Salted mushrooms: winter recipe

For some, the arrival of autumn is a sad event: the day is shrinking, it is getting colder. Someone, on the contrary, is looking forward to the onset of this time of year to enjoy his colors and gifts. Most fans of picking and eating mushrooms belong to the second category. They know that the most fruitful time is September. Food lovers anticipate in advance how they will enjoy. Salted mushrooms, each housewife has a recipe and not in one version, pickled, fried and stewed - always welcome guests on the table. And, of course, these gifts of the forest are harvested for the future, for the winter. Salted mushrooms - the recipe is not the easiest: you have to tinker with it. However, the result is worth it. So, salted mushrooms: recipes for the winter.

salted porcini mushrooms recipe

A bit about security

In all families where walking in the autumn and summer forest is a tradition, children are taught from an early age that not all mushrooms are useful. However, it will not be superfluous to recall this. Many edible species of mushrooms have "doubles", leading to serious poisoning. Therefore, the first walk in the mushrooms is best done in the company of an experienced friend.

Forest gifts traditionally used for food also require a serious attitude. Almost every recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter begins with recommendations for pre-processing products: soaking or cooking. In no case should these items be skipped! Mushrooms, even quite edible and growing in a well-known place, perfectly accumulate harmful substances.

Preparatory stage

Sorting is what salted mushrooms begin with. First of all, recipes call for sorting out the forest β€œprey” and dividing it into species. Different varieties of mushrooms, as a rule, require slightly different processing, so it is better not to mix them. Then everything is cleaned of debris and dirt in running water.

The next step is soaking. There are various recommendations in this regard. In some cases, it is allowed to omit this step (for example, when salted porcini mushrooms are cooked). The recipe for blanks from the gifts of the forest, characterized by bitter milky juice (pigs, bitter, and others) always involves soaking them for 3-5 days or even boiling. Approximately three days, it is necessary to withstand in a cold salted water waves, valui, whitewash, and mushrooms. It is necessary to keep mushrooms under oppression in a place where a low temperature is maintained. Water must be changed at least twice a day. In order for the mushrooms to not sour, it is recommended to add salt to the solution - about 3% by weight of the main product.

Two methods

There are two options for how to cook salted mushrooms. The recipe for cold harvesting involves the preliminary soaking of forest gifts according to the principles described above. The hot method begins with boiling the mushrooms. For the first method, loafers, trawls, russula, valui, violinists, whites, mushrooms are suitable. Almost all other mushrooms are salted with a hot option.

Salted saffron mushrooms (cold method)

salted mushrooms winter recipes

Fragrant and bright saffron mushrooms are the favorites of many gourmets. For their salting per kilogram of mushrooms, the following ingredients are taken:

  • blackcurrant leaves - 20 g;

  • salt - 40 g;

  • bay leaf - 2 g;

  • allspice - 4 peas.

Redheads are cleaned of garbage, put in a colander and poured with boiling water twice. Then they are washed in running water. Spices are placed in a suitable bowl at the bottom, and the mushrooms with their heads up on them. Each layer (5-6 cm) is sprinkled with salt, currant and bay leaves and a couple of peas of pepper are also added on top. The mushrooms are covered with a clean piece of cloth, on which they put the lid (wooden or enameled with the handle down, it should freely enter the dishes). Depression is placed on it, for example, washed and scalded stone (not brick or limestone!), Wrapped in gauze. Do not use metal objects as a load.

After two or three days, a pickle should appear above the yoke. If this does not happen, the load must be increased. Every 2-3 days, the excess brine is drained until the mushrooms are completely compacted.

It is necessary to store saffron mushrooms in a cool place, approximately twice a week it is necessary to change the fabric and rinse the wooden board or lid.

Not only for saffron milk

In a similar way, you can cook other salted mushrooms. The recipe is suitable for loaves, crackworms, russules. For the former, the same amount of salt is retained. For excrement and russula they take it a little more - 50 g.

Ginger can be eaten in 10-12 days. Other types of mushrooms require a longer salting time: breasts - 30-40 days, traps - at least 40.

Salted porcini mushrooms: hot recipe

salted mushrooms recipe for winter

The second option for salting involves boiling the main ingredients. In this way, porcini mushrooms are most often harvested for the winter. For one kilogram take:

  • salt - 2 tablespoons;

  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;

  • blackcurrant leaf - 2-3 pieces;

  • cherry leaf - 4-5 pieces;

  • black pepper - 4-5 peas;

  • dill - about 5 g;

  • cloves - 3 buds.

