Lermontov Theater (Almaty): history, repertoire, troupe

Lermontov Theater (Almaty) was opened in the first half of the 20th century. Today his repertoire is diverse and rich. The troupe has wonderful, talented actors.


Lermontov Theater of Almaty

Lermontov Theater (Almaty) opened in 1933. His first director was Yu.L. Rutkovsky. This man and his associates had to overcome many difficulties in order to create a theater. But Yuri Ludwigovich was an enthusiast, like the first actors of the Almaty drama.

At the beginning of its career, the theater released seven to eight premiere productions per year. The repertoire included Russian classics and, of course, the eternal plays of Zh.B. Moliere, F. Schiller, W. Shakespeare, C. Goldoni. From the first days of its existence, the theater tried to choose such plays for productions that were interesting to the actors, directors, and the public.

The name of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was given to the Almaty drama in 1964, in the year of the 150th anniversary of the writer. In 1974, the theater received the title of Academic. The nineties were very difficult for the Almaty drama. The country did not become, and the old ideology collapsed. It was necessary to change the repertoire. But the theater managed to survive. In choosing plays for the repertoire, he relied mainly on time-tested classics, which have always been and remain relevant. At that time, the stage was staged: "Talents and fans", "Dog Heart", "Notre Dame Cathedral", "Memorial Prayer", "Three Sisters", "Hamlet".

For those who visit the Almaty theater for the first time, the question arises of what address it has. Lermontov Theater (Almaty) is located on Abay Avenue, house number 43.

The President of Kazakhstan appreciates the contribution of the drama theater to the cultural life of the Republic. In the jubilee year for Almaty Russian drama, he presented actors and management with government awards.


Address Lermontov Theater Almaty

The repertoire of the Lermontov Theater in Almaty includes productions of classical works, modern plays and fairy tales for many generations loved by children.


  • "Dinner with a fool."
  • "Visit of the lady."
  • "The Cherry Orchard".
  • "What a woman wants."
  • "Azalea".
  • "Doors slam."
  • "I'm waiting for you, love."
  • "Transfer".
  • "Vasilisa the Beautiful."
  • "Complete harmony."
  • "While she was dying."
  • "Small marital atrocities."
  • "Romeo and Juliet".
  • "Killing by mistake."
  • "Family portrait with an outsider."
  • The Examiner.
  • "French lessons".
  • "Number 13".
  • "Hotel of two worlds."
  • "Gull".
  • "Our town."
  • "Climbing Fuji".
  • "These free butterflies."
  • "Rain seller."
  • "Pajamas for six."
  • "Freaks."
  • "Crystal shoe".
  • "The eldest son."
  • "Search a woman".
  • Tartuffe.
  • "Visits to Minister Green."
  • "Faithful wife".
  • "Pygmalion".


Lermontov Theater repertoire in Almaty

The Lermontov Theater (Almaty) is, of course, wonderful actors.


  • Tatyana Banchenko.
  • Alexander Zubov.
  • Dmitry Bagryantsev.
  • Olga Landina.
  • Philip Voloshin.
  • Camilla Ermakova.
  • Vitaly Grishko.
  • Yuri Kapustin.
  • Ilya Bobkov.
  • Nina Zhmerenetskaya.
  • Vitaly Bagryantsev.
  • Roman Zhukov.
  • Marina Gantseva.
  • Irina Kelbler.
  • Alexander Bagryantsev.
  • Natalya Dolmatova.
  • Eugene Zaderiushko.
  • Anatoly Krezhenchukov.
  • Oksana Boychenko.
  • Valentina Zinchenko.
  • Galina Buyanova.
  • Dilmurad Dzhambakiev.
  • Gennaly Balaev.

Dress code

Lermontov Theater (Almaty) gives its viewers recommendations on how the appearance should be when visiting it. Previously, it was customary to attend performances exclusively in evening toilets. Today, there is no such strict dress code. Nevertheless, you need to try to look accordingly. For example, shorts should not be worn in the theater, since such clothes are completely inconsistent with the case, and as such they will not be allowed into the auditorium. Better to choose a different outfit. Moreover, in our time there are theater-goers who come to watch performances in evening toilets. Against this background, the spectator in shorts will look like an adherent of bad taste.

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