Thyroid hypoplasia: symptoms and treatment

Among a wide variety of diseases, thyroid hypoplasia is a very rare pathology. It appears as a result of disorders in the development of the thyroid gland, when hormones are produced in deficiency and slow growth of tissues is present. This pathology can be visually detected by determining the size of the thyroid gland. It is slightly smaller than usual, or some part of the organ is much smaller than others. Such a disease can develop continuously, because this pathology does not have a pronounced symptomatic picture, and its functional changes are usually not noticed.

thyroid hypoplasia in women


Thyroid hypoplasia has several varieties. The main one is its diffuse form. It implies a congenital underdevelopment of the gland. They can also detect hypoplasia of the right or left part of the thyroid gland, depending on which part has remained underdeveloped. Such cases are quite common. Doctors have their own classification to describe the type of pathology. The type of thyroid hypoplasia is determined by the size and volume of iron, and the patient’s height and weight are also taken into account. Set the view using special tables.

In turn, hypoplasia has several stages:

  • the first stage is expressed in imperceptible symptoms and an increase in the size of the gland;
  • the second stage of the pathology is already manifested more noticeably, all the symptoms can be clearly seen, in addition, the size of the thyroid gland itself becomes slightly smaller than usual;
  • the third and final stage of hypoplasia is expressed by cretinism in children and the appearance of myxedema in older adults, at this stage the disease is considered an irreversible process.

The type of ailment can be detected after an ultrasound examination.

treatment of thyroid hypoplasia


Thyroid hypoplasia appears as a result of gene mutations under the influence of various factors. This disease is formed during the development of the fetus. The reasons for the origin of this disease can be the following factors:

  • decreased iodine levels in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • heredity;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyroidin;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • radiation exposure on an undeveloped fetus.

Low iodine content

The most common and common cause of thyroid hypoplasia is the low iodine content of pregnant women. Pathology can occur naturally with a shortage of the trace element that comes with food. Also, the cause of iodine deficiency can be hypothyroidism of a woman who was not found and untreated. In this case, the thyroid gland will produce too few hormones that are vital for the development of the fetus. The cause of hypoplasia can also be pathologies in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which have not been treated for a long time.

Symptoms and signs

The symptomatic picture is detected in the child in the second, third month of life. The disease manifests itself differently in children and adults.

In children, the following signs of thyroid hypoplasia will be noticeable:

  • poor appetite;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • husky voice;
  • persistent constipation;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • violation of the development of psychomotor;
  • delayed response to irritants;
  • impaired attention;
  • prolonged jaundice.
    thyroid hypoplasia in children

If you do not go to the doctor in time and do not undergo the necessary examination, during which the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for hypoplasia of the left lobe of the thyroid gland, the disease can progress and eventually lead to cretinism (a frequent complication).

The disease in women is manifested by these symptoms:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • decreased libido;
  • thick skin;
  • low navel position;
  • speech impairment;
  • underdeveloped genitals;
  • strabismus;
  • short-term memory problems;
  • dented nose;
  • disproportionate physique;
  • hoarse voice due to ligament swelling;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • low appetite, but quick weight gain;
  • disproportionately large head;
  • violation of coordination.

If symptoms of thyroid hypoplasia are not detected at an early stage of development, drug edema (accumulation of mucus in the body cavity), malfunctioning of the respiratory function, swelling of the middle ear (progressive hearing loss), heart failure, and swelling of the face (manifested in the form of smoothed oval contours) may occur persons swollen eyelids) and a slow heartbeat.

thyroid hypoplasia symptoms

Thyroid hypoplasia in women

This disease in women can occur at a more mature age. The main reason for this phenomenon is atrophy of the thyroid gland, which occurs for these reasons:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pituitary disease ;
  • at an early age, hypothyroidism was treated with radioactive iodine;
  • treatment with thyreostatic drugs (for example, "Merkazolil");
  • non-functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • a thyroid tumor or a tumor of organs adjacent to it;
  • poor supply of thyroid tissue;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the thyroid gland.

Such a disease can occur in people of old age due to the fact that the work of all their organs begins to deteriorate. Hypoplasia at an older age usually causes cardiovascular problems - the volume of the heart increases as a result of fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity.


Diagnosing in the initial stages is a bit problematic, because the symptoms are not yet so pronounced. That is why it is so important to visit the endocrinologist every year so that he can detect the first signs of the disease. If the doctor does notice signs of hypoplasia, he will prescribe special tests, blood tests for the concentration of hormones, ultrasound.

thyroid gland hypoplasia of the left lobe

Blood tests for hormones are performed for all newborns in order to detect thyroid pathology and begin treatment immediately.

You can detect thyroid hypoplasia in adulthood based on blood tests. In order to timely identify hypoplasia, it is necessary to be observed by an endocrinologist every year. If there is a suspicion of this pathology on the grounds of blood tests, carry out the following procedures:

  • puncture;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • blood analysis.

During the puncture procedure, pathology by the content of glandular tissue can be detected. If it is absent or very few, then the disease is confirmed.


The basis of the treatment of thyroid hypoplasia is hormone replacement therapy. In this case, the hormones that are produced by the gland are administered to the patient from the outside. Such treatment should not be interrupted and it lasts for life. Therapy is prescribed based on the timing of the start of treatment. If it was possible to identify the pathology earlier, in the initial stages, the faster and more efficiently you can remove the irreversible changes that occur in the body.

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland in children also happens.

If the baby is diagnosed with the disease and treatment begins immediately, there will be a high chance that the child will not have problems with development and growth in the future.

If treatment begins later, then only a few symptoms of the disease can be eliminated. It is impossible to completely remove the consequences of neuropsychic and physical changes at a later stage.

In addition to hormonal therapy, gymnastics and massage, which can lead to normal muscle tone, are necessarily included in the treatment.

Thyroid hypoplasia is an extremely serious disease, which is accompanied by a slowdown in metabolism and leads to developmental disorders.

how to treat thyroid hypoplasia


The prognosis for cure depends on the stage of the disease at which therapy was started. The earlier treatment is started, the more pathological changes can be avoided. In rare cases, in especially neglected situations, surgery is performed.

Hypoplasia is considered a dangerous disease, and therefore its treatment should be started immediately as soon as the disease has been detected. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if you find the first signs of the disease.

How to prevent thyroid hypoplasia in adults?


Prevention of possible thyroid diseases in a child is to pay enough attention to the health of a pregnant woman. Compliance with these simple rules will help maintain the health of the future baby:

  • intake of essential vitamins that contain iodine;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • observation by a doctor in a antenatal clinic;
  • healthy lifestyle.

If a pregnant woman lives in an area where iodine deficiency exists, then medications that contain it are prescribed.

thyroid hypoplasia in adults

In order to reduce the risk of developing this pathology, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • regularly undergo examinations;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • quit bad habits;
  • timely treat chronic foci of infection;
  • consume enough iodine.

It must be remembered that regular examination by a doctor and timely treatment of diseases will help eliminate and avoid many pathologies.

We examined how to detect and treat thyroid hypoplasia.

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