For humans, protein food is indispensable. But not always in the refrigerator the hostess will find meat or fish. Beans come to the rescue here. Very hearty and delicious dishes can be prepared from beans. Of particular interest is the turmeric bean - an appetizer that people like to cook in the East, especially in the Caucasus. The basis of the turkey is green or yellow beans, the taste of the dish is sharp and sour.
Many housewives never cooked stewed beans, cooking recipes which we will consider today. For those who decided to cook it for the first time, it is recommended to make a test of a small amount of ingredients, which is often called a “one-bite test”. There are many recipes for a single bean stew, but more often eggplant and bell pepper are added to the dish. Recipes are good in that all components can be taken in quantity at your discretion. Greens can be used any: cilantro, basil, dill, celery and so on.
Cooking features
To make the dish tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right beans. For this, pods of light green or yellow color, of beautiful shape, which have an even gloss and are quite dense, are suitable. Only young fruits have a delicate taste and juiciness, for which this product is appreciated.
Before cooking, the tips of the pods are cut from two sides, then they are washed well. When cooking, the vegetable must be dipped in boiling water, cook it for no more than two minutes, so that it does not boil and does not lose its useful properties. Thus, it is cooked until half cooked. After that, they are thrown into a colander and laid out on a towel so that it dries. After cooking, you can cut the beans into pieces. Tursha is a good addition to meat and fish dishes, it is also used as a snack.
Stuffed Beans: recipes for the winter
Ingredients : green beans (green or yellow), carrots and garlic, as well as salt, hot and black peppers, bay leaf.
Beans are washed and cleaned of the tails. Then it is boiled for two minutes, removed and cooled with a paper towel. Peel the carrots, wash and grate, peel the garlic. Hot peppers are washed, seeds are removed from it and finely chopped, the garlic is ground.
How to cook turmeric beans (recipes for the winter )? To do this, put a layer of beans in a large pan, sprinkle it with one spoon of salt, garlic and hot pepper, add black pepper and bay leaf. Then lay a layer of carrots and repeat the same procedures. The pan is covered with a plate and put oppression for five days. On the first day, vegetables should let the juice go, if it is not enough, you can add a brine made from one liter of water and one tablespoon of salt. On the second day, you can taste the dish and add salt if desired.
On the fourth day, stewed bean is harvested for the winter . To do this, the brine is drained and boiled for about five minutes. Vegetables are put in clean jars and poured with hot brine, rolled up and stored in a cold place. If the stew is not prepared for the winter, it can be consumed on the fourth day. Serve it with olive oil and green onions.
Tours for the winter: the second recipe
The stew, prepared according to the above recipe, is separated from the brine and tightly stacked in liter jars. Then they are covered with lids, then put in water and sterilized for thirty minutes. After that, the cans are rolled up, covered with a blanket and left to cool completely.
Caucasian national tour
Ingredients : one kilogram of green (yellow) green beans, four sweet peppers, four young eggplant, one pod of hot red pepper, eight cloves of garlic, purple basil, dill, three hundred grams of cold water and thirty grams of salt.
There are very original recipes for dishes made from stewed beans . One of the most delicious is this dish. To cook it, you need to boil the beans so that it remains elastic. Eggplant and sweet pepper are also boiled. Garlic must be peeled and crushed. All vegetables are added to the dishes, garlic and bitter pepper are added, chopped greens are placed on top, salted and poured with water. The dishes are covered and placed under oppression. The vegetables are left to boil for four days, served with a stew of vegetable oil, sprinkled with chopped green onions. Stuffed turmeric beans along with other vegetables in a cold place.
Korean Beans
Beans are very tasty if they are cooked according to this recipe.
Ingredients : one kilogram of asparagus beans, two hundred and fifty grams of carrots, one head of garlic, one hundred grams of vegetable oil, seventy grams of vinegar, two tablespoons of sugar. Fifteen grams of hot seasoning.
This pickled bean stew is easy to prepare. First, the beans are washed and cleaned, blanched in salted water for several minutes, after which they are smoothed out on a paper towel so that the excess liquid is gone. Then the carrots are grated, the garlic is passed through a meat grinder, sugar, seasoning and salt are added. All vegetables are mixed, poured with hot oil. Ready-made turkish bean in Korean should stand in a cold place for about a day, after which it can be used as a snack.
Tursha with eggplant
Ingredients : two kilograms of flat green beans, three green lettuce peppers, two heads of garlic, piri-piri sauce, two eggplants. For brine: two liters of water and one hundred grams of salt.
According to this recipe, bean It’s just getting ready. First, a pickle is prepared, which is left so that it cools down. Meanwhile, the beans and eggplants are boiled separately for about two minutes, removed and cooled. It is laid out in layers, shifting with slices of pepper and slices of eggplant, sprinkled with chopped garlic. Then they are watered with piri-piri sauce. Thus, several layers should be obtained. All this is poured with brine and put under oppression. In a few days, the stewed beans, the recipes for which are very interesting, will be ready. It is placed in a salad bowl and watered with olive or other vegetable oil, finely chopped onions are placed on top.
Pickled beans
Before using this snack, it must be rinsed with acetic acid.
Ingredients : five hundred grams of green beans, eight hundred grams of water, forty grams of salt, five grams of vinegar.
The beans are washed, cut into three parts, boiled for five minutes and dried. Salt is added to the water and put on fire. Ready brine is poured into cans pre-cooked with beans, vinegar is added, covered with lids and sterilized for twenty-five minutes, then rolled up and set to cool, after being wrapped in a blanket, the finished dish is great as a side dish for cereals, meat and fish dishes.