latter manifestations are possible only in cases of a very long course of treatment or taking high doses of the drug.

People undergoing treatment with "Indomethacin" (however, with any other drug, too) should immediately report them to the doctor at the first unpleasant manifestations. Usually, all negative reactions pass after dosage adjustment. Sometimes the drug is simply canceled.

It should be remembered that independent, without the recommendation of a doctor, treatment with "Indomethacin" can cause great harm to the body. Especially to those people to whom it is contraindicated.

And there are a lot of people with such contraindications. These include:

• Suffering from ulcerative manifestations, colitis

• Patients with amblyopia, visual impairment (color), diseases of the optic nerve

• Hearing impaired

• Anyone with cardiac abnormalities has asthma or hypertension.

• Patients with pathology of the vestibular apparatus

• Patients suffering from kidney, heart, and liver failure

• Hemophiliacs, people with other blood diseases

The drug is recommended not to be used without an appointment.

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