How to cook puff pastry at home: recipe with photo

When you need to quickly cook an unusual and tasty dessert or snack, a very fragrant, soft and light puff pastry recipe is suitable, which can be of different types: sweet, salty, on beer, yeast and even lean.

How to prepare puff pastry, and with what filling can it be combined?

The answers to these and many other questions are in this article.

Kefir dough and banana puffs

A quick way to prepare a dessert with delicious filling will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults.

And the dough can be frozen for the future (and this allows you to cook an excellent treat for your family and friends at any time).

There is no need to insist on that part of the bun that will be applied immediately; It is recommended to immediately prepare a delicious dessert.

Exact process description:

  1. Pass wheat flour (450 grams) through a sieve.
  2. Pour kefir (200 milliliters) into a container for kneading, pour salt (5 grams), hammer an egg (1 piece) and mix.
  3. Gradually introduce flour into the mixture and knead a soft, elastic dough.
  4. Roll out the cake from the whole mass, grate a piece of butter (you need to take 200 grams of the whole ingredient), fold it in an envelope and roll it out again, sprinkle with oil. Repeat 5 times.
  5. Part of the dough can be removed in the freezer (half) by wrapping it in polyethylene.

And apply the rest for puffs with a banana.

  1. Preheat the oven in advance to 200 degrees.
  2. Beat an egg in a deep container (1 piece), chop finely bananas.
  3. Roll out a thin layer of dough divided into 3 parts (strips), put a few slices of banana and sprinkle with sugar (total component 50 grams), wrap.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil (10 milliliters), lay out preparations with filling, anoint the surface of the dessert with an egg.
  5. Bake puffs for 30 minutes.
Puff pastry layers

Here's what you can quickly cook from puff pastry in a record-breaking short amount of time. And a simple family tea party will turn into a real holiday.

And puffs for a long time retain their freshness and softness.

Beer dough and salted Napoleon

A wonderful recipe for puff pastry, from which you can bake savory snacks in the form of pies or cakes with a variety of fillings (fish, meat, mushroom and others).

There is beer in this dough recipe, and canned fish in the filling of the finished dish. The result is a real Napoleon cake, only salty. It will be a great appetizer for the dining table or for dinner on a holiday or just like that.

Here is a recipe for puff pastry with a photo. What to cook from the ingredients? Read below:

  1. Freeze 250 grams of butter.
  2. Pass flour (700 grams) through a sieve, pour into a deep container for kneading.
  3. Also put soda (5 grams), salt (15 grams), light beer (200 milliliters).
  4. Knead the ingredients.
  5. Grind the cooled oil with a grater, mix with the dough.
    Cooking puff pastry
  6. Put the bun in polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for 120 minutes.
    Puff pastry in polyethylene
  7. Boil 4 eggs for the filling, chop the onion finely (100 grams).
  8. Canned fish (200 grams) - saury, pink salmon, sardine - knead with a fork, pour onion and chopped boiled eggs.
  9. Pour 100 milliliters of mayonnaise into the mixture and mix.
  10. Roll out and bake 7-8 thin cakes from a portion of the dough (approximately Β½) (the rest of the dough can be removed in the freezer).
  11. When the cakes become warm, put on each filling and collect the cake.
  12. The top can be decorated with filling and crumbs from cakes (or crushed yolk of a boiled egg).

Sweet pastry

Are there any other options how to cook puff pastry (step by step and with a photo)? Here is another recipe. For example, French croissants with chocolate filling (and not only).

Preparation of the test:

  1. Pass 350 grams of wheat flour through a sieve.
  2. Add 200 grams of chopped butter.
  3. Wipe flour and butter until finely ground (with a knife or combine).
  4. Cool 150 milliliters of drinking water, pour sugar (10 grams) and salt (5 grams) into it, mix until completely dissolved.
  5. Pour this solution into the mixture and cook the puff pastry.
    Puff pastry texture
  6. Wrap the bun in polyethylene or towel and put in the refrigerator for 2-8 hours.
  7. Then roll the dough into a layer, fold in 4 layers and roll again, and then fold.
    Cooking dough

You can freeze or bake delicious croissants, puffs with cottage cheese and other desserts.

