My Dear Man: film actors

Despite the conventional wisdom, not only ideological tapes were filmed in the USSR. Many films have appeared on Soviet screens that are relevant today. In August 1958, the film “My Dear Man” was presented to the viewer. Even in episodes of this tape, you can find very famous artists. For example, George Zhzhenov plays the father of the protagonist and appears on the screen for just a few minutes.

What is this picture about

my dear man actors

Joseph Kheifits took the novel “The Work You Serve”, written by Yuri German, as the basis of his film. Two full-length films came out of this book, one of which was My Dear Man. This film tells the audience about a doctor who sincerely seeks to help people. In his life, great happiness happened - love for a talented girl, but by the will of fate, they could not stay together. Barbara (that was the name of the lover of his life) left the protagonist because of his decision to work in a small village, so she wanted to shine on the stage.

The lives of the heroes were torn apart, and the war brought them together again. In the hospital, Vladimir (the main character) meets with a difficult patient who needs surgery. However, even such circumstances could not mitigate the protagonist. He sends Barbara to the rear and further works on the front line. After the war, Barbara became a geologist, although everyone predicted her a career as a great actress. Vladimir became a family man, although this does not bring him joy.

The actors of the film "My Dear Man" created a unique picture that is relevant in our time. It is because of this that in 2011, based on this film, a series of 16 parts was released.

Alexey Batalov

movie actors my dear man

The central role of the doctor Ustimenko was played by the famous actor and one of the most attractive men of the Soviet period - Alexei Batalov. He starred in many films directed by Joseph Heifitz, and this was no exception. Like all the actors in the film “My Dear Man” (1958), Batalov got used to the role of his hero and clearly conveyed his character, life values ​​and mood in different situations. He created the image of a man devoted to his calling and feelings.

There is an opinion that Yuri German once wrote the image of Vladimir in the novel precisely from Alexei Batalov. It is not known how true this information is, but in the film “My Dear Man,” the actors are fully consistent with the characters described in the book. Batalov perfectly got used to the role of a doctor, whose fate is distorted by the war. The actor himself considers his work on this tape to be completely successful. Batalov is always fully laid out in his films, and his characters are distinguished by the rigidity of their views and a share of irony towards others. So it happened in this film.

Inna Makarova

my dear man actors and roles
The film "My Dear Man", whose actors and roles were carefully selected, was especially remembered for one iconic scene - a meeting of the main characters in the operating room. Probably, no one could have played the role of Barbara like Inna Makarova, a native of a distant Siberian town. At her anniversary in 2013, the People's Artist of the USSR admitted that this role was and remains one of her favorite works. She is happy to review this film and relive every scene.

Almost all the actors who starred in the film “My Dear Man” believe that the film was a success. This is actually so, because even after 58 years after the release of the film is very popular and remains relevant. Some viewers admit that the tape made them rethink their human values.

Military doctors

film my dear man actors and roles
In addition to the theme of human relations, the film touches on the theme of the Great Patriotic War and the devastation that it brought to human destinies. Considering the film "My Dear Man", the actors and roles of which were carefully worked out at one time, one should not miss the topic of the heroic deed of doctors during military operations.

Vladimir Ustimenko, who was played by Batalov, had colleagues at the front - two women: Ashkhen Ohanyan and Zinaida Bakunina. Unfortunately, they did not return from the war. The main character was very worried about their loss. Famous theatrical actresses Cecilia Mansurova and Valentina Zhuravskaya played these outstanding women.

Cecilia Lvovna's role in the film "My Dear Man", whose actors are all famous in their own way, was the first movie breakdown. The second tape with her participation was released only in 1972, and the career of the actress took place on the stage. Cecilia Lvovna is especially famous for the fact that she played Turandot in the production directed by Vakhtangov.

Leonid Bykov

Another famous artist, Leonid Bykov, who is one of the country's most beloved actors, played in this film. His hero appears only in the second part, but immediately attracts the attention of the audience. The role of Pasha Bogatyrev by many film critics is noted as one of the best supporting works.

So, like Bykov, practically no one played in Soviet times. Films with his participation have always become hits hits, and the characters looked organically. Bykov appears at the end of the film, it is he who offers the hero of Batalov a fateful trip to new lands.

Reviews from viewers and critics

movie actors my dear man 1958
In the film “My Dear Man,” the actors got used to the role completely, which is noted by most critics. However, there were people who scolded this tape for ideological propaganda, although it was much less in the film than in other paintings of those years.

First of all, this film gives you the opportunity to think about life. At the beginning of the tape, the heroine of Inna Makarova made the wrong choice, but she could not escape fate. Interestingly filmed military scenes. The audience noted that they do not honor the heroic deed, but convey their feelings and change of character.

According to a survey of readers of the magazine "Soviet Screen", this picture is deservedly included in the list of best films of 1958.

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