Jose Carreras: biography, creativity, personal life

Our material will review the biography of Jose Carreras. What started the career of this famous opera artist? What success did the outstanding tenor achieve? What is known about his personal life? We will talk about all this further.

early years

jose carreras biography

Jose Carreras, whose biography is discussed in the article, was born on December 5, 1946 in the city of Barcelona. Our hero grew up a balanced, inquisitive and well-mannered boy. From the first years of life, parents noticed his son's addiction to music. At her sounds, the child froze, forgetting about everything in the world.

Young tenor Jose Carreras began to develop his vocal abilities in elementary school. The boy fell in love with opera after watching the Great Caruso art tape, where performer Mario Lanza performed as a famous singer. Soon, the legendary soloist Enrico Caruso became a real idol for our hero. The works of the opera singer Jose Carreras, whose biography is considered in our material, have been memorized.

Parents tried in every possible way to stimulate the development of their son's talents. After reaching the age of 8, the aspiring Spanish singer was sent to the conservatory, a visit to which he combined with classes in a regular high school. In addition to singing, little Jose learned to play the piano. In the same period, for the young Carreras, the first performance in public was held. The boy was invited to perform a small segment of the opera on the air of a state radio station.

It is worth noting that the Carreras family frankly did not live in poverty and was considered a respectable dynasty. However, little Jose did not succeed at the expense of the bonds of respected parents, but tried to rely solely on his own talent. Moreover, the boy never asked his father and mother for money. In his spare time, he helped his parents deliver cosmetic products to shops, which were produced at a family enterprise. At leisure, like many other guys, young Jose Carreras talked with peers, played football, visited the local stadium, where he supported the hometown team.

Debut as an Opera Singer

spanish singer

The young fame of the young Spanish singer acquired in 1957. At this time, Carreras was invited to perform on the famous theater stage of the city of Barcelona under the name Grand Teatro de Liceo. At that time, little talent was only 11 years old. In the theater, Jose got a role in the opera “The Carriage of the Master Pedro”. Here he performed the children's part of the soprano.

After the resounding success of Jose Carreras, whose biography until this moment was filled only with ups, he entered the University of Barcelona. At the insistence of his father, the guy began to comprehend the profession of a chemist. However, in the second year, the young man decided to leave the prestigious educational institution, as he experienced a shortage of free time necessary to visit the musical lyceum, where he improved his vocal abilities.

Artist's finest hour

tenor jose carreras

José Carreras owes much of his great success on the world stage to the protectorate of the famous opera singer Montserrat Caballe. This stellar personality was noticed by a young and talented performer in the late 60s, inviting him to the role of the leading plan in the operetta Lucretia Borgia. Once again, Carreras was lucky to perform on the big stage with Caballe in 1971. Since that time, opera performers began to appear regularly in public. In total, the artists played together in more than a dozen productions.

Jose Carreras: personal life

jose carreras personal life

The first wife of the famous opera performer was a woman named Mercedes Perez. With her, our hero married at the height of his career. In 1992, the couple broke up. The reasons for the divorce Carreras decided not to spread. From this marriage, the singer has a son and a daughter.

The second time Jose got married in 2006. The wife of our hero was a young and attractive stewardess Jutte Jäger, whom the singer met during a trip to the tour. However, this marriage was also not destined to last long. In 2011, Carreras and Jäger divorced.

Today, the former star of the opera scene lives in his own villa in the suburbs of his native Barcelona. Carreras devotes the bulk of his time to developing his own foundation, the initiatives of which are aimed at combating leukemia, from which the singer successfully recovered from his time.


In the spring of 2009, Carreras announced to a wide audience his desire to end his career as an opera performer. The reason was health problems, as well as a respectable age, which did not allow the famous tenor for all 100 to surrender to his beloved business.

Jose Carreras left about one and a half hundred records, which include recordings of live performances, as well as numerous studio works by the artist. The disks of an outstanding opera singer have repeatedly diverged in millions of copies in various countries around the world. Some Carreras records have acquired the status of gold and platinum.

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