Chocolate croissants

What to quickly cook from puff pastry? There are many simple and incredibly tasty sweets that will decorate the tea party of a family or a friendly company.

One of these is the beloved French croissants, in which the filling is made of delicate dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare puff pastry (400 grams) - fresh or frozen (remove and let it thaw).
  2. Roll out the layers to a thickness of 4 millimeters and cut into long triangles.
  3. Dark chocolate (200 grams) is pre-cooled and broken into pieces.
  4. In each triangle put the filling - on the widest part.
  5. Wrap a roll - towards the narrow part of the triangular layer.
  6. Oil the baking sheet, put the billets, gently bending them with a crescent, and grease the surface with each beaten egg (1 piece).
  7. Bake in 2 stages: 5 minutes - at 220 degrees and 15 minutes - at 180.

Ready croissants have a golden color.

Curd Puffs

Curd Puffs

From this sweet puff pastry, you can also cook charming puffs with cottage cheese, which will not only please the eye with their beauty, but also impress with their tenderness, juiciness and aroma.

Preparation and ingredients:

  1. It is necessary to prepare 0.5 kilograms of dough.
  2. Pour the cottage cheese (300 grams) into the bowl, add the yolk (1 piece) and sugar (50 grams). Mix everything, grind the lumps.
  3. Roll out and divide the dough into squares.
  4. Decorate one half with horizontal cuts.
  5. Walk along the perimeter with a brush with egg white (1 piece).
  6. Spread sweet cottage cheese in the center of the workpiece, close and glue (recommended with a table fork), grease the seams with protein.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Put the blanks on a pre-oiled baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

The finished dish will be a good addition to tea or coffee. This dessert will be enjoyed by both adults and children.

Dough for sweet cakes

Another recipe for puff pastry, which is quite applicable for the most popular cake in the world, is Napoleon.

Despite the fact that after baking the cakes, they look thickish, after the cream has been soaked in cream, the puff texture softens and in the context of dessert the dessert looks quite natural and beautiful. And it tastes amazingly delicate and soft.

This cooking method is very simple and contains a minimum number of components. There is no need to cool it, you can immediately prepare a dessert after kneading.

Ingredients and preparation of the dough:

  1. Pour 200 milliliters of water into a glass container and refrigerate in the freezer.
  2. β€œHeat” butter (250 grams) at room temperature.
  3. Pass wheat flour (0.5 kilograms) through a sieve.
  4. In a bowl with flour add butter - grind into crumbs.
  5. Add chicken egg (1 piece) and chilled water.
  6. After mixing, pour salt (5 grams) and pour apple cider vinegar (15 milliliters), knead elastic dough.

From the finished product, you can make a cake or freeze it (putting it in polyethylene).

Sweet Napoleon

Stages of making your favorite dessert:

  1. Puff pastry must be divided into balls, which, after rolling and baking, will become cake layers (the quantity must be determined individually).
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Roll the cakes to a thickness of 3 millimeters, pierce with a fork and bake each until cooked (slightly golden crust) - about 15 minutes.
  4. Prepare an oil cream: pour condensed milk (200 milliliters) into a container and add slices of warm butter (200 grams), beat until dense.
  5. When the cakes become barely warm, thoroughly coat each of them with cream, and sprinkle the top with crumbs (break 1 cake).

Fast Yeast Puff Pastry

Test envelopes

A great option for cooking puff pastry at home. From this preparation you can bake delicious pizza, soft cookies with fillings (condensed milk, jam, chocolate), puffs and so on. And also freeze to cook something the other day.

In time, the entire process of kneading and cooling the dough takes up to 2.5 hours.

