Dropsy of the testicle in a newborn: causes and treatment methods

Hydrocele, or dropsy of the testicles, in newborns is quite common, in about one in ten babies. In this case, the disease has a different level of severity. Dropsy in medicine is the accumulation of serous physiological fluid between the membranes of the testicle, leading to an increase in the scrotum.

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Outwardly, this pathology resembles a dropsy after surgery in adults. Often, hydrocele in newborns is able to pass independently, during the first year after the birth of the child, but there are also cases when this disease needs special treatment. In general, it does not threaten the baby's life, but it is unpleasant that complications can occur due to this disease.

Reasons for the appearance

The main causes of dropsy of the testicle in the newborn must be sought in the specifics of the pregnancy of a woman, when in the embryo the testicles descend to the scrotum from the abdomen.

All causes are conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Congenital. They lead to the threat of miscarriage, pregnancy with pathologies, hereditary predisposition, smoking or drinking alcohol during pregnancy, prematurity of the baby.
  2. Acquired (more often observed among older children) - testicular disease, pathology of the heart and blood vessels, trauma during childbirth, postoperative or infectious complications.

But the causes of dropsy of the testicles in newborns do not end there. So, one can single out a separate point of mechanical external factors, such as damage to the scrotum, defects of the peritoneal wall, torsion of the testicle (twisting of the spermatic cord).

dropsy of the testicles in newborns what to do

It must be remembered that the named pathology in infants is not able to appear due to diapers, regardless of how they are used. For example, many people think that before fastening, the boy needs to raise his testicles, but this is a delusion that exists among inexperienced parents.

Signs of illness

During hygiene procedures, it is necessary to beware if the child, when touching the site of the scrotum, is anxious or begins to cry. He may also experience nausea and chills, fever. The kid sharply becomes indifferent to external events and lethargic.

But the main symptoms are an increase in one or both testicles and swelling in the groin area. During palpation of the testicles, a soft seal is felt, shifting to the side. It usually looks like an hourglass, which indicates the accumulation of physiological fluid in the seminal canal.

It is important to remember that you cannot diagnose this disease yourself, although parents often neglect this advice. With the first symptoms of dropsy, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications in the future.

Diagnosis of pathology in newborns

To diagnose a dropsy of a testicle in a newborn, one should differentiate it with a groin hernia. So, in the latter case, when the intestinal loop enters the scrotum during palpation, a characteristic gurgling sound is heard. A hernia with absent symptoms of infringement glides and quickly sets into the groin canal.

dropsy of the testis in newborns reviews

Hydrocele can also decrease with pressure, but this happens slowly, due to the flow of fluid into the peritoneal cavity. But a hydrocele that does not communicate will not decrease with pressure. With dropsy of the spermatic cord, a large fluid accumulation is found in the place of its projection.


What to do with dropsy of the testicles in newborns? First of all, the correct diagnosis should be made. To do this, diaphanoscopy is performed - transillumination of the testicle through a ray of light. For this purpose, special non-heating lamps are used. The transparent liquid has sufficient light permeability, and with the accumulation of serous exudate, the scrotum takes on a characteristic appearance: it is translucent, stained in yellow-red shades due to blood vessels and skin. The hernial sac is denser, therefore, does not let in liquid and light. In addition, transparency is low in purulent inflammation (piocele) or testicular tumor (hematocele).

To confirm the diagnosis and obtain more accurate information about the condition of the abdominal vaginal process, how the message is with the peritoneal cavity, what is the amount of fluid accumulated in the testicle, an ultrasound should be performed on the patient.

How to treat dropsy?

They treat dropsy of the testicle in a newborn, depending on the nature of the course of the disease, the presence or absence of progress. Methods can be conservative if the pathology is on the decline or is in the same phase. If the disease causes one or another discomfort in the newborn, and the doctor fears, then the intervention of the surgeon is required.

dropsy of the testicle in newborns Komarovsky

Surgical intervention

Treatment of pathology in newborns is carried out in various ways. When the disease worsens over time, surgery is required. There are several varieties of its conduct:

  • The first variant of such manipulation is the Ross operation, which is used for the communicating nature of dropsy.
  • Bergman's operation is carried out under general anesthesia, it is characterized by excision of the membrane inside the testicle. Drainage is placed, and pressure bandages are also applied. This operation is quite serious and is used when the situation is really very dangerous.
  • During the Lord’s operation, the testicle is removed into the wound, and the surgeon is already manipulating it. It is carried out under local anesthesia.

