How to treat irritable bowel syndrome at home?

Information on how to treat irritable bowel syndrome, the symptoms and treatment of which is not considered an axiom by official medicine, is relevant for people suffering from such a gastrointestinal upset. IBS is a disease that is not recognized as independent by modern doctors, so there are no official approaches to its therapy. Nevertheless, the fact remains that many suffer from such a pathology, which means that they need information on ways and methods to eliminate unpleasant sensations associated with the unbalanced functioning of the body. Consider in general terms what constitutes IBS, what methods can help ease the patient's condition.

General view

If we analyze how America treats irritable bowel syndrome, one will have to admit that even there doctors do not consider the disease an official pathology, but only consider it as a complex of factors that worsen the patient's condition. This is due to the International Classification of Diseases - there is no mention of IBS in this document. Nevertheless, the disease is unofficially recognized, although no doctor will record such a diagnosis on the card. They talk about persistent violations, if unpleasant sensations bother the patient for a quarter of a year or longer. Functional disorders, which are the basis for recognizing a person as sick, suggest disorders for which it is not possible to identify the anatomical root cause, it is not possible to detect morphological changes. Analyzes, instrumental studies do not allow an adequate explanation of the patient's condition, the symptoms observed in him.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis

Official recommendations on how to treat irritable bowel syndrome, reviews on this topic are more often sought after by women - on average, a fair half of humanity has three times more frequent disorders than men. The age group of risk is 30-38 years. Somewhat less often, the problem occurs in people of other age groups, but everything is possible: IBS worries both children and the elderly. There are symptoms, there are complaints, therefore, at the first impression, the doctor may suggest the presence of some disease, but all the tests show that the person is absolutely healthy, the intestines are normal, their structure is not damaged, organic pathological changes are absent. Based on the results of a lengthy and detailed examination, the doctor may admit that IBS is taking place, but for this, you first need to consistently discard all possible options and explanations why the patient is faced with health problems. You will have to undergo a test for oncology, ulcerative colitis, typhlitis, other pathologies of the pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines, gall bladder and the pathways along which biological fluids pass. Only in the case when all possible causes are considered, but have not been confirmed, it is possible to dwell on IBS as determining the patient's condition.

What triggers the problem?

Not many are ready to immediately contact doctors with questions about how to treat irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, since the pathology is not recognized by official medicine. As can be seen from the statistics, almost one fifth of the entire population of the planet itself has a functional disorder, but only a few prefer to deal with such a problem with doctors. Mostly people either suffer discomfort, or are looking for folk methods to get rid of the disease. Many people prefer to practice self-medication, explaining this by the fact of denial of IBS by official medicine. It is known that the disease often affects people living in developed powers. Less than half the sufferers turn to the doctor for help. Many note that the disease bothered close relatives. Doctors suggest the cause is heredity. The sensitivity of the intestinal mucous membranes may increase due to a shortage in the digestive system of interleukin-10, and this is due to genetic abnormalities.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome at home

Which doctor treats irritable bowel syndrome? Unfortunately, one cannot give an exact answer to this question: since the disease is not on the list of existing diseases, no one can cure it, because there is nothing to cure. In practice, in the presence of intestinal disorders, you should first sign up to the local therapist, who will issue a referral for examination, on the basis of which the patient will be referred to one or several doctors. It is known that IBS can develop against the background of psychological problems, an unhealthy family environment - young children are especially sensitive to this. According to unofficial data, IBS more often develops in those who in childhood fell into traumatic mental situations (loss of a parent, lack of care from elders, poor, conflicting home environment).

Personality and Features

It is known that people who are more likely to seek information on how to treat irritable bowel syndrome at home are those who are prone to depressive, anxiety disorders. To a greater extent, the problem worries hypochondriacs, emotionally unstable people. Currently, official medicine does not have an adequate explanation for this fact, since it has not been established that the influence of the psyche on the functioning of the intestinal tract. Some explain this by the presence of provoking factors. Presumably, people prone to such conditions often pay attention to the state of their body, constantly analyze any deviations from the norm. Some people themselves trigger health problems, carefully and long looking for ailments, thereby initiating negative processes.

