How to cook salmon in the oven: recipes with photos

Baked salmon can rightly be called one of the most delicious and delicious dishes. Any recipe for cooking this fish has always been of great interest both to the one who is engaged in its execution, and to the one who decided to try out the result.

However, in order to make the dish really tasty, you must follow all the rules for cooking juicy salmon in the oven. And how to do this, you will learn from this article. But first, you should familiarize yourself with some useful information about the product itself, in order to have an idea of ​​the nuances that you may encounter during the preparation process, and what contraindications there are.

Distinctive features of fish

Baked salmon in foil

Red salmon is also known as salmon. Individuals of this fish can reach a length of 1.5 meters and weigh 40 kilograms. In Russia, salmon dishes are very popular and are prepared for almost any occasion. However, in order not to "miss" when buying raw materials in the market or in the store, it is worth keeping in mind several features that will help you choose the right product.

  • Representatives of this species have a large head of a pointed shape.
  • The body of the fish is elongated and remotely resembles a torpedo.
  • The scales of the salmon are quite large and cast in silver.
  • When buying, pay attention to the color of the fillet. It should be pale pink.


  • If you cook salmon in the oven correctly (recipes will be given below), then it will help to quickly put in order muscle tissue. And also contributes to the speedy recovery of the body with injuries or illnesses.
  • The use of this product allows you to more effectively regulate stress hormones, eliminate the effect of fatigue and emotional stress. It also helps to prevent the onset of depression, increase the level of working capacity and mental activity.
  • With regular consumption, salmon meat helps strengthen immunity, which, in turn, reduces the risk of various diseases.
  • Salmon is quite easily and quickly absorbed by the body, this happens within an hour after eating.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish increase the quality of blood vessels, which, in turn, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • The presence of methionine prevents the onset and subsequent development of diabetes mellitus, as well as liver diseases.
  • Regular consumption of salmon contributes to the accelerated treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
  • Properly cooked salmon, both in foil in the oven and in a double boiler (or by any other means), helps the body to produce additional amounts of melatonin, which protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight, and also has a rejuvenating effect.


  • It is worth noting that to give the meat the necessary color, some manufacturers feed fish with substances and pigments that are not suitable for human consumption. As a result, eating salmon saturated with such substances can harm the human body.
  • In science, there is an assumption that this type of salmon fish is prone to the accumulation of mercury. Thus, the older an individual is, the more this substance accumulates in it, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of mutations among offspring.
  • It is also worth noting that due to mass cultivation on farms in the fish, various kinds of toxins are formed. Sometimes this leads to the development of diseases for the control of which pesticides are used, which harms the quality of meat.
  • Before eating fish, you should consult a doctor to find out if you have intolerance to this type of fish or an allergic reaction to it. Such a negative reaction of the human body can occur due to the presence of histidine in salmon.
  • This fish is not recommended for use by people suffering from gallstone and urolithiasis.
  • It is forbidden to use this species for people with chronic liver disease.
  • Do not eat fish for inflammation or ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
  • Also, slightly salted meat of salmon is prohibited for use by people suffering from hypertension.

Dietary features

  • Salmon meat contains quite a lot of special fatty acids, which are quickly absorbed by the body and absolutely do not harm the figure (when consumed in reasonable amounts).
  • When dieting, it is recommended to use salmon in boiled form, and not cooked in the oven. The energy value of such a dish per 100 grams is only 167 calories.
  • The use of boiled salmon meat allows you not to feel hunger longer, and also prevents the deterioration of the quality of the skin, hair and nails, which is widespread with diet.

Storage Features

Salmon in the marinade

Due to the fact that salmon is a rather perishable product, it is worth considering some features of preserving meat:

  • Marinade. Meat processed in this way retains its taste and healthy properties longer.
  • Food paper or foil. These packaging materials will allow you to store fish longer. Plastic bags are not recommended.
  • Depending on the cooking method, the temperature of its storage in the refrigerator varies. For example, slightly salted meat is stored at 0 degrees, and smoked meat at -4 degrees.
  • Before freezing fish, it must be cleaned, washed and dried. It is necessary to store such meat at -25 degrees.

After familiarizing yourself with important information, you can proceed to the cooking process itself. Below will be presented several ways of how to cook delicious salmon in the oven.

Recipe for salmon baked in foil

This is the most common and perhaps the simplest way to cook this meat.

