"Motherwort Premium" in capsules: instructions for use, reviews

The modern rhythm of life often has a detrimental effect on the state of the nervous system and human psyche. Traffic jams, conflicts at work and at home, poor nutrition, bad habits - all these factors sooner or later provoke the appearance of insomnia, unmotivated aggression and irritability. Over time, quite serious diseases can appear - VSD, anxiety and depressive disorders, migraine with and without aura, etc.

The instruction for “Motherwort Premium” in capsules informs that regular intake of the drug can improve the patient's condition. Motherwort extract has a sedative, mild hypnotic effect. The article provides instructions and reviews about "Motherwort Premium" in capsules.

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredient of the drug is motherwort extract. From a long time, motherwort has been used for sleep problems, tearfulness and irritability. Even our ancestors noticed the amazing property of this plant: when taking a decoction from it, a person became calmer. Modern pharmacology has given us the opportunity to use drugs with motherwort extract in the composition to improve our psycho-emotional state.

Instructions for use with the "Motherwort Premium" in capsules reports that one capsule contains an extract of motherwort herb, magnesium carbonate, L-tryptophan, vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12. Tryptophan, when taken regularly, promotes the healthy production of serotonin and dopamine (the neurotransmitters responsible for good mood and stress resistance), and B vitamins normalize the central nervous system. In a package of the drug “Motherwort Premium” - 40 capsules. Patient reviews report that for a full course of treatment, usually three packs of the drug are sufficient.

motherwort premium action

pharmachologic effect

Taking capsules helps to regulate the functional state of the nervous system. At the same time, a soothing (sedative) effect is manifested, nervous excitability decreases, the patient becomes less irritable, withdrawal symptoms in chronic alcoholism decrease, development of sleeping pills is possible, antagonism is shown with regard to the convulsive effect of analeptics.

Against the background of constant and long-term use (over one month) in a therapeutic dosage, there is a correction of functional disorders of the nervous system characteristic of the menopause. Instructions for use with "Motherwort Premium" in capsules informs that in most cases the patient experiences a decrease in blood pressure. Against the background of taking the drug, the heart rhythm in vegetative-vascular dystonia is also regulated.

Indications for use

The instruction for “Motherwort Premium” in capsules reports that the drug should be taken by patients with the following diagnoses and a tendency to painful conditions:

  • arterial hypertension (the drug is especially effective in the early stages of the disorder);
  • period of withdrawal in people with chronic alcoholism;
  • violation of the psychoemotional background due to overwork;
  • insomnia and sleep phase disturbances;
  • various types of neurological disorders affecting the quality of sleep and a tendency to anxiety.

In case of anxiety-depressive disorders, taking Motherwort Premium can only be done after consultation with a treating psychiatrist. Self-administration can lead to a temporary deterioration in the condition.

side effects of motherwort


The instruction for "Motherwort Premium" in capsules reports that the drug has the following contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys in the acute stage;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to atopic dermatitis.

If there is at least one contraindication from the list, then you should refuse to take the drug and choose your other sedative.

premium motherwort action

Feasible side effects

Doctors' reviews of Motherwort Premium in capsules indicate that side effects are relatively rare. Most patients begin treatment immediately with therapeutic doses, while the drug is well tolerated.

However, in rare cases, it is still possible to develop the following side effects during treatment. Instruction for “Motherwort Premium” in capsules reports that the following side effects are possible:

  • atopic dermatitis (skin rash, itching);
  • dyspepsia;
  • a feeling of heaviness and pain in the stomach (especially when taken on an empty stomach);
  • drowsiness (appears immediately after taking a lozenge or capsule, which is why the drug is recommended to be taken before bedtime).
motherwort premium drowsiness

Drug interaction

With simultaneous administration with SSRI antidepressants, a deep and prolonged sleep is noted, the patient ceases to see dreams. Reviews of “Motherwort Premium” in capsules report that while taking it with antidepressants, the therapeutic effect does not improve or worsen, but severe sedation is very noticeable. After such a combination, it is more difficult for the patient to wake up in the morning, the duration of sleep can reach 12-14 hours of sound sleep.

With the simultaneous administration of a benzodiazepine series with tranquilizers, the sedative effect is also significantly enhanced.

There is no direct prohibition on the combination of the drug with other drugs. However, people with low blood pressure (hypotension) should be careful to combine the drug with cardiac drugs. Instructions and reviews on "Motherwort Premium" in capsules report that the drug has a rather pronounced antihypertensive effect, that is, it can lower blood pressure.

safe sedative

Recommended Dosages

How to take "Motherwort Premium" in capsules? Take "Motherwort Premium" inside, preferably after a meal, drinking a capsule with water. The average daily dosage for adult patients is 1-2 capsules twice a day.

The average duration of admission should be determined by the attending physician depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. The average duration of treatment is one to two months, usually after the first 30 days the patient is no longer bothered by problems with sleep, irritability, heart rate. Motherwort Premium does not cause the development of drug or psychological dependence. A prescription from a doctor is not required to buy medicine at a pharmacy.

In case of an overdose, there is no damage that could lead to death. The most unpleasant consequence of an overdose of the drug is a strong sedative effect and a deep, prolonged sleep, problems with focusing the next morning.

weakness after motherwort

Reviews on the use of insomnia

Violations of the phases of sleep of various etiologies can significantly impair the quality of life of any person. Reviews about "Motherwort Premium" in capsules report that, against the background of intake, the quality of sleep is largely restored. What is a disturbance in the phases of sleep? It would seem that a person spends 8 hours in a dream, but wakes up broken and not rested. This condition can develop as a result of many causes (VSD, stress, depressive anxiety disorders, withdrawal symptoms). Reception "Motherwort Premium" almost always helps to establish a sound and healthy sleep.

If insomnia is regular and associated with stress and anxiety, then the drug will also help establish sleep. It often happens that a person tormented by heavy thoughts cannot fall asleep for 2-4 hours. The reviews report that after taking two capsules of “Motherwort Premium” pleasant drowsiness occurs, and if you put out the light and not be distracted by extraneous irritants, then a good and healthy sleep will come very quickly.

motherwort premium for insomnia

Reviews on the use of irritability

Irritability is a completely natural reaction of a patient who is in constant psycho-emotional stress. Taking sedatives will help to cope with stress and become calmer. Reviews of "Motherwort Premium" report that against the background of treatment, a person becomes calmer about the second week. In the first days of administration, the effect is not noticeable. From the second week, a sedative effect is already evident.

Against the background of treatment with the drug, it is undesirable to drink alcoholic beverages. It is also recommended to avoid staying in stressful situations as much as possible. If there is no way to avoid being in a traumatic situation, then the effect of the drug may be insufficient. In this case, you should consult a doctor for a prescription for a more powerful drug - you may need to take a course of tranquilizers or even antidepressants. If the stress is not too strong and there is an opportunity to reduce its effect, then the course of treatment “Motherwort Premium” may be a sufficient measure.

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