Why are heels cracking? Causes and Solution

heels crack strongly what to do
Cracks in the heels - a phenomenon quite frequent and very unpleasant. They bring significant discomfort and slowly heal, not allowing an active lifestyle. Why do cracks appear? The reasons lie in the body itself, or is it solely due to external factors?

Why are heels cracking?

The reasons can be very diverse. For example, diseases such as diabetes, obesity, some skin diseases, inevitably lead to dry skin and the appearance of cracks. In addition, the skin tends to become dry with age, which is associated with a change in metabolism and hormonal levels. Therefore, it is not surprising that many face heel crack problems after 40 years. One of the reasons why the skin on the heels is cracking is a violation of basic hygienic standards in shoe wear. So, poor-quality synthetic materials and improperly selected shoes can significantly worsen the condition of the feet. What other options might be for why heels crack? The reasons are sometimes quite commonplace. For example, fungal diseases that are easy to catch in public places: in the pool, on the lake, by the river. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory, which will prescribe a special drug that is effective for treating a specific type of fungus.

why do heels crack
Solution to the problem

So, we figured out the question "why the heels crack". The reasons can be very diverse. If these are medical problems, then the appropriate doctor will prescribe the treatment. If cracks in the heels appear due to insufficient foot care, then the following remedies will come to the rescue:

1. It is necessary to regularly arrange salt baths for the feet. At the same time, salt itself is an excellent scrub that helps get rid of dead cells, and warm water steams the skin well. After such a bath, you need to carefully clean the heels with a pumice stone, carefully wipe and apply beeswax or any greasy cream densely. Sometimes it happens that the heels crack especially hard. What to do in this case? You can add a nourishing mask to the salt bath: combine a couple of tablespoons of fat cottage cheese with honey and sour cream in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Apply the composition to the heels and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Cracks on the heels can be effectively controlled with the help of the following compress: smear the feet with fish oil, wrap with cling film, put on cotton socks and leave the compress overnight.

3. An aspirin mask will also help in the fight against cracks. 10 tablets of aspirin must be diluted with water to the consistency of gruel, add lemon juice. Apply the mask to the feet, wrap it with foil and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off and generously spread the heels with greasy cream.

Crack Prevention

why does heel skin crack
Why are heels cracking? We have already found out the reasons for the misfortune, it remains to determine the methods of prevention. The absence of chronic diseases and basic foot hygiene are the best prevention of cracking. Do not forget about the regular pedicure (salon or home - it does not matter). The main thing is that during the procedure a gentle exfoliation of dead skin particles takes place and a foot massage is performed, due to which the blood supply to the feet improves. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin on the heels with nourishing creams.

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