Veroshpiron - diuretic or not? Veroshpiron: reviews

The use of antihypertensive drugs in most cases is due to a deterioration in the level of health, poor nutrition and advanced age, which caused hypertension. Hypertension in our time is called a "slow killer": it wears out the blood vessels and heart gradually, without harming with sharp attacks, with the exception of hypertensive crises.

veroshpiron diuretic or not
Veroshpiron Diuretic Tablets are a popular solution for reducing circulating fluid volume. But is their reception safe?

Concept of blood pressure

Blood pressure, hereinafter - blood pressure, is one of the main vital indicators, due to the need to transport blood through vessels to organs and tissues. Probably everyone knows that there is “upper” and “lower” pressure: these two numbers, measured using a tonometer, characterize blood pressure in two moments.

The first, systolic, at the time of the ejection of blood by the heart. The second, diastolic, at the time of relaxation of the heart muscle. How does the drug “Veroshpiron” help in adjusting the pressure? Is diuretic or not a remedy? Let's figure it out.

Veroshpiron diuretic tablets

Group of antihypertensive drugs

  1. Means that affect the innervation of the heart and blood vessels. Contraction of the heart muscle and blood vessels can be regulated. More precisely, innervation can be regulated. Take, for example, the well-known “white coat hypertension,” when patients show higher rates at the sight of doctors: while experiencing, they (patients) thereby “overestimate” their rates. Soothing agents can reduce pressure by eliminating stressful vasodilation.
  2. Diuretics. Diuretic tablets "Veroshpiron" (reviews on the effectiveness of this drug can be found in many forums) are a typical representative of diuretic drugs. The action of the tool is aimed at reducing the volume of circulating fluid, which is the direct cause of the decrease in pressure.

"Veroshpiron" (diuretic): reviews, description of the drug and active substance

The active substance of the drug "Veroshpiron" is spironolactone. This substance also occurs in the medicinal analogues of Veroshpiron: Spirix, Urakton, Aldactone. There are also a number of drugs based on spironolactone against hair loss.

Veroshpiron diuretic

Drugs containing spironolactone, in addition to arterial hypertension, are used against a fairly wide range of diseases. These include, for example, edematous syndrome in heart failure. At Veroshpiron, a diuretic, the reviews and ratings of doctors in the treatment of such diseases are rather favorable. Systematic treatment with drugs of this group positively affects the dynamics of blood pressure, and also helps to eliminate the phenomena of swelling due to a decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid. In addition, the group of these diuretics may be effective in the case of the development of resistance (immunity) of other diuretics (Furosemide, for example).

Veroshpiron - diuretic or not? Hormonal aspects of the use of the drug

It is known that, in addition to therapeutic, spironolactone is also used in trichological practice. The effectiveness of the active substance as antiandrogenic is known and proven. That is, an antagonist of the male sex hormone aldosterone. But in undesirable cases, the drug also has a feminizing effect on the body. The main effect of Veroshpiron is a diuretic. But the secondary is hormonal. Particularly surprised were patients with gynecomastia - breast enlargement. It should be borne in mind that the drug affects the endocrinological functions of the body, and in order to avoid side effects it should be taken with caution.

Veroshpiron diuretic tablets reviews

The practice of Veroshpiron

Veroshpiron is a drug found in all therapeutic departments of the country. Most doctors hold the drug as a “battery” in case of ascites and edema of uncertain origin. However, the drug is contraindicated in persons with weakened kidneys and liver, because it gives additional load on these organs. Also, due to the hormonal effects of the drug, persons with menstrual irregularities are not recommended to use veroshpiron. The diuretic, however, is compatible with most foods and does not require a special diet. Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating, because hormonal changes can adversely affect the development of the fetus (in pregnant women). In nursing women, there is the possibility of the drug entering the body of the child through milk.

veroshpiron diuretic reviews

In resolving the issue of Veroshpiron, is it a diuretic or not? ” You can unequivocally lean toward an answer based on the Register of Medicines. According to him, the drug belongs to diuretics. The hormonal effect of the drug is considered in the context of side effects. However, spironolactone is currently undergoing a new wave of clinical trials in cosmetology and dermatology.

Spironolactone: prospects for the use of the substance

What is the drug based on spironolactone, Veroshpiron? Diuretic or not this remedy? Or maybe hormonal?

The drug affects many functions in our body indiscriminately and, in addition to reducing pressure, can cause erectile dysfunction. The hormonal effect of this drug is used by many for other purposes. People who want to improve the appearance of their hair or to feminize the body (improving the appearance of hair, smooth skin, breast enlargement) often use this drug uncontrollably. In the near future, Veroshpiron’s vacation is planned exclusively by prescription to protect people from uncontrolled use.

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