Today nobody hangs carpets on the walls; this decorative element, considered by our grandmothers as a sign of prosperity, simply went out of fashion. But with something you need to decorate the walls, so that the entire interior does not suffer from this. After all, even an ancient person probably adorned his home. The walls of the ancient Greek houses were decorated with drawings and bright woven rugs, the houses of the ancient Romans were decorated with mosaics and painted with geometric ornaments.
Today, such styles as constructivism and functionalism are widespread in the design of apartments, which was manifested in the appearance of comfortable and simple interiors. But framed paintings never went out of fashion and remained an indispensable part of home decoration.
Today, in the form of a painting for the interior, a painting or its reproductions, graphics, art photographs, etchings, prints, prints and artistic compositions from natural materials, leather, fabric, etc. can hang on the wall. Many people buy works of professional artists in the art salon, but if you want, you can make paintings with your own hands.
If you do not have drawing skills, you can use photography. So do even professional artists. Still life, for example, is easier to draw by looking at a photograph rather than objects. Because drawing a picture with your own hands is not a quick task, the illumination may change due to weather or time of day. If you draw children or animals, then these generally do not like to sit in one place for a long time. They are even difficult to photograph. But if the photo turned out to be successful, then using special graphic techniques you can copy the image from it.
On a hard tablet you need to attach a sheet of paper, make a photocopy of the photo and draw a grid on it. The same grid must be drawn on a blank sheet. You need to draw the picture in squares, repeating the image of each square in your drawing, until the whole is obtained from the fragments.
Another technique that you can use to draw a picture with your own hands is the following method: you need to mark the location of the picture on the sheet with a light stroke. This will make it possible to fit the image into the sheet frames. In the figure, you need to outline the boundaries of the main large parts of the image - the head, hands, eyes, etc. The most important thing is to keep proportions.
Then you need to determine the darkest and brightest places in the image, easily shading them. Thus, the boundaries of shadow and light are marked in the figure. There are rules to draw dark places first, and then light ones. Then they go on to detail. The picture should be brighter than the background. You can highlight some details - eyes, smile, nose, making them more contrast. After the main details are drawn, draw the picture to the end, making minor places less contrast. At the end, use the eraser to remove excess from the drawing and soften the contours. Now you need to compare the image with his photo, correct it - and the picture is ready.
In addition to painting, you can make your own pictures of leather. They differ from painting in that, due to the material, leather compositions are voluminous. The biggest problem is buying material. The fact is that skin can only be bought in the form of skins. And its price is considerable. Therefore, for a start, it makes sense
"Scrape" through the closets and attics of your own home in search of old unnecessary gloves, bags, leather jackets, etc. If the material is found, you can use the master class on
working with skin on the Internet and start learning, and then to make a picture with your own hands.
You need to try to make some kind of interior item for your own home - because this is an opportunity to express yourself. And then, if it works out well and the picture takes its place of honor on the wall, then this will be a unique work, which cost the author-lover a lot of patience, work and acquired skills. And this is a lot!