From the characteristics of the disease and the results of the analysis depends on what is the most appropriate method of surgical intervention in this case, the specialist will choose. I must say that it’s rather difficult for newborns to undergo such surgical intervention, in connection with which you need to be prepared that in the period after the operation there can be various kinds of consequences, for example, violation of the regimen and habitual feeding, as well as weight loss and other unpleasant features.

Conservative ways

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky with dropsy of the testicle in newborns advises conservative treatment. Currently, this is quite possible, but for this you need to know exactly what methods can be used at each particular stage.

when the dropsy of the testicles in newborns

As such, massage, the use of ointments (Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment) and other drugs can be used. All this should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. However, conservative treatment also consists in observing the regimen, proper nutrition, and sufficient exposure to fresh air. The baby can be assigned various kinds of gymnastic manipulations, which should be performed. With positive dynamics during a systematic examination by a urologist, it is quite possible that by the age of two the problem will be eliminated.

What other treatment for dropsy of the testis is used in the newborn?

Treatment with folk remedies

With a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, you must definitely use the methods proposed by traditional medicine. We list the most popular methods that are suitable for use in relation to newborns:

  • The first and widespread therapeutic method for getting rid of dropsy in newborns is flushing the urinary system with a furacilin solution. For this purpose, it is required to dilute the drug with water in a ratio of 1: 3, then rinse the genitals with a cotton pad.
  • Another recipe, which also has a high degree of impact, is bathing the baby in the bath with the addition of a decoction of chamomile or a string. This procedure not only benefits the skin by calming it, but also gives a good sleep and allows the disinfection of the genitourinary organs, thereby preventing the occurrence of infection.
  • Together with milk, you can give one drop of decoction of oak bark, which will contribute to further improvements. Also, baths with the addition of calendula will bring great benefit to the child. This plant is distinguished by its medical properties and is quite useful. Before going to bed, you need to carefully wipe the baby's genitals with Miramistin solution, and then air them. The child should be left as often as possible without diapers, to change wet diapers.
dropsy of the testicle in a newborn

Such a simple treatment of dropsy of the testicle in a newborn with folk remedies will make it possible, if not complete recovery, then at least slow down the disease and create conditions for it under which it will not progress. There are many popular ways and methods, but before using them in relation to the baby, you must always consult with your doctor.

Possible complications

If the parents recognized and treated the dropsy of the testicles in the newborns on time, its consequences will not be any serious. But if the visit to the doctor is postponed, then inflammatory processes of varying severity in the genitourinary system may develop. In addition, the scrotum can greatly increase, while the testicle itself decreases several times.

The consequences of surgery to rid children of dropsy can also have various complications. This mainly applies to those babies who have a weak immune system, or have a certain disease.

The following complications may occur:

  • pain after surgery;
  • the possibility of infertility;
  • mild or pronounced testicular atrophy;
  • defects of the reproductive system;
  • dropsy return.
testicular dropsy in newborns causes

In any case, modern medicine can literally work wonders. If the operation was carried out correctly, then this will in no way affect the man’s ability to bear children in the future. Postoperative complications are rare. It must be remembered that with timely treatment of dropsy, the baby will be healthy, and parents will not have cause for concern.

Reviews of dropsy of the testicle in newborns

Reviews about this pathology are numerous. Most mummies confirm that everything normalizes independently by 12 months. But it is better for everyone to clarify when the dropsy of the testicles in newborns, at their doctor. According to experts, isolated dropsy occurs due to birth injury, the characteristics of the hormonal status and the state of lymph outflow from the scrotum in 1 year old children. Often there is an increase in dropsy, and it becomes tense. In this case, experts recommend a puncture to remove fluid from the testicles.

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