Often, they are interested in how to treat irritable bowel syndrome (with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders), people who eat improperly. Diet, a balanced diet are extremely important for the normal functioning of the intestine, so a down regimen leads to a variety of problems. It is important that the body receives fiber in proper amounts, without excess. There is a higher risk of intestinal malfunction if the menu is rich in animal fats, fast carbohydrates.

Certain risks are associated with low mobility in everyday life, frequent poisoning of the body due to bad habits - a tendency to smoke, alcohol abuse. Excess coffee in the body is another factor that provokes IBS.

In women, the risks are associated with structural features of the reproductive system - IBS is often observed with an irregular menstrual cycle and other gynecological problems that negatively affect intestinal motility. Deteriorating health status in general and the gastrointestinal tract in particular, PMS, menopause, diabetes, overweight and insufficient production of hormones by the thyroid gland. IBS can cause various pathologies, intestinal infections. Even the unsatisfactory state of the restroom can make its contribution - the lack of basic amenities, unsanitary conditions lead to constipation, as at the reflex level the urge to cleanse the intestines from accumulated processed substances is suppressed.

irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms

What to do?

Often people seek answers to their question in traditional medicine. How to treat irritable bowel syndrome if official medicine refuses to recognize such a disorder in the patient, and the doctor assures the patient that he is absolutely healthy? Others are not ready to go to the clinic, understanding that they will have to undergo many examinations in order to exclude all possible pathologies that negatively affect the functionality of the intestinal tract. Of course, the approach of official medicine is reasonable, because stool disorders may be the first bell of an oncological disease that has not yet manifested itself with more serious symptoms. At the same time, many of our fellow citizens (and not only) are accustomed to thinking that it is precisely with them that no harm can happen, therefore they refuse to undergo specific examinations, preferring to independently diagnose IBS and start treating it at home, without losing time in the clinic. Although this approach cannot be called correct, it takes place, so you should consider what and how to apply in order to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of IBS at home.

Understanding how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, you should start with normalizing your diet. Others try from the very beginning to use pharmaceuticals that relieve the most severe symptoms. This solution is far from the best, because you must first eliminate the factors that provoke the disease and only then deal with the residual symptoms. In addition to the formation of an adequate mode, menu, you should change your lifestyle - eliminate the factors that provoke stress, start moving more actively, lead a generally healthier everyday life, abandon bad habits. Your doctor may recommend treatment at a sanatorium or visit a resort specializing in intestinal disorders. In such places, patients can drink medicinal water, relax, enjoy clean air - all this helps to stabilize the work of various body systems, including the intestines. Physiotherapy can bring additional benefits, but only as directed by the attending physician. Finally, you can use medicines, but this should be done only in consultation with the doctor, otherwise the risk of harming yourself is higher than the possible benefit of the course.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome folk remedies

Some features

Although official medicine does not recognize IBS as an independent disease, when observing the patientā€™s inherent symptoms, they are necessarily referred for examination by a psychotherapist. This is due to the relationship between the mental, emotional state of a person and the work of the intestinal tract. If it is possible to identify and eliminate violations in this area, it may not be necessary to figure out how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with alternative methods. Having put the psyche in order, the patient will thereby secure a healthy future. Rational approaches, autogenous methods, self-hypnosis, self-massage, individual consultations with a specialist and communication in a group are used. Doctors sometimes recommend drinking a course of antidepressants, sedatives, tranquilizers, or adaptogens. Again, self-prescribing them yourself is strictly forbidden - the risk of side effects is too great, so taking medications is permissible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicines: what will help?

To influence the psyche, the doctor recommends specific medications based on the individual characteristics of the patient's condition. A gastroenterologist can prescribe certain drugs, and some therapists will advise the therapist. If there is no way to get to a psychotherapist, you can try using safe pharmacy products made on the basis of natural ingredients. Many are interested in how to treat irritable bowel syndrome in children. The childā€™s body is very fragile, so starting with potent drugs is undesirable. You can try to give the child motherwort, valerian. Adults benefit from Corvalol, Novopassit. They have a mild soothing, relaxing effect, help stabilize the body in stressful situations. Comprehensive treatment involves not only normalizing the activity of the intestinal tract, but also eliminating sleep disorders.

