The heel goes numb: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

The heel is not the most sensitive area of ​​the body to pain, but if it is wounded or bruised, it becomes clear how many nerve endings there are that are protected and do not remind of themselves when walking.

It happens that when you click on this part of the foot there is a burning sensation or tension: the heel of the right foot or the left is numb. And such a symptom may indicate the presence of a serious disease.

How does numbness manifest itself

There are several types of manifestations of numbness of the foot:

  • Tingling. It manifests itself as a feeling of cold in the heel in a calm position, with physical exertion on the feet.
numb right heel
  • Pain during movement. It becomes hard to run, walk in high heel shoes, ride a bicycle.
  • Pinching. It appears as foot cramps. Symptoms worsen gradually if the cause is a disease. If tingling is caused by trauma, infection, then cramps develop in a short time.

Causes of numbness

Why do heels go numb? Causes:

  • unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins, minerals, which increases the risk of anemia;
  • depletion of the immune system after a serious illness;
  • fatigue due to chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, overwork at work;
cause heel numb
  • performing heavy physical exercises;
  • overstrain of the nervous system;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the deep layers of the skin;
  • alcohol abuse
  • smoking;
  • prolonged stay in one position, the habit of throwing one foot on one foot or squatting, walking in high heels;
  • motionless lifestyle;
  • low temperature indoors or outdoors.


The most common pathologies, according to doctors:

  1. Paresis of the foot. There is a weakening of the leg muscles due to damage to the area of ​​the brain. As a result, the patient finds it difficult to raise his leg up, to bend the foot. A constant load on the foot leads to a loss of sensitivity, so the heel is numb.
  2. Plantar fasciitis (spur).
  3. Disturbance of the plantar nerve. The lateral nerve located in the heel is squeezed. There is an overgrowth of tissues on the heel bones, which causes severe pain. The result is a gradual numbness of the foot.
  4. Bursitis. An inflammatory disease that develops due to crushing of the foot. Thus, if the heels go numb, the reason sometimes lies in wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes. Also, the ailment can be caused by suppuration of the wounds, provoked by frequent cycling.
  5. Fibromatosis. The appearance of scars, fibromas, nodules under the skin, which cause unpleasant sensations. A large growth inhibits sensitivity with a touch on the foot, soft tissues hide under the fibroids.
    why do heels go numb
  6. Vascular problems. If there is a violation of the blood supply to the tissues (thrombosis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, stroke), the heart has to work in an intense mode, because of which heart failure develops. Damage or blockage of blood vessels often serves as the beginning of a stroke, resulting in loss of speech, mental disorders, and death.
  7. Benign neoplasm (Morton's neuroma), in which the foot tissue thickens, causing numbness. The cause of the anomaly is flat feet, hematoma, trauma, excessive loads on the legs.
  8. Tumor processes due to oncology. Untimely detection of the disease is fatal.
  9. The defeat of nerves, their pinched between the discs of the spine. The affected nerve of the foot causes pain that is unbearable without medication.
  10. Diseases of the nervous system. Some of them lead to the destruction or alteration of nerve tissue. Sensitivity is impaired, so the heels of the left foot, or right, become numb.
  11. Suppuration. There is a risk of infection spreading throughout the body. Immunity is reduced, health is deteriorating. If inflammation borders on a threat to life, the leg will have to be amputated.
  12. Atrophy of adipose tissue, which is located between the calcaneus and the outer layer of the skin. In the absence of protection and under the influence of bone, the skin is deformed, cells die. There are corns, and with them numbness.
  13. Diabetes. The disease causes a number of pathological changes in the skin, muscles, joints. The heels go numb, the skin dries and crack.
  14. Lymphatic drainage. Lymph cleansing tissue must flow to them, otherwise the skin atrophies and sensitivity decreases.

Pathologies of moderate severity

Other pathologies:

  • low blood circulation in the legs;
  • deterioration in the elasticity of joints, ligamentous apparatus;
  • violation of the state of neuroterminal;
  • dysfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • various types of neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the spine;
  • oncology;
  • pathology of infectious origin;
  • vasal diseases.

Numbness of the foot sometimes disappears without the intervention of specialists. But if the symptoms are disturbing for several days, you should consult a doctor.

Danger of foot numbness

The feeling that the heel is numb does not have to inspire concern. But sometimes the problem becomes serious. Ignoring the frequent manifestations of tingling and burning leads to stagnation of blood circulation.

Inadequate nutrition of cells negatively affects the state of nerve endings. In some cases, this leads to difficulty walking and gangrene.

numb left heel

It is not the fact of the fact that the heels of the feet are numb, but the reasons for the loss of sensitivity that are worrying.

