Celery root. How to cook this amazing product

Surely, when it becomes necessary to purchase several bunches of fresh herbs for a salad or a first course, you have often come across a look at such a cultivated plant as celery. Its juicy stems with a specific spicy aroma and taste will always be appropriate in a plate of hot borsch or meat hodgepodge. Fans add it fresh and to salads to give a special flavor. And not in vain, because this plant literally oozes substances useful for the body, the concentration of which is not comparable with the content in other products. However, take a closer look that it lies nearby? Some kind of massive round tuber the size of a kind with a good melon. And on the price tag is again the inscription "Celery". What is the matter?

Yes, just celery is so rich in vitamins and minerals that absolutely all its parts are consumed. And that which can initially be confused with a large green radish is its root. You can list its useful properties for a very long time, because the list of active substances contained is quite long: salts of nickel, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, chlorine, carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, ascorbic, acetic and butyric acids , etc. You will say this periodic table, and you will be partly right. All these components in microscopic doses can become good allies in the fight against cystitis and pylonephritis. Surprisingly, in the list of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, celery root is again found . How to cook this amazing product?

It is incredibly popular among gourmets, so any Internet search engine for the query "celery root cooking recipes" will give you a great many delicious and healthy dishes. It remains only to choose a cooking method and a set of related products. Here are some of the most useful recipes.

Fried celery root

Many foods fortified with vitamins and minerals are not recommended for heat treatment. This is explained by the fact that as a result, the dish will lose its useful properties. But celery root does not apply to them. How to cook, covering a full festive table, if there are no fried foods? There is only one answer. So you can safely get a frying pan and use the following options.

An option for those who do not want to look for something exotic from the ingredients, and also value their free time. Everything is as simple as possible, celery root (it’s clear from the subtitle how to cook) must first be peeled and cut into slices of the desired size and thickness. To give the finished dish acidity, they need to be sprinkled on both sides with lemon juice. After that, roll them thoroughly in flour and spread them in a preheated pan. You can fry both in sunflower and olive oil. To taste, the final result will resemble zucchini.

Celery root. How to cook soup

Ideal for those who follow their figure, but at the same time want to eat tasty and healthy. This rich vegetable soup will not only appeal to everyone who loves such hot dishes, but will also replenish the supply of vitamins in the body during even the most strict diet.

- 0.2 kg of celery root;

- 0.4 kg of asparagus (you can take green beans);

- a small head of white cabbage;

- 6 medium onions;

- 1 sweet bell pepper;

- 6 pieces of carrots;

- 6 small tomatoes;

- one and a half liters of tomato juice, spices, salt, herbs.

All vegetables, including celery, must be carefully cut into thin strips of medium thickness (it is better not to grind too much, otherwise the soup may turn into porridge) and put in a cooked pan. Pour juice over everything and put on fire. If the juice did not hide the vegetables, add to the desired volume of water. While stirring, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. After that, turn off the gas, cover and cook the same amount of time. The soup is ready.

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