Salting white breasts is easy

In the midst of the mushroom season, the question of processing and harvesting various types of mushrooms for the winter is particularly acute . They can be pickled - this is one of the most common ways. They are also dried, then used for cooking. One option is salting. What could be tastier than such mushrooms as a snack. Let's talk about the salting of white breasts. They are very well suited for this process.

White pickles

Universal way

As you know, there are two ways of salting: hot and cold. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. But this recipe is universal or something in between. We start salting the white breasts by soaking them. Of course, before this they need to be washed and sorted out. So, put the mushrooms in the dishes, preferably with the plates down. Now fill them with cold water and leave for three days. Every day, be sure to change the water so that they do not acidify. This simple process will remove unnecessary bitterness, which is present in some types of mushrooms, including white breasts. After that, fill the mushrooms with water and put on fire. When the liquid boils, you need to remove the foam and drain the resulting broth. Next, we need 45 grams of salt for every kilogram of mushrooms. We take a container for salting (except aluminum) and spread the bottom with horseradish leaves, currants and dill umbrellas. Then we put a layer of mushrooms with their hats down.

White salting
Sprinkle the mushrooms with salt. Next, you need to repeat layer by layer: leaves, mushrooms, salt. The last layer should consist of spices. After that, fill everything with mushroom broth left over from cooking. Put the press on top. Salting of white breasts begins. After about 5 days, fermentation will begin. The foam that has appeared must be removed and the mushrooms removed in a cold place. The mold that appears on top is easy to clean. If the upper leaves began to rot in the water, then they must be removed and put new ones. After 45 days, the salting of the white breasts will be over, and they can be eaten.

Salting the mushrooms in jars

Salt in the banks

If the number of mushrooms is large, then they are salted in large containers. For small quantities, you can use cans. To do this, you need a kilogram of white breasts, a few cloves of garlic (5-6 pieces), three large tablespoons of salt, green dill with umbrellas, a few leaves of oak, cherry, horseradish and a few peas of pepper. We start salting the white breasts with their processing. We rinse, cut off the legs and select only good specimens. Now we spread the mushrooms in an enameled dish, sprinkle with a small amount of salt (a handful) and fill it with water. Soak them in the same way as in the previous recipe. After that, peel the garlic and wash the leaves for salting. We put the mushrooms in the dishes with their hats down, pour them with salt and shift them with spices and herbs. Put a wooden circle on top and bend. It is necessary to ensure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms. If this does not happen, then we intensify oppression. After 30 days, we spread the mushrooms in prepared jars and place in a cold place. So there is a salting of mushrooms in banks. Eat after 10 days.

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