All people periodically get colds. And, by the way, in our country it is very rare when they turn to a doctor for help. That is why not everyone knows how to distinguish flu from a cold.
A few words about the common cold
At the very beginning, I want to say that most often a person is faced with a cold, and not flu. Surprisingly, today there are 250 varieties of viruses that can cause this ailment. Doctors say that a healthy adult can catch an average of two to four times a year. It all depends on the body's resistance. Children get sick more often. After all, their resistance is much lower. Breasts get sick even more often. They may have a runny nose from 6 to 10 times in 12 calendar months. It should also be noted that those people who are in different groups are more often sick: in kindergartens, schools, at work. After all, it’s easier for them to catch an infection.
A few words about the flu
It’s important to figure out how to distinguish flu from colds. Features of the flu - that is what you need to talk about first. So, this is a very contagious and rapidly spreading disease. It hits the human body harder than a common cold. It is also worth mentioning that do not underestimate the flu. Indeed, in about a third of cases, it flows into another, more complex disease. It can be, for example, sinusitis or pneumonia. It is worthwhile to beware of this disease, first of all, for young children, the elderly, as well as people with exhausted immunity. They are much more difficult to deal with. The adaptation period after recovery will also be more difficult.
The first difference: the appearance of the disease
How to distinguish flu from a cold and not make a mistake? The main thing here is to pay attention to the occurrence of the disease itself. After all, if it is a cold, its symptoms increase slowly. First a runny nose appears, a sore throat may occur . Only after a while can a temperature appear, and the patient's condition worsen. If we are talking about the flu, this disease manifests itself with lightning speed. All symptoms are usually immediately apparent, bright and sharp.
The second difference: temperature
The next tip on how to distinguish flu from colds is to study your temperature. If we are talking about ARVI, it will not immediately appear. Indicators will increase later than other symptoms appear. In addition, the numbers most often do not cross the 38.5 ° C mark. Everything goes in a couple of days. This temperature can be “carried on feet,” although this is highly discouraged.
When it comes to flu, body temperature rises rapidly. The numbers are often frightening: 39-40 ° C. The temperature lasts about three days. A person will not be able to work effectively in this condition.
The third difference: sensations
The next tip is how to distinguish flu from SARS, the common cold: you need to monitor your feelings. They will differ significantly. So, if it is a catarrhal disease, a person may have fatigue, slight chills, fatigue. There will be no severe pain. The patient will be able to serve himself without any problems.
If we are talking about the flu, the patient will definitely have chills throughout the body, fever. There may also be pain in the temples, eyes. Mental activity decreases. A person may develop photophobia.
Fourth difference: runny nose
The following clue is how to distinguish flu from a cold: you need to monitor whether the patient has a runny nose. Its presence can tell a lot. So, if he appeared first, before the manifestation of other symptoms - this is most likely a cold. Also at this time the nose is usually stuffed up, its swelling is observed. Highlighting can change color. Often also watery eyes, but there is no conjunctivitis. The patient will also sneeze very often.
If it is flu, a runny nose will appear no earlier than on the second day of illness. Or it may not be at all. Eyes can watery only in case of conjunctivitis. Sneezing will be rare.
Fifth Difference: Throat
What is the difference between a cold and the flu? So, the condition of the throat can tell about this. If there is a cold, it will be loose, red throughout the entire duration of the illness. In this case, the pain can be of any strength. Coughing is most often jerky. First dry, then wet - when expectoration occurs.
In the case of flu, the back of the throat is most often affected, as well as the palate. Later, after about a day, a painful cough appears, which causes chest pain. In time it is very long: 2-3 weeks. Often develops into an additional disease - bronchitis.
The sixth difference: the digestive system
Surprisingly, the human gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the influenza state. At this time, patients often have diarrhea, less often - vomiting. With a cold, this happens very rarely.
The seventh difference: the duration of the disease
The last difference between a cold and the flu: the duration of the disease itself. The course of the disease will be different, it is clear. Influenza stretches for about 10 days (during this time, body temperature is completely normalized). The first four of them are an acute period when the patient will have a fever, and all the symptoms will be bright. After this time, a headache, insomnia, irritability may persist for a couple of weeks. Efficiency will also be low, and fatigue - high.
If this is a cold, all the symptoms will pass in a week. In this acute condition will be only one day, usually not the first, but the second or third. Further, everything will slowly decline. Performance remains for the entire period of the disease. However, it is better to spend this time in bed. Also, after acute respiratory viral infections there is no asthenic syndrome. Those. after recovery, a person will not feel a feeling of weakness, fatigue.
Cold treatment
How to distinguish flu from SARS and what is the difference in their treatment regimens? If we are talking about a cold, then at the first symptoms of its manifestation, you need to start taking action. So, if a throat perspires, it must be started immediately to rinse. If a runny nose - you need to rinse your nose and bury it with healing drops. So, it’s good to clean your nose with a so-called shower. You need to take a lot of warm drink, food should be easily digestible. You can’t bring down the temperature until it has gone beyond the 38 ° C mark (the body is still trying to cope with the infection). It should also be noted that although the patient’s condition is not the worst, it’s better to limit activity for this time. It’s easier to cope with the symptoms and bring the moment of recovery closer.
Flu treatment
How to distinguish flu from a cold? What is the difference between influenza and symptoms? Methods of getting rid of him! In this case, the patient should immediately go to bed, because the symptoms will manifest acutely, vividly. Performance will be very low. And besides, the diseased instantly becomes a peddler of a dangerous infection. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous, so it is best to call a doctor at home. He will prescribe the necessary drugs. Important: antibiotics for the flu will not help. So you do not need to aggravate the course of the disease and the condition of your body on your own.
As a small conclusion, I want to say that, of course, it is important to know how to distinguish flu from SARS. But it is best to seek the help of a doctor at the first symptoms of any disease. This is the only way to help your body cope with the problem much faster.