What else could be an effective treatment? How to treat irritable bowel syndrome? Many doctors recommend the use of drugs "Afobazol", "Xanax". These tools allow you to eliminate anxiety, relieve tension. ā€œGrandaxinā€ and ā€œSulpirideā€ have a similar effect. If IBS has developed against the backdrop of aggression, a tendency to irritability, and sleep disturbances, you can try Tianeptin, Fluvoxamine. The Sonapaks tool is distinguished by a good reputation. All of these funds (except for herbal extracts) should be used only after consulting a doctor. Mostly these drugs are quite harmless, dispensed without prescription in pharmacies, but thereā€™s no need for an extra risk, because there is always a danger of individual intolerance. The doctor will tell you how to choose a remedy, what to do if side effects bother you.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with medication

Symptoms and treatment

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome - pills or alternative drugs? Much depends on the particular case, the severity of the symptoms. If the pathology is accompanied by flatulence, bloating, the stomach hurts, then it makes sense to resort to specific pharmaceutical products that help alleviate the condition of the sufferer. A good effect will be shown by anticholinergics that can stop the receptor sections of the intestinal walls, which prevents a chemical reaction with acetylcholine, which is responsible for the contraction of muscle fibers. The walls of the intestinal tract relax, the symptoms are not so pronounced. Of the popular drugs, it is worth noting Bellalgin, Metacin, Buscopan.

Understanding how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with medications, you should pay attention to drugs that relieve spasms. They affect the state of smooth muscles of the intestine. The most famous remedy is No-Shpa. Its rather cheap counterpart is Papaverine. A good reputation is distinguished by means of "Spazmomen", "Duspatalin." Drugs in this group should not be used constantly. If you have to use them often, you need to make an appointment with the doctor for an additional examination. Perhaps the pain is associated with any pathologies that have not manifested themselves up to this point. Some of the products on the pharmaceutical market selectively affect the muscles of the intestines, making them feel better quickly and the pain goes away. Of these, it is worth mentioning "Pinaweria Bromide", "Mebeverin." There are combined products, they simultaneously relieve pain and prevent the production of excess gas in the intestines. Doctors often recommend staying with Pepfiz or Dimethicon medicines. Flatil, Meteospasmil have a good reputation.

What else is used?

If you ask your doctor what pills are effective, how to treat irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by diarrhea, many experts will recommend paying attention to Immodium. Like Alosetron, this remedy eliminates diarrhea and relieves discomfort associated with IBS. Sometimes doctors recommend choosing Smecta. Benefit will bring the tool "Loperamide."

But choosing what to treat constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, it is worth paying attention to laxatives. Sometimes doctors are advised to choose prokinetics. The most famous pharmacy drugs are Cerucal, Motilium. Of the laxatives, Mukofalk and Lactulose are distinguished by a good reputation. Some doctors prefer to prescribe Forlax.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome

Physiotherapy vs. IBS

You should not only know how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with medication, but also understand that sometimes with such a problem pharmaceutical products are far from the best solution. If the doctor recommends taking a course of physiotherapy, you should listen to these tips. Currently, such a treatment is one of the most productive, at the same time sparing methods of normalizing health. Specific practices are chosen based on symptoms. If the patient complains of pain, use novocaine, do electrophoresis. You can carry out procedures with calcium chloride, zinc sulfate. Special equipment acts pointwise on the stomach. Coniferous baths benefit. If IBS is accompanied by diarrhea, it makes sense to undergo a course of UHF, acupuncture, and apply ozokerite. For stool delays, abdominal massage, paraffin baths are prescribed. Electrophoresis will benefit the patient. Use papaverine, magnesia, proserin.

Well know how to treat irritable bowel syndrome, doctors of special sanatoriums, resorts specializing in gastrointestinal tract disorders. Usually, referral to such a course is the final stage of medical procedures. Sometimes it is prescribed as a prophylaxis if there is a high risk of intestinal upset.The specialized sanatorium is a great place to relieve tension, relax and have a good rest in a friendly, comfortable environment. As a rule, the patient is prescribed mineral water based on the characteristics of his body. In addition, physiotherapy is carried out in sanatoriums, a person is sent for special physical education, and classes are supervised by specialists.