Loss of susceptibility of the foot is fraught with the following consequences:

  • danger not to calculate the force of impact of the foot when running, jumping;
  • risk of injury with a sharp object;
  • the likelihood of worsening gait due to the inflexibility of the foot, the inability to raise the leg;
  • the possibility of death of the skin and the multiplication of pathogens.


First, the therapist collects an anamnesis and writes out a referral for blood and urine tests to identify inflammation in the body, kidney dysfunction, and other system malfunctions. At the next stage, the doctor prescribes the patient an x-ray, MRI, CT.

With the results obtained, the patient is redirected to the orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon.

The situation is complicated if the disease is associated with a pathology of the internal organs. In this case, a complete diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment.

numb heels reason

Numbness during pregnancy

With an increased load on the vessels and a deterioration in digestion during pregnancy, the absorption of beneficial trace elements is complicated. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the cause of malaise is often toxicosis, in the second half of the term - an increase in body weight.

Sometimes the problem is solved with the introduction of simple recommendations. It:

  • classes in light gymnastics;
  • fortification of the diet with iron-containing products;
  • pastime in the fresh air;
  • massage procedures with a stiff sponge under a warm shower;
  • restriction of salt in the diet.

If, following the recommendations, it does not leave you feeling uncomfortable, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Recovery Methods

The treatment of numbness depends on the provoking factor. The primary ways to restore the sensitivity of the foot before diagnosis using ultrasound, MRI, and blood tests are a full-fledged lifestyle, including walking in the air, quality sleep, vitamin therapy, and giving up bad habits.

Treatment for a disease in which the heel is numb:

  1. Taking anti-inflammatory medications that impede the progression of latent diseases aimed at reducing inflammatory processes.
  2. Laser Therapy Treatment with cryogenic rays. Physical training: a special set of exercises to restore the muscle frame, improve joint mobility.
  3. Procedures for increasing blood circulation, including drug injections and acupuncture.
  4. Physiotherapy, including rubbing in the spine, lower legs, acupressure, manual therapy.
  5. Sparing diet, selection of a diet for diabetes.
  6. Reception of vitamins, iron-containing products.
  7. Surgical intervention.
numb heels

Each case is individual, treatment may require the intervention of a neurologist, therapist, orthopedist. The duration of the course to eliminate pain in the foot can vary from two weeks to several months.

The form of the disease and its solution:

  • vein diseases - you will need the help of a phlebologist;
  • diseases of the joints, spine, blood vessels - a visit to the chiropractor is necessary;
  • increased coldness of the extremities - smoking cessation is indicated, as a result of which the vessels are clogged and oxygen supply is disturbed;
  • coarsening of the skin - exfoliating and stimulating blood circulation scrubs are useful;
  • foot fungus - recommended course of antifungal therapy to restore sensitivity.

Folk remedies

Natural remedies should be used with caution, although in cases where the heel is numb, they are quite effective. Alternative methods suggest increased circulation in the foot. For this purpose, infusions of garlic, onions, black pepper, iodine compresses are used.

Eggshell for the treatment of heels

Most popular remedies:

  1. Egg shell: take 5 g per day in a crushed state, washed down with water.
  2. Cucumber tincture: insist chopped pickles with the addition of hot pepper in alcohol for ten days, filter, wipe the feet before bedtime.
  3. Milk baths. Apply warm baths based on milk with honey for about 15 minutes.
  4. Pumpkin compress. Apply the boiled mass of pumpkin to the feet for half an hour, wrapping the legs with polyethylene on top.

Any means that warm the feet and improve blood circulation will help. But it is advisable to obtain the approval of a doctor.

Natural treatment may include foods fortified with calcium, although the introduction of the usual vitamin complex may be a more appropriate method. Sometimes the symptoms go away, and the true cause of the pain remains unidentified, which is unsafe for health.

Recommended Nutrition

To restore the sensitivity of the heel, it is necessary to balance the diet, include products containing potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

A high percentage of trace elements contains:

  • potassium - in prunes, raisins, bananas, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, chicken, beef, salmon, cod;
  • phosphorus - in cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, egg yolk, ram kidneys, black caviar;
  • magnesium - in soybeans, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, pine nuts, oatmeal, sea kale, rose hips, cocoa;
  • calcium - in nettles, condensed milk, cottage cheese, cheese, spinach, nori seaweed, herring.


The list of preventive measures if the right heel or left is numb:

  • moderate physical activity, training;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • ability to get out of stressful situations;
  • micronutrient-rich diet
  • regular massage treatments;
  • timely treatment of skin surfaces in case of injury;
  • wearing comfortable shoes.

In the presence of unpleasant symptoms, you should consult a specialist in a timely manner, which will help to avoid the undesirable consequences of the disease.

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