To prepare puff yeast dough at home, you must:

  1. Pour warm water (85 milliliters) into the container, add dry yeast (7 grams) and sugar (6 grams), mix and set aside until completely dissolved.
  2. Pass flour (0.5 kilograms) through a sieve, add butter (200 grams), grind to a crumbly state.
  3. When a β€œcap” is formed in the yeast mixture, you can add milk (135 milliliters), an egg (1 piece), sugar (15 grams), salt (10 grams), and mix.
  4. In a flour and butter, make a hole and pour out the liquid, knead the dough.
  5. Place the bun in polyethylene and send to the refrigerator for 120 minutes.

Pizza with mushrooms and chicken

From 1/3 of the dough, we recommend baking the favorite dish of sunny Italy - pizza. This is the best option to cook from puff pastry yeast quickly. And the joy of loved ones, especially children, will be great!

Puff pastry pizza

Ingredients and Preparation:

  1. Prepare 300 grams of dough (fresh or from the freezer).
  2. For the filling, boil 200 grams of chicken, cool and chop.
  3. Chop mushrooms (200 grams) with onions (100 grams) in medium slices and sautΓ© in vegetable oil (20 milliliters) until cooked.
  4. Pass hard cheese (150 grams) through a coarse grater.
  5. Open the black olives (1 jar) pitted and drain.
  6. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  7. Roll out the dough and put on a pre-oiled baking sheet (or mold).
  8. Apply a layer of mayonnaise (50 milliliters).
  9. Spread chicken, mushrooms with onions, olives (whole or ringleted) evenly.
  10. Top with tomato ketchup (100 milliliters) and sprinkle with cheese.
  11. Bake for 30 minutes.

Lean puff pastry

It turns out that you can cook absolutely lean dough of this type. In texture, it resembles a mixture of sand and puff. And finished products come out less lush than the traditional recipe. But still, the pastries are quite tasty, soft and varied. You can bake fragrant bows, tongues, pies, rolls, puffs.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Pour 100 milliliters of drinking water into a glass container.
  2. Then pour 100 milliliters of vegetable oil (sunflower, corn or olive) to the water.
  3. Mix the liquid component of the recipe with sifted wheat flour (400 grams) and salt (5 grams).
  4. Knead soft dough, set aside for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll the gingerbread man and grease the surface with vegetable oil (5 milliliters), fold it in an envelope and roll out again, repeat the procedure 4 times.

You can freeze the finished dough or prepare delicious pastries.

Delicious puff pastry dessert

Green onion pies

These are small puff pastries, the filling of which is finely chopped green onions with salt. This is a lean version of a hot snack that you can enjoy with your family at breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as at a tea party with friends or take it with you to nature.


  1. Roll out puff pastry (0.4 kilograms) to a thickness of 4 millimeters.
  2. Cut round workpieces with a glass.
  3. For the filling, chop the green onions (50 grams), add salt (10 grams).
  4. Spread the filling on each dough piece, fix the edges.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Pour flour into a pan or on a baking sheet and spread the pies evenly.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes. Try for readiness, because the color of the dough is not particularly browned.

Puff pastry bows

You can also make original puffs in the form of bows sprinkled with powdered sugar from lean puff pastry. They turn out friable and soft, but very tasty and beautiful.

In order to prepare this dessert, you must:

  1. Roll out 0.5 kilograms of dough, cut into ribbons measuring 2 x 10 centimeters.
  2. Scroll each blank in the middle (if you pick it up, then the left side to yourself, and the right side from yourself), this way you get a bow.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  4. Put the bows on an oiled baking sheet and bake until the dough is dry.
  5. In the warm form, sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar (100 grams).


Every good housewife needs to know what to cook and recipes for puff pastry (photos of the process and finished products are presented in the article). After all, with such dishes you can make a difference in the diet of the family, as well as experiment with different types of both the dough itself and the fillings.

It can be salty snacks: pizzas, pies, lasagna, rolls and so on. And also sweet: puffs, bows, cakes, pastries, pies and other desserts.

It is important that it is pleasant to work with the dough, and the finished dishes have excellent taste, appearance and are useful.

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