Before salting, mushrooms must be prepared (the calculation of the ingredients is given specifically for prepared mushrooms). They are cleaned of debris, hats are separated from the legs (salt or only hats, or hats and legs separately). Large pieces of mushrooms are cut to the size of small ones. Water is poured into the pan at the rate of half a glass per 1 kg of prepared forest products. Pour all the salt into the liquid and let the mixture boil. Then mushrooms are dipped in it. Cook them for about 30 minutes, while constantly stirring to prevent burning. After the entire foam is removed from the broth, you can add spices.

salted mushrooms cooking recipes

It is easy to learn about the readiness of mushrooms: they begin to sink to the bottom, and the brine becomes transparent. After cooking, hats or legs need to be cooled. To do this, it is convenient to throw them into a large container. Then the porcini mushrooms are transferred to prepared containers, poured with brine and closed. The liquid should not be more than 1/5 of the mass of the main ingredient. Porcini mushrooms are ready in about 40-45 days.


In a hot way, you can salt other types of mushrooms. Depending on the variety, the cooking time changes from the moment of boiling:

  • greenfinch - 5-8 minutes;

  • Gruzdy - 5-10 minutes;

  • boletus and boletus - 20-30 minutes;

  • russula and travushki - 10-15 minutes;

  • honey agarics - 25-30 minutes;

  • value - 30-35 minutes;

  • mushrooms do not boil, but only pour boiling water over two or three times.

Almost all mushrooms can be eaten after 40-45 days. Values ​​are prepared a little longer: they must be kept for about 55 days.

salted mushroom recipes


There is a method known to many housewives by which salted mushrooms can be stored for a longer period. Winter recipes include preserving them. Ready-made mushrooms are transferred to the pan along with all the liquid and put on fire. The workpiece is brought to a boil (do not forget to stir!). After that, the hot mushrooms are immediately laid out in sterilized jars and covered with lids. The container is placed in a pot of water and left to boil. Half-liter cans are sterilized for 12-15 minutes, liter - 15-20. It is important to consider that the brine should be approximately 20% by weight of the mushrooms. If it is less, it is necessary to increase the volume of fluid. In a liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved, and cans are added to this mixture.

Salted mushroom dishes: caviar and salad recipes

Mushrooms prepared by one of the described methods are good both in winter and in summer both on their own and as an element of various dishes. For example, they are ideal for hearty salads, which are especially relevant during the cold season. Before preparing any dish, if necessary, salted mushrooms are steeped or washed.

For a salad with tomato dressing you will need:

  • salted mushrooms - 0.5 kg;

  • garlic - 2 cloves;

  • tomato paste and vinegar - one tablespoon each;

  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;

  • green onions, dill, parsley.

Tomato paste whipped with vinegar and butter. Shredded garlic and herbs are added to the mixture. Mushrooms are cut into strips. Then they are mixed with sauce.

You can cook another salad with salted mushrooms. The recipe includes 300 g of harvested forest products, 100 g each of pickles, carrots, beets, potatoes and cabbage, as well as 50 g of onions, 50 ml of vegetable oil, sugar, salt and parsley. Vegetables (carrots, beets and potatoes) should be boiled, peeled, diced, chopped cabbage. Onions are cut in half rings, salted mushrooms and cucumbers - in slices. The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with oil. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Ready dish is decorated with parsley.

salted mushroom salad recipe

Salted caviar is no less popular. Her recipe is also quite simple. For 300-350 g of mushrooms, one onion, pickled or pickled cucumber is taken. Also required:

  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l .;

  • mustard - 1 tsp;

  • vinegar (5%) - 2-3 tbsp. l .;

  • salt and pepper.

Mushrooms can be chopped or minced. To them you need to add finely chopped onions and cucumber. Then the mixture must be seasoned with oil and mustard, diluted in vinegar. After that, the eggs are salted and pepper, thoroughly mixed and served. Optionally, add greens to the dish.

salted caviar recipe

Salted mushrooms - a recipe that requires careful preparation of ingredients and considerable time, so not all housewives decide to engage in such preparations. However, the special taste and spicy aroma of this dish is well worth the effort.

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