Essential Ingredients:

  • salmon (fillet) - 500 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • half a lemon;
  • 50 g of hard cheese (preferably parmesan);
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking process

Baked salmon meat in baking paper

Before you cook salmon in the oven, you need to choose high-quality meat (its signs were mentioned earlier) and purchase aluminum foil.

  • Cut the cleaned fillet into pieces and rinse with cold water.
  • Thoroughly season each slice and pepper on both sides, process with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  • At this time, finely chop the greens and grate the cheese.
  • Divide the foil into pieces. Make sure that each piece can be wrapped prepared meat.
  • At the end of the pickling period, place the salmon on the foil, sprinkled with herbs and grated cheese, on top of which a little mayonnaise is applied. Next, it must be distributed on the surface to make the dish more juicy.
  • Wrap the prepared pieces with foil, put on a baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake meat for 35 minutes.

Vegetable Salmon Steak Recipe

The recipe for how to cook salmon steak in the oven is not too different from the previous one, except for one point - you have to work with a lot of vegetables.

To do this, you will need:

  • 2 salmon steaks (200 g each);
  • half a lemon;
  • 200 g of potatoes;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g tomato;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 30 g butter;
  • salt, pepper, parsley.


Served meat before baking
  • Each steak is rubbed with salt and pepper on both sides, after which it is processed with lemon and marinated for 10 minutes.
  • Peel vegetables.
  • Cut onion, carrot and tomato into rings.
  • Cut the potatoes into strips and salt.
  • Prepare 2 pieces of foil (so that meat can be wrapped in them). Put a layer of potatoes, after onions, carrots and tomatoes. Next, put the steak and sprinkle with parsley and butter on top.
  • Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place a pan with fish in it.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.
  • Remove the prepared dish, but do not unfold the foil. Steaks can only be opened before serving.

You can see the result of how to cook salmon in the oven, in the photo below.

Ready Salmon with Vegetables

Oven baked salmon with potatoes

Another fairly common recipe for cooking this meat. Made in this way, with the addition of potatoes, it acquires a special taste.


  • salmon steak - 4 pcs. (200 g each);
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4 tubers;
  • honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • spice.

How to cook salmon with potatoes in the oven?

ingredients for cooking
  • Combine salt, pepper, zest and lemon juice. Mix.
  • Grate the resulting mixture of steaks on both sides, and then remove them to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into medium slices. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Prepare foil for each piece of fish, grease with oil and put on a baking sheet.
  • At the end of the pickling period, get the steaks and put them on the foil. Put potatoes around.
  • Cover the meat with foil. Before you cook salmon in the oven, it must be heated to 200 degrees.
  • Bake for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the finished fish from the oven, allow it to cool slightly and arrange on plates.

Salmon in the oven with pineapple

Baked salmon with pineapple

A rather unusual recipe, given that as a standard, this meat is cooked with lemon juice. A special detail that gives the dish a unique taste is the non-standard marinade. So, how to cook a salmon steak in the oven according to the recipe?

Essential Ingredients:

  • salmon - 4 steaks weighing 200 g;
  • 1 can of pineapple, sliced ​​in rings;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon thyme;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt pepper.


  • Chop the garlic. You can do this by rubbing it on a fine grater or crushing it using a press.
  • Add thyme, salt, pepper and oil. Mix.
  • Process the resulting mixture on both sides of the steaks, then place in the heat for 30 minutes for marinating.
  • Process the pineapple with the remaining marinade.

Before you cook salmon in the oven, it is worth determining for yourself one important point. If the dish is prepared for use with diet food, then you can continue to cook without deviating from the recipe. Otherwise, you can sprinkle cheese on pineapples and bake meat without foil. It will turn out delicious crispy golden crust.

  • Cover the baking sheet with foil.
  • Put the steaks on top of which place the pineapples.
  • Cover the meat and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, take out the dish and leave it to cool slightly.
  • Before serving, put the dish on separate plates.


The above recipes, how to cook salmon in the oven, are only the most common options for implementing this product. You can also prepare such a product in many more ways, for example:

  • salmon meat with estrogan sauce;
  • with tomatoes;
  • with red pepper;
  • with curd cheese and many others.

You can choose any recipe you like and change it according to your taste preferences.

It was previously mentioned that before using this product, you must check with your doctor for allergies or intolerances. Do not neglect this advice, since illnesses that are not detected on time can lead to serious health problems.

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