Treatment features

Since there is no single and accurate advice on how to treat irritable bowel syndrome, each specific doctor can make his own changes in the therapeutic course. As a rule, on the basis of complaints, the patient is prescribed a treatment program lasting no more than one and a half months, after which you need to come for a second appointment. In this case, the patient is examined, take tests, questioned, find out the features of the change in the clinical picture. The doctor notes how effective the measures taken were, and also analyzes what else can be advised to the patient to improve the condition. If the chosen course does not show a positive result, you should conduct a comprehensive examination again - probably the cause of intestinal disorder lies in a serious, but hidden from the eyes of professionals pathology. Of course, improperly selected medical practice is possible, and clarification of this fact remains in the doctor's responsibility.

which doctor treats irritable bowel syndrome

If the doctor really knows how to treat irritable bowel syndrome, he has selected effective therapy, positive tendencies are noted in the patientā€™s condition, the symptoms are weakened. At a subsequent appointment, the doctor advises what adjustments to make, what to refuse, what to focus on. Based on the information received, it becomes clear how long the intestines will have to be treated, what are the patientā€™s predictions, and what limitations will have to be observed throughout life.

Rules of life: how to change everyday life?

Explaining how to treat irritable bowel syndrome in each case, the doctor will probably recommend keeping a diary. The patient should record all changes in health, analyze his daily routine in order to identify what caused this or that fact. Whether unpleasant symptoms are provoked by stress, overeating, taking medications, whether it has become easier after any means or measure - all this must be carefully recorded. Keeping such a diary helps organize yourself, determine in time what the cause of the problem is, what factors provoke violations. In the future, it is on their exclusion that the patient and the doctor will work.

Let us dwell on the most common schemes.

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies? As a rule, begin the course with the normalization of the nutrition program. Often this measure is enough, no special preparations - pharmaceutical or folk - are needed. It is best to choose a diet with a doctor, but if you canā€™t visit it, you can organize proper nutrition on your own. So, if IBS is accompanied by constipation, it is necessary to diversify plant foods rich in fiber. The patient will benefit from vegetables, fruits, brown bread, milk and products cooked on it. Particular attention should be paid to apples, prunes. Useful bran. But with loose stools, the emphasis is better on cereals, cooked lean meat, cottage cheese - these products minimally irritate the intestines. For pain in the stomach, animal fats should be minimized, protein foods should be preferred. Flatulence is an occasion to eat often, but in small portions. The optimal program is six meals a day.

irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and treatment

Attention to all aspects

Understanding how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies, special attention should be paid to soothing herbs - infusion of valerian, lemon balm, mint and sage. You can use motherwort. However, the most effective method is to avoid any stressful situations. Resting, taking time for yourself, walking, spending time in the fresh air, you can soon restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Do not neglect nightly rest - should be allocated at least eight hours to sleep. You will have to abandon too fatty foods that activate intestinal motility and provoke abdominal pain.

If the disease is accompanied by dysbiosis, this leads to an incorrect process of absorption of maltose, impaired stool. In this situation, funds for the rehabilitation of intestinal cavities come to the rescue. Relatively safe and effective - Amokiscillin, Rifaxim. It is impossible to prescribe them yourself, and the doctor recommends taking such medications only after tests confirming an excess of drug-sensitive microorganisms. After taking the course of antibacterial agents, it is reasonable to use Linex or Bifiform, as well as other reliable pre- and probiotics.

Herbs for IBS

Any healer can tell how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies, and the choice of drugs used by alternative medicine is extremely large. However, the effectiveness of each of the options cannot be guaranteed, therefore, before applying a specific prescription, it is wise to consult a certified doctor first. It is important to choose such funds that do not provoke side effects. If IBS is accompanied by loose stools, it is reasonable to use mint, blueberries, sage. Coil rhizomes and walnut leaves come to the rescue. If, on the contrary, the patient suffers from constipation, aniseed, caraway seeds, licorice root and chamomile, nettle should be consumed. Intestinal cramps are eliminated with fennel, caraway, aniseed seeds, mint and rhizomes of valerian. The latter remedy is also effective in flatulence. Anise, caraway seeds, oregano will come to help with gas formation.

how to treat irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea

Of all the above, the most commonly used product is mint. You can collect and dry the leaves yourself, you can purchase pharmacy capsules. Any of the options allows you to reduce pain, stop the increased formation of gases. Many recommend the use of capsules with a special coating, so that the active substances are released precisely in the intestine, and not in the stomach or other parts of the digestive system. Be careful! Peppermint oil, once in the stomach, can provoke heartburn.

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