Three halls in the scheme of the Bolshoi Theater

The long history of the Bolshoi Theater, founded in 1776, knows many ups and downs. Over the years, numerous fires and fascist bombs during the war destroyed the building, but like the Phoenix from the ashes, it was restored again. To date, the scheme of the Bolshoi Theater includes three halls: the Historical Stage, the New Stage and the Beethoven Hall.

Historical hall

The historical or Main Stage opened in 2011 after a long reconstruction. The interior decoration has remained the same as it was seen by the audience at the end of the 19th century - unsurpassed in its splendor, made in the same style. When reconstructing its original appearance, new technologies were used, and now the scene consists of 7 platforms freely circulating in two levels. This is depicted in the diagram of the Bolshoi Theater.

big theater scheme
Depending on the type of presentation, it can take a different position. It became possible to combine the stage and stage design, which gives viewers a sense of depth of space. The view from the hall is magnificent from any place, therefore, there is no division into “bad” and “good” places in the scheme of the Bolshoi Theater in the Historical Hall.

New scene

A new stage of the Bolshoi Theater appeared on Bolshaya Dmitrovka in 2002 as a replacement for the Historical Hall for the period of reconstruction. It is designed for 1000 seats. Until 2011, the whole ballet and opera repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater was performed on the New Stage. The layout of the hall displays its semicircular shape in plan with an amphitheater, tiers and mezzanine.

theater scheme
The interior decoration is laconic and comfortable, but at the same time the entourage of the Bolshoi Theater is preserved. Unfortunately, there are some places with limited visibility in the hall, viewers need to pay attention to this when buying tickets to the Bolshoi Theater. In the diagram, as a rule, such places are indicated. The new scene continues its work after the opening of the Main Hall.

Beethoven Hall

The Beethoven Hall of the Bolshoi Theater is the most sophisticated and elegant among all the buildings of the Bolshoi Theater. Its Louis XV style interior is striking in its luxury. But the main hall advantage - unique acoustics. In his chamber space there are solo performances of soloists and creative evenings of celebrities.

theater scheme
There are 320 seats in the Beethoven Hall and, which is especially pleasant, 100% visibility from each of them. The capacity of the hall is quite enough for true connoisseurs of chamber music.

The Bolshoi Theater is the pride of Russia, a reflection of its spiritual culture. In any of its magnificent halls, the public can plunge into the world of opera and ballet, enjoy the majestic atmosphere of art.

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